How can i update my character list on my.ddo page in game? have more then 10 charaters how no longer exist. Someone now how i can update or fix that?
How can i update my character list on my.ddo page in game? have more then 10 charaters how no longer exist. Someone now how i can update or fix that?
nothing you can do.
myddo has been broken since turbine released it. In the past 2 years nobody at turbine has been able to fix it or been allowed to fix it.(management would not see a revenue stream from myddo)
Same - odd that MyDDO is constantly updated, but not for everything.
I leveled one of my toons last night and yes, the new level is seen on MyDDO, but i too have 4 or 5 toons that have been deleted for months yet still appear in the list...
Eriar Tahlaer AA/Healer ShiC Drd/Rng/Ftr 17/2/1 - Cryme Otta TR B-Eng Arti 11 - Larue K'Dhar SDII Ftr/Pal 16/2
Koroz PMII Wiz/Rog/Ftr 12/2/1 - Feevin Otta Rog 4
Found in Sai Gon (Orien)