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  1. #1
    Community Member eachna_gislin's Avatar
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    Default Twink gear for a very low level cleric?

    Starting a fresh cleric and wondering what BTA gear I could potentially be farming (or cannith crafting) to help her start out strong for her first 6-7 levels. My cannith crafting on my alt toon is in the 70's in all 3 schools.

    She's a half elf with fighter dilly (healing with some melee for soloing or small groups). So a couple useful weapons would be nice. I have the Longsword of the Inquisition, and the Pillar of Light quarterstaff, but nothing else really low level.

    For armor, I bought a set of mithril fullplate (for cannith crafting) and I have the Infested Armor starting at level 5. I have almost a full set of abashai gear (just missing the boots). Edit: I also have a BTA craftable heavy shield.

    I grabbed a Ring of the Archbishop which gives +20 sp with no minimum level, and a suppressed pink (+2 con) ioun stone.

    Anything else I should be getting?

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Add invul to an armor for level 1
    Add invul + lifeshield to armor for level 5 (7 w/o master craft)
    I would wear those over infested armor.

    I use a Maelstrom at low level. I think it is amazing in harbor; though I am sure that you can craft something that is as good, Falcion of holy burst? Here is a great thread for cannith twink items

    I love the ioun stones, one for arch magi, and the other that does 50 spell absorb. I forget their colors :/ I think they are pale lav, and vibrant purple.
    On my clerics I usually dont bother with sword of inq, burst or turning seems to work better. Here is a thread on gearing for turning

    I also use sound burst a lot low level, so you might want to get some gear to make that hit better.

    Sorry I didn't have a good list of BTA gear for ya, hopefully you find something you can use in my ramblings.

  3. #3
    Community Member Sarzor's Avatar
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    For my low level clerics things I care about:

    1) At level 1, crafted armor of invulnerability, adding lifeshield at level 5 (with cannith token; 7 without)
    2) If on a class which can use it, carnifax at level 4. Lasts surprisingly long and I tend to use it until about level 8-10, though there are better things at that level.
    3) Anger's wrath set. Nice for the exp retreat clicky, and the +2 to hit.
    4) Unsupressed ioun stones are nice, but only on a TR, and even there I don't see them as too important.
    5) I like the abishai set. I don't use the full set. Always gauntlets and cloak, and some combination of the others. I like the helm to get the bonus as the charisma bonus is nice, but your call. The bracers are nice since the helm slot has some competition and the bracers I find I have nothing for at low levels. I'm not a big fan of the boots as they're the other half of the anger's wrath set.
    6) Guild slots. Really, nothing is more awesome than being on a low-hp class, putting on your large guild slot and having +20 HP. Some of my TRs have ~30 staring HP, and that's almost doubling it. Between the large guild slot and the +5 HP belt on Korthos, I can easily have double the HP of half the people in Korthos.

    As you can tell, I play most of my low level toons as melee with sides of whatever my class is. As a cleric with fighter dilly, you're basically a fighter who can heal yourself. With a carnifax you can kill mercilessly, and with invulnerability armor, you're basically untouchable except by spells and burst damage.

    Also of note is that this same setup works for pretty much all classes.

  4. #4
    Community Member Horkster's Avatar
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    I am a big fan of the Necklace of Contemplation, especially for low level casters.

    +10 HPs, +5 Concentration, +1 to hit, all at ML:1? Tasty!

    Stavandal - Guild Leader of 'The Silver Legion' of Cannith, a part of Guild Medieval

  5. #5
    Community Member Auralana7214's Avatar
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    Craft a featherfalling item and some invulnerability heavy armor and you will be set for the first 6-7 levels. If you are going for turning undead, craft something with Sacred on it. The gear, IMO is mostly trivial for these levels on a first life since they go by so fast. After these levels is when the fun starts!
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  6. #6
    Founder EazyWeazy's Avatar
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    Default Cleric Specific

    You will have a ton of fun if you make some items to boost your turning ability. Off the top of my head I think you can do,

    Eternal Faith
    Silver Flame

    There is some overlap on these attributes, but worth slotting in. Eventually I think Sacred will be eclipsed, but you can get it very early on. I had these items with my cleric when I TRed and he evaporated undead all the way through the Necro 4 series. Was really fun to play him that way in the early game. Obviously it doesn't work well later on, but is a nice and easy tweak that will help while leveling. Good Luck.
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  7. #7
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    U need empower healing and maximize for burst healing. Prior to lvl 6 take power attck and with ftr dilly take keen falchions. With free feat swap u can swap PA later if u r caster type. I dont know your build. Hopfully u took toughness. Ur damage will be from melee. U will crowd control with with soundburst for stun and command. Ur healing will be stacking cures with no metas.

