EDIT: Made the base value 100k instead of 50k. My plats aren't going down fast enough! Might make it even higher if 100k turns out to be still not good enough.
As a follow-up to this thread, I've finally came up with an idea to give away all the plats I have no use for.
I've decided to come up with questions about various video games that I have played over the years. Answer them correctly and you will win plats! Or other prizes of value, when I run out of plats, that I pick up as I play (ingredients, scrolls, etc.)
The rules are simple. I will ask questions and the first person to answer wins 50,000 platinum. If a question turns out to be too hard I will eventually skip it and the next one will be worth more 50,000 platinum more! Basically, adding the amount of plats the unanswered question was worth to the next question.
If you are the first person to answer correctly, you can do two things. You can either redeem your prize, or you can decide to not take it, and add what you would have won to the next question and maybe earn even more if you answer the next one too!
For example, each question has a base value of 50,000 plats. We start at the first one, if it is not answered, then the second one will be worth 100k. If the winner decides to not take the 100k, then the third question will be worth 150k! No cap to the amount other than the max amount of plats I will have at the time. Once a question is answered and that the prize is redeemed by the winner, we go back to 50k plats for the next question.
Be warned though, if you answer correctly and you do not take the plats, there is no turning back. Consider it as a gamble to make things more interesting and perhaps win more later (or simply an option for the people who do not really need the plats but that would still like to play the game)
The questions will take various forms.
Also, I will need a character name to know who I am supposed to send the money to. I will mail low amounts to the winners (200k and lower, prepare your mailboxes), larger ones we will set up a trade.
So, let us start
Current prize: 50,000 plats
What game am I refering to?