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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default Green Steel items/slots for TR Completionist 2012

    I've read all the information I could find, but it seems some of it (what slots mostly) isn't up to date considering the new gear and crafting, so it would be great to get some thoughts from the TR gurus and completionists themselves.

    I think that with the raid timer bypass available, cleansing is a lot easier, and two accessories can be considered standard for going after completionist.

    My personal position is that I have the sorc and wiz lives done, and plan to finish up the casters before going into melee (By that point I will have more resources available to me). I have a torc/DQ belt, decent crafting (no flexible though), and most of the good quest/challange/farmable drops. I don't plan to grind out any more raid gear, so tharnes and others probably aren't in my future.

    My current direction is an hp/blur item, and a 150sp conc op item(not sure about tier1, immunities vs. 1 UMD), but every time I think I decide on slots, I realise it's far from optimal.

    I know every slot means some sacrifice, but I'd love to hear what you consider to be the best

  2. #2
    The Hatchery MRMechMan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    1. Concop goggles are wizVI, 50sp 100sp +4 cha skills. (cleansed) I'd go for something other than wizVI as archmagi is very easy to get ahold of now (ioun, skiver, fanion perfered)
    2. MinII gloves are 10/15/20hp +6 con skills w/ stoneskin clickie (cleansed)
    3. Bracers are +5reflex/+1 exp reflex/deathblock w/ haste clickie-mostly so for 10sorc lvl lives don't need to take the haste spell. And deathblock saves lives, as does having a decent reflex save. This is my favorite item and I don't regret making it or waiting 20 shrouds to cleanse my concops so I could use em full time.

    What slots you want depend on what gear you will use.

    Necklace I reserve for torc (solo a lot of elites while TRing so its useful for me)
    Belt I reserve for lionheaded beltbuckle (fear immunity saves lives, con and str item, roar proc is money
    Cloak I really like the cloak of flames (fire lore+combustion item)
    Helm I like minos but it is a good choice for greensteel if you can fit fort somewhere else.
    Boots are a good choice too now that expid retreat clickies are 5min. I use abishai boots/rock boots for acid rain goodness.

    Full setup:
    helm: 5frost-11minos
    necklace: 9 DB/11torc
    belt: 3 mod f 11 lion
    ring1: 1 +4 res 8 master artifice
    ring2: 1 IFL 9 +6 cha w/ large slot
    gloves:5 charged-11 bramble/GS hp
    boots: 5 corrosion
    bracers: 5scorching 11 haste
    docent: 1 invul 5 lifeshield invul 14 +10reflex
    goggles: 11 concops
    trinket: 5 ioun stone 14 blasting chime

    Most of this is for sorc lives though. All my lives are
    13sorc/X-->+3 heart-->TR
    12sorc/1barb/X-->+3 heart-->TR

    though for the most part so it works out. For melee lives, if you are into that, the gear would be quite different I'd imagine.

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