  8. #8
    The Hatchery
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    Quote Originally Posted by Horkster View Post
    I am a big fan of the Necklace of Contemplation, especially for low level casters.

    +10 HPs, +5 Concentration, +1 to hit, all at ML:1? Tasty!

    This is one of my favorites. Be careful with it though, it will break quickly if you don't bind it.

  9. #9
    Community Member HastyPudding's Avatar
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    Unsuppressed Vibrant Purple Iuon Stone. Minimum lvl 5, +200 SP (+400 if fvs/sorc), +2 to all spell pen checks. I've had numerous people ask 'how is your sp so high'. I show them that and the response is always 'I need to get me one of those'. You just can't beat a cleric or a wizard with an additional 200 sp at level 5 or a level 5 fvs/sorc with almost 1k sp. It's awesome.

    You can also find a low level 'lacerating' weapon; it has bleeding and wounding on it, great for soloing in the harbor. I've seen lacerating weapons as low as lvl 4. Riptide (frost/tidal) weapons, too.

  10. #10
    Community Member eachna_gislin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HastyPudding View Post
    Unsuppressed Vibrant Purple Iuon Stone. Minimum lvl 5, +200 SP (+400 if fvs/sorc), +2 to all spell pen checks. I've had numerous people ask 'how is your sp so high'. I show them that and the response is always 'I need to get me one of those'. You just can't beat a cleric or a wizard with an additional 200 sp at level 5 or a level 5 fvs/sorc with almost 1k sp. It's awesome.

    You can also find a low level 'lacerating' weapon; it has bleeding and wounding on it, great for soloing in the harbor. I've seen lacerating weapons as low as lvl 4. Riptide (frost/tidal) weapons, too.
    Unsupressed ioun stones are not available to a lowbie 1st lifer, but I did snag a Crimson Gemstone (+50 sp ml:5) after doing several runs of Tangleroot for XP.

    I'll look for lacerating and riptide weapons. Nice suggestion. Thanks!

  11. #11
    Community Member PNellesen's Avatar
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    Just off the top of my head, stuff my lowbie clerics have found really useful:

    - Adamantine plate with medium guild slot (if you're in a medium sized guild, that is) - 15HP and DR 3/- at level 1 is pretty nice, and then add invulnerability/lifeshield as you level up until you can start wearing your Cavalry plate (if you don't have Cav Plate, get some at the next Cove event). Even if you're not in a guild, the DR 3/- is nice at low levels.

    - If you're in a guild, another medium slot item with 60 SP on it.

    - Another vote here for Necklace of Contemplation.

    - Archivist's Set from Korthos. Love the SP clickies at low levels.

    - Ring of Feathers or some other ML1 Feather Falling item. If you don't have them, craft some FF on an item when you get a chance.

    - Since you're taking fighter dilettante, then Carnifex, Hellstroke Greataxe, and Antique Greataxe (if you can loot them). I also found a Ghost Touch of Pure Good maul that has gotten 2 Clerics and a Druid through Deleras, but not sure how common those are.

    A twinked-out Battle Cleric is a ton of fun to play - good luck!
    Quote Originally Posted by Ertay View Post
    While they were at it though, the devs decided to go on an incredible nerfhammer rampage and left nothing in their wake standing...

  12. #12
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    Trinket of Faith and the Belt of uh... faith? Something? The belt that gives healing lore and a couple extra turns...

  13. #13
    Community Member eachna_gislin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Horkster View Post
    I am a big fan of the Necklace of Contemplation, especially for low level casters.

    +10 HPs, +5 Concentration, +1 to hit, all at ML:1? Tasty!

    Thanks for pointing this out. I wasn't able to get it (despite trying on several runs) but I was able to buy one from the AH. As my cleric just hit level 9 I've banked it for TR/next life.

  14. #14
    Community Member Jingwei's Avatar
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    Another handy thing to be on the lookout for is the named Mace of Smiting, ML6 adamantine + smiting. Think it's rare drop from any appropriate lvl chest. Shows up on the AH occasionally.

    Some of the scarab turn-ins from the Necro packs may be worth looking at:

    Signet of the Silver Flame (Ring, ML7)
    +4 Int
    +4 Cha
    Undead Guard

    Righteous Bracers (Bracers, ML7)
    Improved False Life
    Undead Guard

    Benign Breath (Trinket, ML9)
    +100 SP
    +9 SP clicky?

    Kaelth's Touch (Trinkey, ML9)
    DR 5/Evil
    Undead Guard


    Full plate of Giants (tempest spine, unbound, ML 10)
    +16 AC
    DR 5/-


    ML 4 bracers of the wind for the permanent blur?

  15. #15
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    In order of importance. Nothing here is hard to get (definitely not suggesting Ioun Stones which are very difficult to upgrade on a first life toon prior to ~17th level, requiring a Ring of Friends teleport).

