Red Dragon Plate max dex bonus is 2, max dodge 2%
Red Dragon Scale max dex is 7, max dodge 7%
With a barbarian you will easily hit 7% from uncanny dodge.

Assuming 22 BAB at level 25
Plate gives PRR equal to BAB + 6 (22+6 = 28)
Scale PRR equal to 2/3BAB + 4 (14.6+4 = 18.6)

% reduction = (1 – (0.99^PRR)) × 0.65 (from ddo wiki)
For plate, 28 PRR = 15.94% less dmg = 84.06% dmg received
For scale 18.6 PRR = 11.08% less dmg = 88.92% dmg received

85% * 0.98 (2% dodged) = 82.38%
88.92% *0.94 = 83.58%

From this I conclude that on a barbarian, red dragon plate vs scale are roughly equivalent.

Awaiting assessment by others.