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  1. #1
    Community Member HalfOrcBeautyQueen's Avatar
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    Default Next p2p Class: The Nun

    The Nun

    Certain Monks leave their quest for enlightenment, and certain Clerics leave their cloistered lives to venture out into the great big world. They strive to spread messages of hope, love, and kindness, and to rid the world of its grave evils. These are the warrior Nuns of the world. They have received martial training and are skilled in the arts of healing. They are a bane to all evil outsiders and a boon to all adventurers who fight on the side of justice.

    What is a Nun?

    A Nun is a special adventurer who has the fighting style of the Monk, the healing powers of a Cleric, and the driving force of a Paladin.
    Taken from the template found at D&D Wiki and adapted by me for DDO.

    Class Roles:

    - Primary to Secondary melee DPS:
    The Nun receives the full BAB line, and has unarmed training. They can be built to be primary front line fighters, or sacrifice some melee ability to focus on healing.

    - Secondary to Primary healing:
    The Nun casts Divine spells, and her spell book closely resembles that of a Cleric's. They can sacrifice some melee ability to become top of the line healers.

    Unlike a Paladin, a Nun takes a vow of non-violence and is prohibited from using weapons or shields. Unlike a Monk, she doesn't receive Evasion nor a Ki bar, and has no access to Stances or Special Moves due to her abandonment of the quest for Enlightenment. Unlike a Cleric, she has a very few offensive spells.

    Class Basics:

    Hit Die: d10

    Class Skills: (4 x INT modifier) + 4 at creation, 4 + INT modifier at each level.
    - Concentration
    - Heal
    - Diplomacy
    - Listen
    - Intimidate
    - Balance
    - Perform

    BAB: Full, as Paladin
    SAVES: As Cleric (12 Fort, 6 Ref, 12 Will @ 20)

    - No Weapons or Shields
    - All Armor (Light through Heavy), since a Nun doesn't need to remain centered she can wear Heavy Armor but still enjoy the unarmed speed of a Monk.

    - A Nun casts divine spells from the Nun spell list. (Spell List at end of Post)
    - Like Clerics, Nuns prepare spells in advance. As such they can switch their spells at Taverns or Shrines.
    - Spontaenous Casting: A nun can channel stored spell energy into healing spells that she did not prepare ahead of time, Same as Cleric
    - WISDOM is the Nun's main casting Stat, and determines her spell points and the difficulty checks of her spells.

    - Lawful Good Alignment:
    The Nun is first and foremost Good. Her driving force is to help others and to rid the world of Evil. Nuns also form hierarchical societies, and respect Order and Obedience.

    - Non-violence:
    The Nun is forbidden from using weapons and shields. As such, her combat style is unarmed, and she receives Unarmed Strike at level 1. Equipping a weapon or a shield breaks the Nun's vow.

    Vow of Chastity:
    Each Nun takes a vow upon entering a Holy Order. This is a vow of Chastity, Obedience, and Poverty. The vow functions similarly to a Monk remaining centered or a Druid's Oath, if it is broken she is unable to cast spells, loses her will save bonus, and loses her Aura of Good.

    Special Class Feats:
    Level 1:
    - Vow of Chastity: You gain a +4 perfection bonus on Will saving throws against charm and phantasm spells and effects, and a -4 penalty to Haggle.

    - Aura of Good: Grants +1 bonus to AC and +1 bonus to saving throws to all characters within range.

    - Turn Undead: This feat allows the character to turn or at higher levels destroy undead creatures. The character can do this (3 + their charisma modifier) times per day. While turning undead is an active skill, this feat is passive as it adds to the total amount of turns per day.

    - Unarmed Strike: Your fists and feet are lethal weapons. She receives this feat at levels 1, 4, 6, 8, 16, and 20 like a Monk.

    - Bonus Feat: At levels 1, 2, and 20 the Nun may choose from the following list as a Bonus Feat: Power Attack, Lightning Reflexes, Weapon Focus: Bludgeoning, Diehard, Toughness. She must meet all the prerequisites of the feat.

    Level 2:
    - Lay on Hands: Heals a friendly target for (10 + Nun level ) x Charisma modifier amount of hit points, or deals that much damage to an undead target. The amount healed does not suffer a penalty when used on Warforged.

    - Divine Grace: Allows the Nun to add her Charisma modifier to all saving throws.

    - Bonus Feat: At levels 1, 2, and 20 the Nun may choose from the following list as a Bonus Feat: Power Attack, Lightning Reflexes, Weapon Focus: Bludgeoning, Diehard, Toughness. She must meet all the prerequisites of the feat.

