DDOcast is a weekly DDO podcast created by fans for fans! We discuss nearly everything related to Dungeons and Dragons Online
DDOcast Round Table Talk #5 is ready! Here's a LINK - just left-click to play, right-click and 'save as' to download as an mp3. You can view the Hangout on our YoutTube Page HERE! You can find DDOcast on iTunes, the Zune Marketplace and Cyberears.com.
Join Sig and Anne with special guests Geoff Hanna as they go over the latest DDO news and their review of Update 15's quests, The Druid's Deep series. We also talk about our favorite DDO fan sites and gush about GenCon and PAX!
Win a Code Key for Menace of the Underdark!
That's right we've got another MOTU key to give away! Just listen carefully on how you can win!!
LINK for Turbine soon to release on LOTRO on the Mac
LINK to ViDDO #2: DDO update Video
LINK for Geoff Hanna's DDOGamer.com
LINK for Composer of DDO's Sound Trac, Chance Thomas'
LINK for DDM’s Realm for DDO
LINK for DDOwiki
LINK for Cubicle Ninja’s DDO Item Search & Cannith Crafting Tool
LINK for Ron’s character planner
LINK to PAX Prime 2012