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Hi everyone!
I am looking for a guild. I have wandered over to DDO from LOTRO, so I get most of whats going on but I am NEW to DDO ... soooo I am not quite a noob but still not 100% sure whats going on sometimes. Here is a little about me and what I am looking for. If you think I would make a nice fit reply here or message me or find me in game. I am trying to read through the forums and see if I can find a guild, but just in case I thought I would toss this up.
CHATTY GUILD - I like to chat. I would like an active chatty kin with around 10+ people on at a time to talk about anything game or RL. Topic is no matter, I just enjoy the socialization. I am kind of a free spirit and funny person, I don't do politics though.
I SOLO - I will run solo as much as I can, if need be I will group but as a last resort. I SUCK at groups, or at least I think so, my friends disagree but idk. I always feel like if we fail its my fault, I hate being in that position. I do NOT heal.
EST - That is my time zone, typically I am on anywhere from 5pm-12am. I am usually on for about 1-2hrs at a time, usually 2-3days a week depending on how busy I get. RL will always take priority, sorry this is just a game and fun time for me. I mean no offense to anyone who believes otherwise.
TWITTER - I am by no means saying you/guild HAS to be on Twitter, it's just a bonus. I simply find twitter is a great way for guildies to keep in touch and if you want me to jump on and play for a bit it's a great way to get at me If your on Twitter feel free to follow @oOAngelOo. Again if your not on Twitter it's OK.
I would kindly appreciate no rude or unnecessary replies to this. Over the years I have found that some people can be unnecessarily mean trying to prove they have the biggest "Insertpatheticappendagehere" just so they can seem BA and I don't see how making these replies/post prove that, but please don't.
Toon: Angelstarz
Thank You for reading, Angel