    Level 3:
    - Smite Evil: At 3rd level, a Nun may attempt to smite evil with one normal melee attack. When activated, this feat triggers a special melee attack against Evil creatures. The Nun adds her Charisma modifier (if any) to her attack roll and deals extra damage based on her Nun level. The extra damage done is 7+ (3 x level) . If she accidentally smites a creature that is not evil, the smite has no effect, but the ability is still used up for that day. Nuns get one base use of this ability at level one, plus one more at level five and every five levels after 5th (at 10th, 15th and 20th, for a maximum of 5 uses). Smite Evil recharges at a rate of 1 every 90 seconds, and all uses return after any rest period.

    - Chastity Shield: At 3rd level, a Nun can call forth an invisible shield formed from her chastity at will. This shield grants a shield bonus to her Armor Class equal to half her Nun level (rounded down) and lasts 5 minutes + 1 minute per 2 levels of Nun. She may use this ability no more than three times per day.

    Level 4:
    - Hellspawn Hatred: Nuns are sworn enemies of devils, demons, and their minions. Due to their extensive study of the infernal races, a 4th-level Nun gains a +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls when fighting an Evil Outsider. At 8th level and every four levels after she gains an additional +2 to damage rolls, to a maximum of +10 at 20th level. This bonus stacks with smite evil and all other bonuses.

    Level 5:
    - Remove Disease: At 5th level, a Nun can produce a remove disease effect, as the spell once per rest. She can use the ability one additional time per rest for every five levels after 5th(twice at 10th level, three times at 15th, and four times at level 20).

    Level 7:
    - Endure Elements: Warrior nuns are trained to withstand the harsh realities of the world, in order to harden their resolve. The Nun receives a stacking +2 bonus to all Elemental Resistances.

    Level 11:
    - Courage of Heaven: At 11th level, a Nun is immune to fear effects and enchantment spells created by an evil outsider.

    Level 20:
    - Holy Aura of Heaven: At 20th level, a Nun calls forth a special divine aura from above. The Nun and her allies within the Aura (same radius as Aura of Good) receive a stacking +19 Spell Resistance, +3 Sacred Bonus to Damage Rolls, and a +3 Sacred Bonus to Armor Class. Evil Outsiders that attack the Nun while the Aura is active must succeed on a DC 40 Will Save or be destroyed. Lasts for 5 Minutes, usable 3 times per rest.

    - Bonus Feat: At levels 1, 2, and 20 the Nun may choose from the following list as a Bonus Feat: Power Attack, Lightning Reflexes, Weapon Focus: Bludgeoning, Diehard, Toughness. She must meet all the prerequisites of the feat.

    The Nun's Spell Book
    New Spells have their descriptions listed, otherwise all spells are the same. The Spell Book goes up to Level 6.

    Spell Slot Progression: Same as Bard, with Bonus Slots for Curative spells at each level to demonstrate their spontaneous nature. For Example: 1 spell slot + Cure Light Wounds at level 1. At level 4, 3 slots for level 1 spells + 1 for Cure Light Wounds, 2 slots for level 2 + 1 for Cure Moderate, etc.

    Spell Point Progression: Same as Artificer,. The Nun receives Magical Training at Creation.

    Level 1:
    - Seek Eternal Rest
    - Virtue
    - Cure Light Wounds
    - Bless
    - Resistance
    - Remove Fear
    - Divine Favor
    - Protection from Evil
    - Shield of Faith
    - Cause Fear
    - Tumble
    - Nimbus of Light
    - Sanctuary: Abjuration - You ward your target with protective energy. Foes trying to attack your target with a melee attack or spell must make a Will Save to penetrate the shield (Save: 10 + 1 + Wis Modifier + relevant mods). If the foe fails the Will save the attack misses and your target takes no damage. This spell does not prevent against Area of Effect spells. If targets under the effect of Sanctuary attack a target or interact with certain objects, the effect is removed.

    Level 2:
    - Angelskin
    - Resist Energy
    - Cure Moderate Wounds
    - Lesser Restoration
    - Scare
    - Aid
    - Remove Paralysis
    - Cat's Grace
    - Fox's Cunning
    - Eagle's Splendor
    - Bull's Endurance
    - Consecrate: Enchantment - Blesses an area around the caster (same radius as Prayer/Recitation). Undead within the radius take a -1 penalty to attack rolls, damage rolls, and saves. Dispels Wraith's/Spectre's Lingering Touch.
    - Bless Armor: Transmutation - Your target's currently equipped armor is blessed with divine energy. Attackers striking the target take 1d3 Good damage on hit.
    - Shield Other: Conjuration - Spell creates a mystical connection between the Nun and her target. The target takes only half damage from all wounds and attacks that deal hit point damage. The amount of damage not taken by the target is taken by the Nun. Forms of harm that do not involve hit points such as ability damage, level draining, or charm effects are not transferred.

