Quote Originally Posted by countfitz View Post

And to Thrud: Honest question, why Stunning and not Trip? I see this a lot, I personally like trip more on a fighter, stunning on a monk, and really never even fit it into a barb build, especially now with all the feats needed for epic OC. So, why is stunning better on a barbarian (and, in fact, is it better on a fighter too?)
Improved Trip calls for CE which is another stat investment and tome as well as feat.
Stun is easier for barb to preq.

And as for stun... i recently leveled up 32 human barb without any alts help. And it was quite good, the kicker was early cleave and great cleave for all this moments when you are swarmed by kobolds/goblins/scelies/ogres. I dont really miss stun, till GH (got it at 12) but then pop the problem that when content is hard enought to stun matter it not always land - well life - maybe with dwarf or HO it will work better.