my conclusions and opinions.
Overall - the changes are not horrific. I realy like the fact that armour has some meaning now.
1. PRR on armour is good - and works well at high lvls, at low lvls meles dominate anyway. - we now have a reason to wear armour rather than robes, this is a good thing.
2. dex - and wisdom for a monks ac is no where near as meaning full as it was, neither is str for to hit. bad thing - caters to mediocrity.
3. displacement change was a bad idea, plz revert this. and incorporate some arcane spells that grant AC/prr as if wearing armour to cater to battle mages types. id suggest mage armour be light armour appropriate to your caster lvl(no asf, no max dex), and improved mage armour(lvl 3 spell - heavy armour appropriate to your caster lvl, no asf, no max dex - but with a duration similar to haste) - and give bards these spells.
4. any source of DR should also grant a certain amount of stacking PRR. Its become very obvious that under the new changes wf meles and barbs are taking more damage at high lvls.
5. combat expertise is prety weak under the new rules, so weak infact there is basicly no reason to be using it unless you also have various other effects tied to it. eg i have a lvl 16 monk with around 60 ac. combat expertise takes me to 66 - as its +10%. however that translates into a mere 2 or 3% 'defence chance at lvl'. Its so week that I actualy leave it off so i can proc madstone - as that gives me better defences!
6. dodge: dodge cap is too low - and feats that grant dodge are not granting enough to be interesting.
7. heavy armour is granting too much ac compared to light - light nimble characters should actualy be harder to hit than slow heavy armoured ones - though less PRR obviously. the balance here needs to be addressed.
8. monk splashes are hurt bad (though still palyable). My sugested fix for this is to tie the additional monk AC bonus into BAB - rather than granting a bonus at given monk lvls. Require the monk splash to be centered to get this bonus, however change the feat whirling steel strike to allow the monk to remain centered when using any weapon they are proficient with, and zen archery to apply to all ranged weapons. Ki stikes to be useable with all weapons - not just wraps.
9. spell power:
So much emphasis is now placed on enhancements. I have no issue with this other than many classes do not get the relevant enhancements for their spells - eg no force or fire lines for clerics. fix that fact and these changes will be fine. certain gear also needs review - ml 24 versions of canith items would be a good idea. add a ring or helm or trinket that has potency, one that has devotion, and one that has impulse - and associated lores.
10. spell power: implement bonus:
dumb stupid idea. remove it - or put it on ALL weapons even if they have no caster function. I cant stress enough my loathing for this.
11.spell power: cannith crafting.
need recipies for spell power that range from +30 to +108.
In conclusion - I like the basics, the principles of the changes. There is just some fine tweaking that needs to be done.