    Level 3:
    - Cure Serious Wounds
    - Cure Light Wounds, Mass
    - Prayer
    - Remove Curse
    - Remove Blindness
    - Dispel Magic
    - Searing Light
    - Aid, Mass
    - Magic Circle Against Evil
    - Shield of Faith, Mass
    - Good Hope
    - Fear

    Level 4:
    - Restoration
    - Cure Critical Wounds
    - Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass
    - Stalwart Pact
    - Deathward
    - Zeal
    - Neutralize Poison
    - Panacea
    - Divine Power
    - Recitation
    - Break Enchantment
    - Freedom of Movement
    - Protection from Elements
    - Blessed Hands: Transmutation - You anoint your Targets unarmed or natural weapons, and they deal an additional 1d10 Light Damage and bypass Good damage reduction. Only 1 temporary enchantment can affect a target at a time.
    - Holy Talisman: Abjuration - You bestow a Holy Symbol unto your Target. The Target is immune to all curse effects for 1 minute per caster level.

    Level 5:
    - Radiant Forcefield
    - Cure Serious Wounds, Mass
    - Spell Resistance
    - True Seeing
    - Dismissal
    - Holy Valor: Enchantment - Target receives a +2 Sacred Bonus to Strength and Constitution for 1 minute plus 1 minute per 3 caster levels.
    - Bless Armor: Transmutation - Target receives a +5 Sacred Bonus to Armor Class for 1 minute plus 1 minute per 3 Caster Levels.
    - Wall of Light: Evocation - Creates a brilliant Wall of Light. Creatures that pass through the Wall take 1d6 Light Damage per 3 Caster Levels and are Dazzled (-1 penalty on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks) and Blinded. No save for the Blinded or Dazzled effects but a successful reflex save negates the Damage. Has no affect on creatures who are already Blind.
    - Divine Inspiration: Enchantment - This spell inspires a single ally or friendly creature with bravery and hope. Target receives a +2 Sacred bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks, and immunity to fear.

    Level 6:
    - Heal
    - Raise Dead
    - Undeath to Death
    - Protection from Elements, Mass
    - Hero's Feast
    - Sunbeam
    - Atonement: Removes 1 negative level from your target.
    - Holy Hands: You anoint your tragets unarmed or natural weapons, and they deal an addition 1d10 Light Damage and 1d6 Good Damage, and bypass Good damage reduction. Only 1 temporary enchantment can affect a target at a time.
    Last edited by HalfOrcBeautyQueen; 09-09-2012 at 01:05 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Todkaninchen's Avatar
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    Interesting, but how many do you think will be warforged?

    And non-violence?!?!?!

    Additionally, I assume it's sex-restricted to females, which might be interesting on it's own. Might be a non-unbalanced class, but how much does the Monk's stances and evasion affect playability?

    Still, would be interesting to see in action...

    (Now if they would only give us Kobolds...)

  3. #3
    Community Member AestorTheKnight's Avatar
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    This is actually a pretty good idea! (Also slightly hilarious, but good nonetheless).

    Could it possibly be a Cleric or a Monk Prestige Class?
    So in everything, do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

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  4. #4
    Hero madmaxhunter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Todkaninchen View Post
    Interesting, but how many do you think will be warforged?

    And non-violence?!?!?!

    Additionally, I assume it's sex-restricted to females, which might be interesting on it's own. Might be a non-unbalanced class, but how much does the Monk's stances and evasion affect playability?

    Still, would be interesting to see in action...

    (Now if they would only give us Kobolds...)
    New Item in the DDO Store: Sex change, 1,500TP. Allows your once completionist male character to play a nun.
    Completionist Lighthardtt Tuisian of Sarlona
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  5. #5
    Community Member HalfOrcBeautyQueen's Avatar
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    Technically, if running a pen & paper campaign, yes: this would be a Female only class.

    However, in the world of DDO, having a Female-only class would be a grave injustice to Completionists and anyone who has undergone a TR as sex changes aren't available.

    So this would be open to characters of either sex but the Class Name and Enhancement/Feat descriptions would remain the same. After all, if we can have female monks why not male nuns? It's 2012! Down with sexism!

