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I like it.
Yea feels prety broken that I feel far more invulnerable and survivable on my 0 toughess, low con human sorc, then my 50+ con, epic toughness, multiple past life barbarian. The hp gap is a bit too small imo. That along with the unexplicable displacement nerf. Hell even my insano-HP build with 1600+ hp can at times die far more easily then my caster.
I thought id be having trouble with EE bosses in various quests. But turns out I was quite wrong.. I pretty much only die from trash that CC's me, not the toughest bosses.. as the game just doesnt seem to allow for good enough AI or movement speed to catch a caster kiting most bosses.
Really (that problem - kiting) is near unfixiable at this point too.. They simply kinda had that from day one as we could always run too fast and cast in mid air without penalty.. Its the game, and not something that should change.
I dunno, seems like they could at least make mobs a little faster and have more ways to stop casters tho. The hp thing would be a good start.