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  1. #1
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    Default How does a PM get out of form?

    Ok. So I have a palemaster and recently got the vampire form. When the timer expires I click on the vampire icon and it just makes me go vampire again? Is this working as intended? How does a palemaster get out of form other than shrining or reloging? Is this new? I am a TR so I remember that one could get out of form as a lich. I never bothered with vampire in my previous lives so this is all new to me. However, I cannot get out of form?

    Am I missing something?

  2. #2
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    i make a wild guess and say u are a Monk/Palemaster right?
    if so, when u get uncentered u loose Form. its a bug, since u14.

    when u rest u should loose form but sometimes u loose the form only several minutes or seconds after resting.

    PM is buggy as hell <<

  3. #3
    Community Member xoowak's Avatar
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    Noticed the same on my PM, vampire seems to be bugged.

  4. #4
    Community Member legendlore's Avatar
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    vampire form has been bugged since u14. Logging off and on seems to be the only current solution.

  5. #5
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    AFAIK it is only a visual issue. Your character will have the blood effects and the buff icon up there but you wont have undead traits since you are "out" of form. I will double check later.

  6. #6
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    I am actually a pure wiz and not a monk cross class. It is not a visual bug as I have tested it - I tried to drink a cure pot during and after I tried to remove form. Both times I am immune to the potion. It must be a bug since U14 as some have said on this post. I just hope lich is not bugged.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by joenic2 View Post
    I am actually a pure wiz and not a monk cross class. It is not a visual bug as I have tested it - I tried to drink a cure pot during and after I tried to remove form. Both times I am immune to the potion. It must be a bug since U14 as some have said on this post. I just hope lich is not bugged.
    It would appear that our testing provided different results.

    I entered vampire form, got all benefits/penalties, waited for cooldown to reach zero and clicked on it again to remove undead form.

    Got the visual animation as if you were entering form (again) but the Undead Traits icon was removed, the vampire one was not, my PM kept the vampire appereance.

    Then I drank a CSW pot and it healed me normally, I was not being healed by Death Aura, not recovering or doing CON damage with unarmed crits, stats and DCs went back to normal.

    The only thing I couldnt test was the light damage.

    I still think this is a visual issue but if for some reason I am wrong and this is a bug then you may want to report it.

  8. #8
    Community Member xoowak's Avatar
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    ^That's what happens the first time. If you then try to go into form AGAIN, you will get the effect, but the ability will not show as activated (blue border). Since it's not active you will keep entering form instead of dropping it each time you hit it.

  9. #9
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    It's not just a visual issue, if you're in vampire in a light-heavy setting you can't turn off the x4 damage outside of turning on another shroud (which will leave the icon but overwrite the penalty with only x2 damage), nor can you use Restoration to fix up damage from poison/ego whips/eardweller.

    If you want to toggle for restorations or whatnot in a dungeon, steer clear of vampire.

    Mind you, if you want to stack vampire with lich until they get around to fixing it feel free. Vampire twice, then lich or wraith. The first vamp in this sequence can be in town or before shrining, you just need the icon up there before putting them up. Spread this around a bit and it might get a slight higher priority for fixing, considering an extra +2 dc/-25 threat is nothing to scoff at
    Last edited by Aerach; 09-02-2012 at 12:24 AM.

  10. #10
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    Taht's interesting, BlueSilence... i'm sure i recall getting instagibbed by holy damage when trying to toggle it off vs Wight Priests at midlevels but now i'm dubious at my own recollections if you were drinking pots.

  11. #11
    Community Member legendlore's Avatar
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    can confirm that it's not just visual as well. I've been unable to leave form several times while inside a quest, have also sometimes noticed that I haven't got the +2 str & cha from vampire form when shifting after already having had a bugged lingering icon left in the public area (don't know about the other effects haven't tested threat and dc bonus), undead traits still work though for self healing.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aerach View Post
    Taht's interesting, BlueSilence... i'm sure i recall getting instagibbed by holy damage when trying to toggle it off vs Wight Priests at midlevels but now i'm dubious at my own recollections if you were drinking pots.
    I remember another PM receiving larger amounts of light damage in Running with the devils and another PM in Let sleeping dust lie (dont recall which) after toggling vampire form off. This was months ago however.

    I will go back to those quests and also quests with duergar or wight priests and check when I get the chance. I will also check what Xoowak mentioned.

  13. #13
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    Well, thanks for all your replies. I submitted a bug for this . This is exactly what happens and I would be interested if others get the same results.

    I have tested this . I go in Vampire form, drink a cure serious pot and of course I am immune. Then the timer on the icon will go blue and I can get out of form no problem before the timer ends. However, if you wait for the timer to expire, go into form and try a second time to exit, you will be unable to get out of form. There will no longer be any blue on the icon. Once the timer is done, i click on icon to remove form and it just keeps going into vampire form. Immune to cure serious pots before and after. I am also a pure wizard, lvl 15.

  14. #14
    Community Member donfilibuster's Avatar
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    Try see if going into zombie form let you turn off zombie and out of forms.
    As a workaround of course, this bug needs reporting.

  15. #15
    Hero DanteEnFuego's Avatar
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    It would seem that /life should work...
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  16. #16
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    Zombie form does not seem to be bugged. However, vampire is. If you go into vampire form then zombie, vampire form does not disappear. Afterwards, if you remove the zombie form vampire will stay and you will not be able to use cure serious pots. I will stay away from vampire until they fix it.

  17. #17
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    This is still broken? I can't undo my vampire form.

  18. #18
    LOOON375's Avatar
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    Getting killed seems to work on getting me out of form.

    Some times, during some quests, getting into form can be an issue as well.

    So yes, they can be buggy at times.
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