I bet a lot of guilds would be happy to have ya.
You sound down in general. If I can be a friend, drop me a PM.
I bet a lot of guilds would be happy to have ya.
You sound down in general. If I can be a friend, drop me a PM.
Nerdrage/Endgame ~ Sarlona
Ekkehart (human PM) - Hammet (WF AM) - Cerussite (helf THF kensei) - Anordineth (helf dark monk)
Buy my stuff!
Come to Khyber.
There are some good guilds, as well as a bunch of other lonelyhearts who might enjoy running with you.
Really dude? Really?
Morfane - Cealest - Naphor - Sofu - Nairs - Morphaine
Completionist Lighthardtt Tuisian of Sarlona
leader emeritus, Bridge Burners
"Just another day in pair-o'-dice"
Does this mean your done trolling the forums too?
Not telling you what to do but it does sound like you need to find a real life adventure with a partner in real life. Both having the same hobbies, like tennis or cycling or...
and in a mega social gathering place, like a church so that people can pay attention to you.
If you want to go out with a bang, i.e. making an impact why not make an impact in real life? More fun that way and no-reloads..., no cheats, no /death...
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility
Not telling you what to do but it does sound like you need to find a real life adventure with a partner in real life. Both having the same hobbies, like tennis or cycling or...
and in a mega social gathering place, like a church so that people can pay attention to you.
If you want to go out with a bang, i.e. making an impact why not make an impact in real life? More fun that way and no-reloads..., no cheats, no /death..., no reincarnations...
and PERMA DEATH if you die, i.e. choose wisely.
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility
Suggestions up to now that I got from PMs/thread that are supposed to make me want to stay.
1. Make friends
2. Join a guild
3. "TR more cause you still suck" A.K.A triple completionist
4. Join channels
5. Get help for your depression
I suppose I could give it all a try...account still up until October anyway. So...
1. Guess we'll see what happens along the way.
2. Who wants me in their guild?
3. Sure I'll TR moar, epics were boring and not all that challenging anyway...and I like to build new stuff...22 lives to go.
4. PM me info, Morfane. That would make two channels (Defense/Nerdrage), any others out there?
5. Maybe.
Transfer to Thelanis, you'll only be bored. Never lonely! We're really, really nice. But we fail at drama and are, sometimes, so nice we bore outsiders
Or you could transfer to Wayfinder. I hear they have all the fun!
If you want to quit (though it sounds like you are already stepping away from the edge), be sure to delete your character first and then recreate a new char w/ the same name. That way, you won't be tempted to come back, and you can get on with life.
I quit twice in SWG back in the day, first time after watching episode 3 I reinstalled and got right back to it. Second time, I held an event and gave away all my stuff (including two anti-decay kits), and every time I had an itch to reinstall later, it passed quickly since I knew I could never get back to where I was.
Or just uninstall, but you know you will be back.
Dystopia Starchucker
Castaspella Practiced Spellcaster
Ought Machinist
It's not a better place if you haven't deleted your characters yet, thus you haven't "quit" yet.
Sorry was searching for DQ when this thread popped up. It must have mistook drama queen for Demon Queen.
Dystopia Starchucker
Castaspella Practiced Spellcaster
Ought Machinist