I saw both of these posted sometime ago, and now cant for the life of me find either.
Could anyone give me the breakdown on the max dodge and die step currently available?
Thanks in advance
I saw both of these posted sometime ago, and now cant for the life of me find either.
Could anyone give me the breakdown on the max dodge and die step currently available?
Thanks in advance
Dodge is capped at 25% except for short term clickies.
Die steps have been replaced with .5[W] every 4 levels so your die stays as a D6 but you get an additional .5[W] at levels 4,8,12,16,20...
I think that is what you are asking...?
Khyber -- Grubbby, Grubonon, Gralak, and all the gang of *grubs* in the Homeboys of Stormreach.
Won't try dodge since I haven't played with it much but will take a shot at the die step.
3.5 monk 20
1 improved martial arts (the epic feat)
1.5 a dance of flowers (GMoF destiny)
.5 past life:disciple of the fist
.5 reinforced fists
1 aml 20 wraps
1.5 dancing with flame (the description says .75 but the game shows 1.5)
9.5 [w]
1 deadly weapons
.5 improved power attack (from LD I think)
I think that's it though there might be things I missed would be interested if someone finds some.
Thanks T, but im really looking for the breakdown on aquiring said maximums
Edit: ninjad by Rawel:P
In regards to dodge, the only thing unique to Monks is their inherent 6% they get by 4th level, after that track down other sources which are available to everyone (Feats, Items, EDs) and fit what you can: http://ddowiki.com/page/Dodge_bonus
The max is 25%, the hard cap for everyone.
I'd put a reasonable (not too much effort) Dodge % at:
6 Monk
3 Dodge Feat (a gimme if Ninja Spy, more of a stretch if Shintao)
4 4 Dodge Item
3 3 Dodge Item
2 2 Dodge Item
1 1 Dodge Item
3 GMoF Perfect Balance (I wouldn't twist it, but if you're going GMoF I'd take it)
Last edited by rimble; 09-05-2012 at 12:19 PM.