now, this year, to me, has seemed to be a year with a lot of flop games, or with bad elements. let's see what i mean:
GW2 According to a large number of vets, it seems that this has been a flop. there's another thread here, so you can read that.
Mass Effect 3 Looked forward to immensely, again, bad ending and stuff old players didn't like.
Diablo 3 This one is up for discussion. But according to what i've seen, a lot of people weren't too happy with it.
there are a few more, but my memory fails me at the moment. what it seems is, a lot of hype, an exciting game, comes out, newbies may be happy but vets are unhappy.

now, Halo4 is coming out in November. and i am looking forward to playing it. i love the halo series. from the sneak peaks and reveal trailers, it seems VERY exciting, some new elements which may not be so good, but not so much that people are unhappy. What do you guys think Halo 4 will be? Flop or win? Remember, this is also 343's first addition to the main storyline of Halo (anniversary was just a make over)