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so far i havent see a difference between my damage out put at level 24 compared to a pure arti's dps at level 24. I havent seen their rune arms make a major difference at all. Like i said aside from endless fusilade my dps seems to be up to par with their dps. I have confirmed it with guildies who have epic leveled artis, friends, and pug's. Im too a point on the server where people call me an arti rather than a wizard (cuz i can still buff others with scrolls available in house c..sorta stupid that i cant buff my own weapons >.>). Every elitest a hole who has tried to knock my build has shut their holes cuz i usually am the person saving the day. Did power play and i was the sole survivor of the optional that has those little spheres to form voltron, and took him down on my own in a decent amount of time. As i said before me, a healer, a tank, and a ranger made our last stand with harry in hard shroud run. (for use to have brought him down to 5% from 50% is pretty impressive, no one in the party thought we would last as long as we did). even people on the server who dislike me will at least respect the build i have put out,cuz of the fact that i can hold my own.
but the point of this thread is not my build of my toon but the change i believe is needed for champion. The proc rate is too low for the three stances available, and i see that it really makes no major difference. Yeah when they proc they are mediocre to great (the ones that only prot for 20-60 damage is mediocre) and you can defend it all you want, but compared to the other trees, this seems to be the low end. Shadow dancer has insta kill abilities, same goes for lily pedal or what ever its called. Legendary has many available option to increase damage, speed, and chance to hit (when i used legendary to get to champion and used the damage boost i went from 50-60 to 70-80damage per bolt) while the damage boost was nice, thats all i used in the legendary tree. (thats actually going to be my twist of fate)
again shadow dancer actually dosent have much to offer me except a one time increase to sneak attack damage, a like 2 or 3 abilities. Champion how ever, i used everything i get. Am i happy with it no do i think it needs a bit of an upgrade, i wouldnt be here if i didnt. like i said the champion tree either needs to allow all stance to be active simultaneously or change it to guaranteed dmg 100% of the time, not 7%. Even if that guaranteed damage came in the form of 1d10 or 2d10 i think that would be a step up from what it currently is. So that means every attack will have anywhere between 1 to 10 extra damage or 2 to 20 extra damage per attack.
I dont see why any one would be against it. its all beneficial and it wouldnt be broke considering melees can potentially hit for much 2x more then any arti, ranger, or repeater built rogue. my guildie is now consistantly hitting 200 low to 270 high, 500+ crits. Barbarians i know can hit for 230 ish low to 300 high and have crits of 600-700 and occasionally the 1k crits. I know cuz im always asking, to make sure my builds are up to par with others on the server. If i feel my toon is gimped then i lesser tr, if he is still gimped after then i delete and reroll. Arcanes can hit harder then any arti, ranger, or repeater built rogue. Anyone using a bow or xbow is behind the rest of the classes in this game. I have played rangers that can do 150 per arrow, but many shots cool down blows chunks. I have yet ot play an arti cuz i havent unlocked one yet. But as i said i've talked to many of them and they say their typical damage from levels 20-25 is around 60-70 so not to much of a difference form my 50-60. Again that is without gear, tharnes goggles would up it to 55-65, and more gear are out there that will do this boost in damage for me. Also with legendary's attack boost it will raise my dps considerably. But i still think xbow users and bow users are still behind the curve and something needs to be done to catch them up a little more.
YOu can argue that they do less damaged cuz they are ranged, but that dosent make a valid argument when you look at wizards and sorcs. Heck a divine can out dps a ranged user using divine punish, comet fall, and searing light in some cases. (note the key phrase here, "in some cases') and yes my guild healer can do 300+ dmg per tick with his divine punish. Which stacked up 3x times is brutal. You can call bs, but he has killed me in one tick while in undead form and two ticks while in living form using just his one spell.