Here's mine too. (A bit late to the party, but didn't notice this cute reward till last week.)
Oh, congratz they are so cute
Completionists: Heroic 42/42, Epic 36/36, "Iconic" 15/15
Thanks and btw thanks for the Delera tip (@opening post). I've started farming with one of the Shadow quests (Shadow King?) but that didn't go too well.
And yes they are cute mine is called 'Lil shroudy' (in my lang.), he just took 1st place as favorite pet (2nd is my rat, 'Vandermonde' and 3rd is the spider 'Potato'.)
Only problem is that the devs are unlikely to create more gestures for them as long as they aren't available at least in the DDO Store.
orchard counts but its too slow to farm wraiths, in my opinion. takes too long to run around and look for them
Completionists: Heroic 42/42, Epic 36/36, "Iconic" 15/15
The Orchard wraiths spawn from the crypts just north of the rat pile all over that area up around the rares & Glacial Abyss quest. There are others in the zone but that's where I usually rack up alot of them on my casters...
Gratz on the Wraith pet. Plan on doing this myself sometime in the near future. Maybe while the Mabar event is going on as it kind fits the holiday!
----> CASE
SARLONA: Mithral Hall- Kace, Axle, Boarshead, Braizer, Dweomer, Imperel, Shaydes, Sheath. WithoutFear. Lloth's Children- Grumph. ARGO: DRAGON- Drygaien, MPAKT. Warrior's Soul- Dweomer, Phealer, Quickkick, UrsaMajor. THELANIS: Mror Hold- Razorred, Halisstraa, Mhjolnir, Ollyver, Tuskso. KHYBER: Dwarven Defenders- Numberz, AlphaBits, Corrigia, DeuxNombres, Lilbastich, Rowaan.
One thing to note is that the wraith types are still bugged. (Haven't checked post U15p2, but they didn't mention it in the release notes.) This means that some types are simply not counted, like normal wraiths, or counted as a different type (I have 7k+ kills of Ashok Khaldan from Delera pt3 while the slaying of the true Ashok Kaldan gave me nothing).
Would it be too much to ask for a screen shot of your wraith manual?
I am only missing one "type" out of my 30 and can't figure out which one it is.
There's some redundancy, but otherwise... for killing every type on the pic you need to kill Marguerite from Catacombs (ended her existence in the 'chase' mission)... then kill the bishop there too and what's more painful... you must get to the 2nd chain on Sorrowdusk Isle (Co6 chain).
You're probably missing the one from CO6.
Well...I was wrong. It wasn't the one from Co6.
It was the boss from Purge the Fallen Shrine.
Not dure how though...don't remember the last time I ran Co6.
Now for the D3 grind.
At just less than 6k to go and roughly 200 wraiths an hour, I am looking at about 35 in-game hours.
What makes it worth it is the fact that nobody in my guild has it nor farming for it and I am on Argo server and haven't seen any yet so I know they are still extremely unique.
Completionists: Heroic 42/42, Epic 36/36, "Iconic" 15/15
I guess this companion was so rare (so few of us had unlocked it) that they just HAD TO put it in the DDO Store...
Hey Loulani! Hahaha what did I tell you?
I KNEW it would be available in the store and you denied it. Muhahaha, called it!
yup sin, too rare and too hard to get for the easy-going ppl cant expect them to grind for smth xD but i cant wait for all the crying and whining when they will put +4 tomes into the ddo store and also the massive amount of "dang u, turbine i will quit. u totally screwed me over. i will unsubscribe and show u my power!!!" lol
Completionists: Heroic 42/42, Epic 36/36, "Iconic" 15/15