Haven't bothered with the new raid yet. I have an E Thornlord on my AA was just wondering how important getting a Pinion is Im sure I will go get one just to say I have it at least. How do they compare DPS wise?
Haven't bothered with the new raid yet. I have an E Thornlord on my AA was just wondering how important getting a Pinion is Im sure I will go get one just to say I have it at least. How do they compare DPS wise?
They have the same crit profile, and while Thornlord has more base damage (I am yet to see a post u14 screenie), Pinion has Shrieking, which is +7 damage against almost everything. On top of this, there is no other option to get Ranged Alacrity 20% with a bow - if you have enough other damage bonuses, Pinion is the clear winner. If you don't have enough base damage, it will probably be too, thanks to shrieking.
And this isn't even considering planar conflux bonus and seeker +10.
Edit: I stand corrected. Pinion is better anyway.
Pinion is higher base damage than Thornlord.
Epic Thornlord
2[1d8+2]+8 = 15+8
with an increase of 6.5 per +1[W]
2.5[2d6]+7 = 17.5+7
with an increase of 7 per +1[W]
So you're already ahead on Pinion before taking into account a possible speed increase, a possible seeker increase, a possible +4/+4 increase, and shrieking.
It's also worth noting that Ranged Alacrity 20% is less than haste for ranged, but it is quite nice when you don't have a haste.
Due to epic destinies and twisting, the only time that Epic Thornlord comes out anymore is when there is some DR that needs to be broken that wasn't important enough to bother resetting destiny points or twists.
Glenalth Woodwalke ■ Preston the Ranger ■ Brisqoe the Dentist ■ Prescription Liberator
AoK @ Argonnessen
Glenalth Woodwalke ■ Preston the Ranger ■ Brisqoe the Dentist ■ Prescription Liberator
AoK @ Argonnessen