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  1. #1
    Pirate Cursed
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    Mar 2006

    Default Monk Completionist Build

    I am ready to TR my monk and ive decided to try for completionist. I would like to use the same basic build each life as well as the same gear as I have gotten a lot of monk gear for different levels. The idea is to keep the first 10 levels as the primary build and the last 10 as what life im taking. I will also TR each time at 20 so I will not be staying capped and I already have +3 tomes for everything.

    Here is my basic build idea with feats.

    20 helf-elf with cleric dilettante
    9 Monk/1 Rogue/10 current life

    (34 point) Lawful Good
    STR: 14 +3
    DEX: 15 +3
    CON: 14 +3
    INT: 12 +3
    WIS: 15 +3
    CHA: 8 +3

    (36 point) Lawful Good
    STR: 14 +3
    DEX: 15 +3
    CON: 14 +3
    INT: 12 +3
    WIS: 16 +3
    CHA: 8 +3

    Feats: TWF/ITFW/GTWF, Toughness, Stunning Fist, Dodge, combat Expertise, Imp. Crit. Bludgeoning, Past Life Monk Feat,

    Level Progression
    2-10 Monk
    11-20 Current Life

    I was thinking of doing light side monk till level 12 then feat swapping the light for dark as I have the vamp. Stonedust handwraps and will not need the healing from light side for when I solo.

    Any ideas to critique this build or advice as to if this will work to achieve Completionist would be great.

    I understand I cant do Barbarian and Bard with this build so I will save them for last and do something different on those lives.
    Last edited by Halous; 09-11-2012 at 12:05 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Kennyburns's Avatar
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    Default Your help

    Quote Originally Posted by Halous View Post
    I am ready to TR my monk and ive decided to try for completionist. I would like to use the same basic build each life as well as the same gear as I have gotten a lot of monk gear for different levels. The idea is to keep the first 10 levels as the primary build and the last 10 as what life im taking. I will also TR each time at 20 so I will not be staying capped and I already have +3 tomes for everything. For Most lives this is fine but for some lives I would change this
    Example 1: sorc, wizzy, cleric, fvs - sorc + Wizzy = 19/1 caster barb, 18/2 healer monk, arty is nice to get mostly arty here
    Then of course on barb and bard lives you are forced to change
    Ect more build i dont feel like listing

    Here is my basic build idea with feats.

    20 helf-elf with cleric dilettante I Personally would suggest rogue dilly, i never had a problem with UMD being to low, even not having a gs cha skills item yet, and again stun = auto sneak for faster quests
    9 Monk/1 Rogue/10 current life Rogue < Arty lvl reasons below

    (34 point) Lawful Good
    STR: 14 +3
    DEX: 15 +3
    CON: 14 +3
    INT: 12 +3
    WIS: 15 +3
    CHA: 8 +3

    (36 point) Lawful Good
    STR: 14 +3
    DEX: 15 +3
    CON: 14 +3
    INT: 12 +3
    WIS: 16 +3
    CHA: 8 +3

    Feats: TWF/ITFW/GTWF, Toughness, Stunning Fist, Dodge, combat Expertise Dump this for power attack, ac is usually so low it doesn't matter much on elites or on hard its so high that little more doesn't make much a difference, while pa does something to everything, Imp. Crit. Bludgeoning, Past Life Monk Feat, Stunning blow is always an option instead of this since its pretty simple to get this dc up and there no reason to stay at cap

    Level Progression
    1-Rogue I Like Monk 1 then arty then rest blah blah
    2-10 Monk
    11-20 Current Life

    I was thinking of doing light side monk till level 12 then feat swapping the light for dark as I have the vamp. Stonedust handwraps and will not need the healing from light side for when I solo. If you go 9 monk then just straight out go dark all the way

    Any ideas to critique this build or advice as to if this will work to achieve Completionist would be great.
    I think i listed this alot..
    I understand I cant do Barbarian and Bard with this build so I will save them for last and do something different on those lives.
    Also already going a monkish completionist and this was very close to my main idea when i started just arty instead of rogue, Reason? arty pet = lever puller, +2 UMD on scrolls, some decent spells
    KennyFails Past lives done - Monk X2, Pally, Rogue, Fighter, Arty X1
    Rogue was the best past life, 17/2/1 rogue monk druid
    rest of comments in Red
    Officer Of Templar - Now Recruiting
    KennyBurns - Electric Savant DPS~ KennyFails The Completionist - Rogue Stick Life 15/15 Completionist ~ KennyHeals - Fvs Healer~ KennyRanges - TWF Manyshoot Of Cannith

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    I will be trying the 1/9/10 split next life for my heavily geared monk TR, but I do have some advice from my other lives so far:

    A) Arcanes do so well pure it's silly. It'll be the fastest and easiest just to learn arcane for a life and get it over with. Going warforged makes these lives even faster/easier.

