Originally Posted by
Let me start by saying I agree... now let me completely derail this thread.
Please listen, O DDO forum community: Torcs are tough to get. Baubles are tough to get. Conc opp items take a while to craft. Telling someone they should torc up or just whip out the conc opp item or use their bauble is as useless of a suggestion as if your buddy asks you if you know a quicker route to the library because he has to run from class to make it there on time and you suggest he buy a Lamborghini Diablo, because that's how you get there and you always make it.
This is the reason I ignore people's builds and just go with my own. The minute I read "Use full suite of +3/ +4 tomes" or "Torc" or "conc opp" and it's lower than a 5th life setup, and heck even then, I realize the build cannot stand on it's own merits and they have to have those items to make it work. People come on these very forums to bemoan getting 20 completions (meaning 2 months before the DDO store easy button) and STILL not getting a Torc, and I know people who have been farming weapons shipment for weeks with no sight of a bauble, but these are required items for the majority of caster builds. That smacks of laziness to me, TBH, not calling anyone out or anything, but of course your build is going to be awesome if you have a Torc/ Conc Opp/ Tier III GS item/ HP GS item/ Bauble/ Vibrant purple unsuppressed ioun stone, the CHALLENGE is to make a build that is good with only one or two of these things, or even more impressive none of them at all.
This goes back to the oft-repeated mantra us newbs keep trying to get across: Think back to when you did not have all of these things and try to answer his question from that standpoint. If you can, you are elite and bragging rights are yours. If not....
Epilogue - Some may point out that I have all of these items. That's not my point. I would NEVER expect someone on their first, second, or even third life to have half the cra- I mean, stuff, I have. I got mine through pure, unadulterated luck because I am too lazy to farm. Telling everyone else to randomly be as lucky as me smacks of a superiority complex and as a forum community we're better than that.