Hey guys just wanna know where you guys chill when your not here, what podcast do you listen to where do you get your gaming news, you fav webcomics,etc. I'll list off what I can think of for now and will likely add more when I get home
Sidescrollers @ Screwattack - This ones a good mix of crazy general news stories, major gamoing news, some anecdotal stuff and jus plain crude humour)
DDOcast - I'm pretty sure its the only successful DDO based podcast out their and its a great one
Rememberwhen - A great podcast about the awesoem stuff from the golden age comics, tv, movies, games you name it a wicked nostalgia trip for all
Kagero Studios - Mostly a Chrono Trigger fan site but good place for gaming in general although the community is a bit small
Giants in the Playground Forum - great place for D&D advice/discussions, the official WOTC forums arn't bad but the people there are very opinionated and hate house ruling.
Gaming Video Sites
Nostalgia Critic (and Co) - A great conglomeration and movie, game, anime,etc. reviewers theres a little something for everyone
Screwattack - It's a great site but I visit it less now because their new site is terrible for finding stuff because theres no way to remove the fan submitted videos so you can find the real videos...not that the fan ones are bad theres just 1000s of them
Clan of the Gray Wolf - Mostly here for Roo's 16-Bit gems and how stuff works which are awesome
MMOGrinder - A MMO reviewer who only reviews F2P MMOs (most of the time) so it's a great resource for people like me who loathe the subscription model....have yet to find a game that trumps DDO overall (most games trump DDO in the polish category though :P) had some fun trying them out though
The Escapist - This is the place I go when I want to laugh there all still reviewers but well lets just say the do it differently...check out unskippable and Zero Punctuation to get my meaning.
Extra Credits - This place is great their like gaming philosophers...really the only way I can describe it, also they actually work in the industry as desingers, artists,etc. so it's good to get their side of things.
The Spoony Experiment - The only good non-forum DnD site I've found so far...best way to describe his video gaming ummm...videos is "Controlled and Highly Informative Nerd Rage" and hate to go all fan boi here but Spoony (Noah Antwiler) just oozes Charisma...the guy just owns any Panel he's in. Not in I'm super sexy or anything way, just he's wicked comfartable with it and he's entertaining so he steals the show.
I'll just list these for now and add descs later
Questionable Content
Brentalfloss Comic
Order of the Stick
Awkward Zombie
Penny Arcade
Dark Legacy
VG Cats (rarely updates)
I'm sure theres mnore but I'll add them when I get home...where do you guys frequent