    - Invulnerability heavy armor
    - +4 wisdom item and a +6 one for higher levels. (I don't bother with other upgrades in between or before +4 but I do use Owl's Wisdom potions for the DC boost).
    - Moderate fortification (until Minos)
    - (If you can get it easily) Phiarlain Mirror Cloak. SR 17 is great at low level.

    Carnifex, Maelstrom or a Holy or Lacerating weapon you are proficient with is needed in the low levels too. Once you hit level 6 and get your burst you can focus on levelling in undead quests and there you will seldom melee.

    Con items, False Life items, +SP items and +Concentration are all useful too but less important than those listed.

  16. #16
    Community Member Ermin_Sivarch's Avatar
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    Get a Devotion item. Saves mana to have your heals boosted. keep upgrading it as much as you can based on character level and crafting level/plat allows.

    Invest in devotion enhancement line for healing.

    Its amazing how much extra healing item/enhancement spell power provides per cast.

    Get a brillance scepter. If you plan to use bursts/spells with light affects, this boosts them.

    At higher levels when your using blade barriers, get an impulse sceptre for boosting this spell.

    Get a bracer of wind lvl 4 cannith challenge item. Has permanent blur on it. don't always have someone around to blur you.

    Craft holy/pure good on your chosen weapon. 3d6 extra dmg helps at lower levels. master crafting to lower min level from 7 down to 5 if you can. Don't put any +1 to 5 enhancement on it, till your appropraite level to use it. Holy/bleed also works on alot of living mobs, if your not good or want to lowr the ML a little. These crafted weapons are comparable to almost any weapon out there in terms of shear overall damage they can do.

    If your fighting undead, look for armor/shield that has undead guard on it at low level. Having an extra 3d8 dmg every time the undead hits you makes them easier to kill. lesser undead guard and undead guard stack. I wouldn't use undead guards unless your running thru necropolis/catacombs....

  17. #17
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    Cleric first lifer should stick to content that plays into your strengths, so undead content which is plentiful. Id go with the lvl 4 mournlode gear at tier 2 from house C with higher lvl versions waiting for you. By lvl 8 with the lvl 8 stuff at tier 3 bound to u with craftable 2 on it, and RS1 virtually no undead will challenge you and you can rock like a divine WMD in deleras tomb on elite to hit lvl 10ish fairly fast. By lvl 12, with tier 3 bound to character +3 craftable mournlode armor and alternative elemental weapons for non undead foes, people will just be shaking there head wishing they had thought a cleric was more then a healer when they rolled their barbs.

    Just make sure you pass ingrediants to upgrade to tier 3 to your lowbie before u upgrade it so it binds to him.

    Things like the lvl 12 mournlode weapons with craftable 3 and holy of pure good shoved into them become some of the most frightening undead killers a man could ask for.

    and hay for doing von5/6 at lvl the calomel stuff is sweet for velah, granted being combat cleric in that might not go over well, but hey with the right tools and self healing/buffing it wont be hard for you to stand in her face and whack her up while bursting the guys around you.

  18. #18
    Community Member voxson5's Avatar
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    You have some cove hand me downs, the greater nimble (lv4 perma blur) or cunning (+50 stacking sp) trinkets are quite nice

    Abashai set helps for resists if you don't have them on guilds hip

    Challenge robe lv4 for the lesser frozen ice (turn enemy to ice on melee or if you get hit) is pretty op, reported 35 dc too - so not much will save against it for a while.

    And everything already mentioned by above posters

  19. #19
    Community Member t0r012's Avatar
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    Armor of invunerability
    Necklace of contemplation

    I used to carry around a ton of "optimal" weapons then I realized it doesn't matter so much and I have gotten lazy as I found the low level content is so easy. So I like to find weapons that aren't optimal but work on the largest selection of mobs.
    For that case I have found absolutely nothing more utilitarian than

    Nicked Greatsword from the Sharn syndicate end reward. Two hander with 1d6 sonic that next to nothing is resistant to for at least the first half dozen levels. I think clay golem in tears is the first mob that has any resistance and that is only a little bit.

    Beyond that I try and simplify any old ghosttouch I find and any everbright for ooze beating.
    That is till I can pull my ghosttouch of everbright maul out of the bank. Only thing that would make me happier is if I could find a adamantine ghost touch of everbright.
    One of these days ill find that elusive lazy mans single swapper.

    If you have a monk level it is tough to beat devotions from deleras ( if you are good) no ml holy handwraps , yes please. If your a clonk they even have devotion on them.
    Move along , Nothing to see here

  20. #20
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    I think clay golem in tears is the first mob that has any resistance and that is only a little bit.
    For that, you get this:
    Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.

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