Stuff I have:
+3 tomes, Str, Int, Wis, Cha
+4 Cha tome
+2 auroral dagger of phlebotimizing ML 25
2 planar focus of subterfuge, +3 ins Int/+3 ins Dex
+8 Cha necklace of Natural Armor +6 ML 24
+8 Wis ring of Natural Armor +6 ML 24
6% doublestrike ring of heal +15 ML 24
+6 Pandemonium dwarven axe and khopesh of Disruption, screaming, thundering, roaring, disrupt ML 24
+8 Deathblock outfit of Omniscience +8 AC, 4% Dodge, Heightened Awareness 5 ML 25
+6 holy burst silver scimitar of improved destruction ML 25
royal guard mask
icy burst and glaciation kits
shield piece 7
various scrolls, just ask
martial, greater Cannith cells
Adamantine Knuckles, EE version
Black Dragon Helm, +8 str, EH
Blue Dragon Helm, +3 ins int, EH
Bronze Ingot Arcanum, EE
Kardin's Eye, EE
Giantcraft Siberys Compass, EE
Ghost-Waking Cloak, EE
Mantle of the Dragonfiend, EE
Mountain's Fist, EE
various flawless black, blue, white scales
Stuff I'm looking for:
Globe Of True Imperial Blood augment- Priority
Ring of Shadows, EE- Priority
Black Dragon Helm with +3 con, EH or EE
Dream Visor, EE version
Intricate Field Optics, EE with +8 int
Arkat's Cord, EH or EE
Treads of Falling Shadow EH version
planar focus of erudition with +3 insightful wis
dimension door scrolls
freedom of movement scrolls
Dolorrh cakes
raid timer bypasses
restored gianthold relics
augments: deathblock, insightful str/con +2, +7 con, +7 natural armor
more to come later