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I'm leader of a francophone guild on argonessen and i want to explain my disapointement about what ddo is becomming.
I play ddo from 4 years and had lot of fun to play all this time , but with the last months , i loosed half of my guildies , gone on others game and i want to explain developpers what suck now in this game.
Et alors? C'est un MMO, les gens partent et reviennnent, rien de surprenant.
First , the extension of forgotten realms is nice but too light for an extension who cost the prize of a full game.
It's not cause of developpers but maybe of Turbine commercial , but it looks like they take ddo players who are fans of d&d for most for stupid cow... This extansion add new epics lvl ya, but the 9 quests and the raid where done in a week that's not enough for a full extansion. Look on other games...
Pas faux.
Secondly Two much bugs on last weeks, all bugs where up,freeze, lags, bug of colision, bug of quest, bug of chat all kind of bug, and when u play in epic difficulty and make high challenge, u took hours to make your build your stuff take your buff and your xp pot, and die in a quest after few sec cause of freeze or bug it make crazy.
It has no sense.
Il y a pleins de bugs mais aucun ne sont game-breaking.
Other point you up elite heroic difficulty, and u want to people do tr and tr again, to keep them in game.
But it's too high difficulty. When we play in pick up there is ever a death or a wipe (cause no difficulty reduction in elite if u are alone) that cause xp penalities on quest so your x boost is useless it's stupid and boring. I recently stopped my tr druid to change game after a fail on a heroic quest...
Si t'as pas le niveau, garde ton hard streak et ne fais pas elite. Simple. Il y a eu une ou deux semaines ou c'était vraiment n'importe quoi mais la c'est "correct". Certaines quêtes sont néanmoins Ã* éviter.. elite RWTD ou Forgotten caves.
Fourth the dropp rate is totally stupid on raids, i have 7 toons most tr, and have done raids tones of times without have my desirated loot. 40 runs of evon6 Hard, and i wait for a shard of sos without see any !!! That make players feeling they're playing for nothing and loose their time...
Ceci m'a fait rigoler. Il m'a fallu plus de 100 evon6 pour le shard, et je l'ai acheté 20 reds. Ce serait trop facile si le shard tombait tout le temps, tout le monde aurait une esos. Il y a d'autres très bonnes armes dans le jeu Ã* présent...
Five. Please stop change epic item after you made them!!!!! Number of my epics items where fixed, and i loose all theyre purpose, and theyre epic slot where loose in correcting items, hundred and hundred tokens burn for nothing!!! That makes the feeling developpers don't take care about players work.
Exemple? Si tu parles du spell power... c'était inévitable, en dehors de ça je vois pas.
Same thing when u fix items like scales armors, i have 4 of them , which are so long to farm . And u had new powers on without change the existing . I don't know if it's for make players farm and farm again like slaves, or if it's cause you don't think about players feeling.
Scales que tu peux acheter Ã* 50k pièce dans le AH...
For newbies game became too hard, they have no buffship, no tr canonly quest in normal and get no loot, are totally weak and unable to do high raids so no stuff... That's why big players make solo quests! to no get xp penalities cause of death and no loose time cause theyre have to keep their xp/hour. That break laws of cooprg or mmorpg cause the game became elitist and not coop.
Tu parles de Newbies et de XP/hour dans la même phrase. Le newbie découvre et se préocuppe peu de power leveling. Pas très difficile de demander des ship buffs dans un PUG. Khyber est très actif au niveau des LFM et PUG groups, pour chaque niveau tu as le choix entre plusieurs groupes.
I think it's for all those that i loose the half of my guild members last month, and if Turbine continue to think peoples are stupid and will pay to farm around with many difficulties it's a dream. That was not why ddo was think, in respect of d&d univers. Ty for your attention . Ciao
En somme, beaucoup de plaintes, peu d'arguments pour les soutenir. Regarde les choses d'un autre oeil. Le jeu est devenu plus challenging pour ceux qui le veulent ainsi, mais le mode epic propose les difficultés C, N et Hard qui sont TELLEMENT abordables pour n'importe quel groupe. Epic elite c'est pour ceux qui veulent du challenge et qui ont expérience/skills/gear. Le jeu permet une immense augmentation dans le pouvoir du personnage, qui peut se spécialiser encore plus, respectant l'univers D&D qui va jusqu'au niveau 36 si ne je m'abuse ainsi que ceux qui font du Roleplaying.