    B) The other split I have used so far, and will again I'm sure depending on how the 1/9/10 treats me is either 6/6/8 or 6/7/7 as monk/rogue/x past life. 6/7/7 is preferred for the extra sneak attack die, but only works if the past life is higher up on the list than rogue (most classes except sorc/wiz/arti/druid/fvs). I level up as 1 rogue/2monk/1 rogue/2 monk/1 rogue/2 monk then same pattern with 1 rogue/2 past life class to keep up with skill ranks for rogue skills. What really makes this build shine is Unbalancing Strike (IT IS AMAZING). You can get it at level 6 monk (level 9 in this build) and it is a 5 ki, spammable (5 second cooldown) strike that forces a reflex save or else makes your target vulnerable to sneak attacks, whether or not you have aggro.

    This move works against ANYTHING with legs.

    Even high reflex save monsters, such as spiders, will fail eventually if you continue to spam it. When you take into consideration sneak attacking almost anything, even solo, with the fastest attack speed in the game (not to mention haste boost from those rogue levels) a well-geared handwrap-user will tear things apart leveling from 1-20. And this is just in addition to the free sneak attack damage you already get when you stun something; Unbalancing strike works against red and purple names and just about anything you can't stun.

    The DC is also based on trip modifiers, so if you happen to be a tactics heavy build you will gain even more benefit. As it stands I have a DC 36 at cap with no vertigo item, and plan to have a DC 51 once I can get my hands on an Epic Blademark Docent.

    C) For Barbarian and Bard, I am planning to use a 9/2/9 build as 9 Druid/2 Rogue/9 past life because in animal form I can use all of my collected handwraps and not suffer too badly. Additionally, Reaving Roar is simply amazing and available starting at level 7 of druid, even more so for melees (and especially for soloing). It's a stance you can activate which does a 13d6 sonic aoe every time you kill something. Contrary to what it's prerequisites may have you believe, you CAN use this in wolf form, or any form for that matter. It's ridiculously powerful when you first get it, and I feel remains useful all the way to 20 for the 'free' aoe damage on an otherwise melee centric build.

    Hope this helps,


  4. #4
    Founder Fafnir's Avatar
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    What you are suggesting is what I do. I am accumulating past lives with monk as my base each time. What I like about it is that if I do burn out and don't want to TR immediately, I can remain monkish and still enjoy that toon.

    You can also go deeper monk if you want to remain at 20 for a reason (say temporary events like Mabar, or for new raid content) and use LR+3/5s to get more of the life you are wanting before the TR.

    You stats and build is fine for the purpose.

    If you have crafting skills, make a +0 vampirisim / +1 acid of vampirism / +1 bodyfeeder of vampirism set of handwraps as may suit you.

  5. #5
    Pirate Cursed
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    Mar 2006


    Thank you for the replys and advice. I think ill go 1 Arti instead of rogue and probably do a fighter life this time around and do the 9/9 split for rogue like next time around. Thanks again for the help it makes things alot easier.

  6. #6
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    For most past lives (everything except Favored Soul, Artificer, and Druid), another option is Rogue 2 / Monk 9 / Whatever 9. I'm working through my Fighter life in this way right now. The second Rogue level (which should be taken late) adds +3 sneak attack damage (from enhancements) and a bunch of extra skill points that make it easier to maintain trap skills.
    My toon: Agthorr on Khyber

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrenchcoatJesus View Post
    What really makes this build shine is Unbalancing Strike (IT IS AMAZING).
    Quote Originally Posted by TrenchcoatJesus View Post
    As it stands I have a DC 36 at cap with no vertigo item, and plan to have a DC 51 once I can get my hands on an Epic Blademark Docent.
    Could you give the breakdown for hitting DC 36 on a monk splash build?

    My guess would be: an Epic Spare Hand, Fighter past lives, racial tactics enhancements, and Legendary Tactics. Is that about right?

    How do you like playing a Warforged for these builds? I'd find it hard to let go of some of the nice monk robes that are available.
    My toon: Agthorr on Khyber

  8. #8
    Hatchery Hero Sonos's Avatar
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    Get a couple different levels of Frozen Tunic as well. I only have a level 4 and level12 Tunic atm but they both have served me extremely well, and by the time you use vamp wraps you are a CC master :P. Also, PL ioun stone. Some Displacement GS clickies serve people quite well too though I've been too lazy to build em. In Shadow with Displace you are pretty untouchable.

    Also maybe do Pally(HAmp) and Barb(fast extra hp at level3 which functions as racial toughness unlock and can be swapped out for toughness at cap if needed for the 3 extra hp or whatever) lives early. HAmp is never a problem on a Helf/cleric dillie but might as well boost them scrolls

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