Originally Posted by
I'm sure many players could tell stories about the times when they were passing bound loot to someone else in a chest, and clicked the wrong person...a person who had already recalled out of the quest / raid.
I would like to propose the following changes to the ownership of loot in a chest.
1. If someone is not in the quest, whether they're in the party or not, they do not show on the list of people to pass loot to.
2. Once someone leaves the quest / raid, any loot remaining in any chest with their name on it is immediately set to no-owner, meaning anyone remaining in the quest / raid is free to loot it. Additionally, 60 seconds after someone moves away from the chest, outside of looting range but still inside the quest, any loot still flagged with their name reverts to no-owner, allowing anyone to loot it.
This would help prevent 'oops, I passed it to xxxx, and they've already recalled' mistakes, as well as the 'hey, can you pass me that xxxxx if you don't want it? No, sorry, I already recalled / zerged ahead and won't come back / whatever' sitautions as well.