    Quote Originally Posted by Todkaninchen View Post
    Interesting, but how many do you think will be warforged?

    And non-violence?!?!?!

    Additionally, I assume it's sex-restricted to females, which might be interesting on it's own. Might be a non-unbalanced class, but how much does the Monk's stances and evasion affect playability?

    Still, would be interesting to see in action...

    (Now if they would only give us Kobolds...)
    If we can have Warforged Druids I see no reason why there couldn't be Warforged Nuns

    The Vow of Nonviolence is both for flavor and affects the mechanics of the class by limiting it to unarmed combat. I believe I read somewhere that Monk characters take a similar vow which is why they use handwraps (not necessarily here in DDO, but in general). By not wielding a weapon you are symbolically not committing violence, you are using self-defense.

    Similarly, not having access to a Ki bar or stances/finishing moves is both flavor, to represent the abandonment of the quest for enlightenment, and also for balance.
    Last edited by HalfOrcBeautyQueen; 09-10-2012 at 12:27 PM.

  6. #6
    Hero madmaxhunter's Avatar
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    Then call it nun/friar
    Completionist Lighthardtt Tuisian of Sarlona
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  7. #7
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    whats the point, so there is another class to sucker players into so they can be verbally abused by other players, told how to play, denied anything resembling good loot for their efforts in raids and in general treated like a minority in america pre civil rights movement.

    When players use the world Healer like a certain socially unacceptable N word is it any wonder so few play a divine and dont go anon using their healing powers only to benefit those they call friend and guild mate.

  8. #8


    No weapons at all? I thought nuns were proficient with the Ruler and Yardstick.

  9. #9
    The Hatchery teh_meh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sebastianosmith View Post
    No weapons at all? I thought nuns were proficient with the Ruler and Yardstick.
    lol, nice
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  10. #10
    Community Member Bogenbroom's Avatar
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    I can just see it now... everyone trying to figure out how to make their Nun as ****ty as possible.
    Bogenbroom's legion... 102 characters, 3 accounts, and 1 irate wife.

  11. #11
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    This is all well and good, but does the nun have the capability to fly?

  12. #12
    Hero madmaxhunter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PharaunM View Post
    This is all well and good, but does the nun have the capability to fly?
    Yes, but must have the prerequisite headgear.
    Completionist Lighthardtt Tuisian of Sarlona
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    "Just another day in pair-o'-dice"

  13. #13
    Community Member HalfOrcBeautyQueen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PharaunM View Post
    This is all well and good, but does the nun have the capability to fly?
    Originally, yes, I was going to give them Leap of Faith - the template off of which this is based gives Fly as part of the level 20 Aura of Heaven feat. However, I thought that might be overpowered. There's always the Exalted Angel ED.

    Quote Originally Posted by madmaxhunter View Post
    Yes, but must have the prerequisite headgear.
    If Turbine ever implemented this it could go hand and hand with a Nun's Habit-themed Cosmetic Armor Pack. I can already picture them selling the "Nun Bundle" in the DDO Store: includes the Nun Class + the Habit armors. I would definitely want one for each armor in my arsenal.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bogenbroom View Post
    I can just see it now... everyone trying to figure out how to make their Nun as ****ty as possible.
    I was leaning more towards the compassionate, fun Nuns like the Flying Nun, the Singing Nun, or Maria from the Sound of Music (or even Whoopi Goldberg in Sister Act, Bard with a Nun splash perhaps?) - but I'm sure we'd see some grouchy ones as well.

  14. #14
    Community Member Bogenbroom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HalfOrcBeautyQueen View Post
    I was leaning more towards the compassionate, fun Nuns like the Flying Nun, the Singing Nun, or Maria from the Sound of Music (or even Whoopi Goldberg in Sister Act, Bard with a Nun splash perhaps?) - but I'm sure we'd see some grouchy ones as well.
    hehe, silly filters... that blanked out work started with an 'slu' not a 'bit'...
    Last edited by Bogenbroom; 09-10-2012 at 04:17 PM.
    Bogenbroom's legion... 102 characters, 3 accounts, and 1 irate wife.

  15. #15
    Community Member Todkaninchen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bogenbroom View Post
    I can just see it now... everyone trying to figure out how to make their Nun as ****ty as possible.
    Or transvestites.

    Should be fun. Let guys in, still make all nun-specific gear "womanly" as possible...

    Would YOU spend a life as a transvestite for the sake of Completionist?

  16. #16
    Community Member Saravis's Avatar
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    You should add some bard into that class too, they can sing some inspiring music:

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