Between a Kensai3 and a Tempest3 which would be the better 2WF (piercing)* damage dealer?
*dual weilding either Turbulent Epees or Envenomed blades
Between a Kensai3 and a Tempest3 which would be the better 2WF (piercing)* damage dealer?
*dual weilding either Turbulent Epees or Envenomed blades
I have come to the unfortunate conclusion that most, if not all, games are broken to some extent.
One should not complain about them if one cannot fix them.
I, for one, should take this to heart as I embark upon another journey through this game.
depends on your luck
I'd say kensei III is the winner though. it increases your base damage and your crit damage + crit rolls. on top of that it adds +1 to your threat range, so if you use your Turbulent epee with 15% crit chance on it you will increase that chance with improved crit + kensei II to 35% or put in another way any roll between 14 and 20 will roll for a crit, together with the additional crit roll bonusses from kensei I to III.
Additional you gain 3 action boost uses on anything you have and power surge for an additional +8 strength.
Tempest gives a 30% better chance to trigger off-hand attacks and a 5% double strike, on top of that there is more defense in tempest.
all in all I think Kensei III wins this comparison, especially because of the better chance to crit, since those weapons you are using have some great additions on critical hits and vorpals it should be worth it to get kensei. When rolling for a critical hit you need to roll higher then the enemy AC, the kensei rolls AND threat range increase will make ye enjoy your weapon a lotesp. the epee.
For pure melee a fighter is superior to a ranger.
However, a ranger should never be pure melee.
KensaiIII is pretty much hands down the winner here. Tempest III (And ranger 18 for that matter) has a lot of useful benefits, but straight melee DPS isn't necessarily their defining feature.
Fighter is better dps, but have you considerated moster build (12fig/6rgr/2rog)? With umd and stunning blow its awewsome.