Xalekk - 18pal/2rog Xalek - 18barb/2rog
Xalekia - 18Rng/1Mnk/1Rog Alekian - 12wiz/6mnk/2ftr
Cynvan - 18Clr/2Mnk Aleathiel - 20 sorc
A combat log saveable into a textfile would be awesome!!
Just a little combat.txt file for every quest/login/day or toon in the home ddo folder.
Its a horror, everytime i'll check the artis combat log.. because the chatclient only save a few poor lines from it.
Why u dont save this on our computers? So we may follow a whole saved log quest, after and not during the happening.
my tipp: delete the whole chatclient with all the /waves /hugs and afk automatics buy MIRC, insert into ddo and everyone are happy ^^
Last edited by mans0n; 11-05-2012 at 09:05 AM.
I still cannot believe that we don't have the log written into a text file.
I'm sure there is a dev build or switch that will do this.
They've managed to lump Sneak attack damage into the regular damage when it happens, so they should easily be able to lump other kinds of damage.
Member of Storm Lords on Thelanis.
In game: Unshriven, Unbidden, Unsated, and Unfazed.
The combat log is mostly useless. If the combat log simply didn't exist at all it wouldn't be missed at all .. other than when your toon gets a huge crit and you want to epeen about it ... or when you die suddenly and want to check to see what hit you and for how much. During a fight .. there's SO much useless info that the whole thing becomes useless.
Thelanis: Anihsod ( drood ), Dexlorum ( nannybot ), Kiriagi ( thief ), Galrisian ( paladerp ) Hirp Dirp ( bard )
So, only one thing I noticed that needs to be added: This spam is/was a workaround to the real problem - the Character sheet doesn't reflect the character's buffs, etc. If the character sheet would ever be finished (I LOVE the new icons for spell power and doublestrike - THIS is what we need more of), this workaround spammage could be done away with (or made optional - which would be my preference, since on a blue moon I test stuff and rely on it).
Last edited by fco-karatekid; 11-10-2012 at 10:10 PM.
I believe you're seeing it backwards. The combat log spam isn't the cause of the lag. The cause of the lag is that magister/DI were implemented in such a way that a huge number of effects are applied in succession. The logs are just a symptom of that. I'm fairly certain fixing the log would have little to no effect on logging in.
Nerdrage/Endgame ~ Sarlona
Ekkehart (human PM) - Hammet (WF AM) - Cerussite (helf THF kensei) - Anordineth (helf dark monk)
Buy my stuff!
Seems you were wrong, they fixed this bug and I now log in much faster while in magster/draconic - about the same as in shiradis now, and swapping to magister or other destinies that had a lot of spam happens much more quickly.
However the spam related to my Elemental Savant remains on log-in. Plus a minor bit of spam left in a few destinies like Dreadnaught. That still needs to be quelled.
For the love of clarity please make it so!
... and make the logs exportable.
dengis\ Even my left hand says signed!