So, i decided to TR my artificer to try and get a past life, I wanted to stick with the shiradi destiny to try and see how many different effects I can proc.

So, this build will primarily focus on throwing weapons and fire elemental form.

Build Basics:
Race: Halfing
13/6/1 Druid monk fighter
12(base) +3 tome +7 item +2 insight+ 2 size=26(+8)
17(base)+3 tome +1 level up+2 enhancement+ 7 item+2 insightful+2 stance=34(+12)
14(base)+3 tome +7 item+ 2 insight -2 stance =24(+7)
9(base) +3 tome=12(+1)
17(base)+3 tome+ 4lvl ups +7 item +3 enhancements+ 2insight=36(+13)
8(base) +3 tome= 11(+0)

Self buffed Armor@20 in easy gear,AC=10(base)+9(armor)+12(dex)+13(wis)+6?(cente red)+6(deflection)+5(natural)+1(size)=62 ~49% miss chance, not counting shadowfade's 15%, or the base 9% dodge (6% flurry of blows, 3% dodge feat)

Now the whole purpose is to be able to get as many shiradi procs as possible.

feats still need work, but something like this:
11 total feats(7 base, 3 monk, 1 fighter):
point blank shot
precise shot
quick draw
improved precise shot
shuriken expertise
2 feats left, not sure whether to go for spell focus, metamagics, or more throwing feats.

I understand throwing is horrible, but this would be a primarily solo build, so i wouldn't bother anyone.

The idea would be to run around in fire elemental form, use body of the sun/firewall for aoe spell procs, use a evening star challenge vendor shuriken for spell plague effects, and monk 10k stars for additional procs. With 60% throwing speed increase, i'm thinking i can should be able to fire at least 5/sec (60% destiny,10% monk wind stance,quick draw, number could be higher, i've done very little testing on throwing speed, that's next weekend)

I understand I could go bow, but I'd like to at least try the throwing weapon 60% speed increase from the destiny. My weapon damage might not be the best, but if I can throw them fast enough, the procs will take care of it for me.

Any thoughts on how to increase throwing speed and damage? or suggestions for helping level the build?

right now, the plan is 1 monk, 2-10 druid(firewall), 11-15 monk(shadowfade,ninja spy), 16-19 druid, 20 fighter, 5shiradi

1-3, i'll use fernian handwraps for 54 fire spell power to produce flame
starting at level 4, staff of nat gann will be my primary weapon, since it uses dex