The Celestial Ninja
Class: 12 Monk / 6 Fighter / 2 Paladin
Alignment: Lawful Good
Stats and Race (36pt build): Human
Str: 16
Dex: 14
Con: 14
Int: 11
Wis: 15
Cha: 11
32 point build: Drop Int/Cha to 9
Ability increase every 4 levels: Strength
Skills: Intimidate (23), UMD (11), Concentration (14), Hide (21), Move Silently (21), Tumble (10), Jump (10)
The above is with a starting int of 11 and eating a +3 tome before TRing. I really like to do backflips and points into move silently/hide allows you to sneak past a few quests with your party in your backpack.
Leveling and Feats: Given [Fighter bonus] {Monk bonus} (Human bonus)
1 Monk : Power attack | (Cleave) | {Toughness}
2 Monk : {Dodge}
3 Fighter : WF Slash | [Whirling Steel Strike]
4 Fighter : [TWF]
5 Monk : {Dark Path}
6 Monk : Stunning Blow
7 Monk
8 Monk : {Improved Sunder}
9 Paladin : Great Cleave
10 Paladin
11 Fighter
12 Fighter : iTWF | [Weapon Spec Slash]
13 Fighter
14 Fighter : [iCrit Slash]
15 Monk : gTWF
16 Monk
17 Monk
18 Monk : WF Piercing
19 Monk
20 Monk
21 : Overwhelming Critical
24 : Improved Martial Arts
Enhancements :
Ninja Spy 2
Kensei 1
Human Versatility 4
Ftr Str 2
Ftr Haste boost 2
Racial Toughness 2
Fighter Toughnes 2
Fighter Tactics Stunning Blow 1
Human Improved Recovery 2
Monk Improved Recovery 2
Kensei Weapon Specialization 1
Master of Stone
Master of Thunder
Human Adaptability Str
Equipment: Returning Players and Fresh 20s
Head: PDK Helmet
Gloves: PDK Gloves
Cloak: Drow Piwafwi
Boots: Cannith Boots of Propulsion
Trinket: Sustaining Symbiot
Bracers: Sun Soul Bracers
Belt: Sun Soul Belt
Necklace: Alchemist' Pendant
Goggles: Drow Smoke Goggles
Armour: Sun Soul Vestments
Ring1: Heavy Fort
Ring2: Seal of Dun'Robar (anything with Stunning 10)
Weapons: Oathblade | Grave Wrappings
Equipment: Grindy Set
Head: GS Smoke 2
Gloves: Epic Gloves of the Claw
Cloak: Adamantine Cloak of the Wolf (lvl 20 for the stacking 3 dodge)
Boots: Upgraded Madstone Boots
Trinket: Planar Focus of Prowess (3 Ins Str)
Bracers: Epic Bracers of the Claw
Belt: Epic Spare Hand
Necklace: Alchemist' Pendant
Goggles: Tharne's Goggles
Armour: Spider Spun Caparison (8 Wisdom)
Ring1: Epic Ring of the Stalker (6 Cha | GFL)
Ring2: Seal of Dun'Robar (7 Str | Stunning 10)
Weapons: Celestia, Brightest Star of Day | Oathblade | Foresters Brush Hook
ED Layouts and goals
Tank: 72 PRR which could be 20 higher by dropping improved sunder for combat expertise and 16% dodge chance.
Boss DPS : 19% doublestrike coupled with 9d6 + 13 SA
High Fort Boss DPS : Highest Base Damage
Raid with a lot of trash : 130% bonus damage to helpless enemies
Human was taken as a race over HElf to make the build future proof. If humans are able to take any Pre as their racial you will be able to take Kensei there while keeping Ninja Spy in monk. HElf will give you the ability to have 3d6 more sneak attack.
The build starts out using fists and then switching to longswords at 20 when Oathblade becomes available and you can start twisting in A Dance of Flowers. Once you get your Celestia(s) switch your specialization over to shortswords.
The damage comes out to 5(1d10)+51 mainhand before buffs while in Fury. With buffs it comes out to 6(1d10)+68. Throw in 10 haste / damage boosts, manslayer proc, radiance, greater good, greater sunburst, and fiery detonation... I can assure you I would not do more damage unarmed.