Hey all...I used to play a while back and have just started playing again. I'm looking for an active guild on Argonnessen.
At the same time, I don't want to be in a guild that demands that its members raid ALL the time - I got burnt out on raiding last time I played and it was one of the reasons I left.
I like raiding, but I also like exploring and trying new character classes and dungeons.
I currently have a level 17 (Rogue / Ranger / barb) and a Level 8 Fighter I JUST used the stone of experience to get to level 15 (havent levelled him yet)
I also have a baby rogue/ranger/barb I made to refamiliarize myself with the mechanics.
Character names are Fereldan, Dariush and Iniva.
I hope I can find a group of good people