Asura - Storm of the Thousand Fists
12 Monk / 7 Druid / 1 Rogue
I usually dont tend to give my builds out, and dont really claim anything to be my own, but since a lot of people are extremely interested in this one in particular and actually keep bugging me for more info about it, I will for once be a good and helpfull person and give it out.
I am currently using this build on my completionist toon, Mitwo, so I will post it exactely on how I made it, but will aswell give out alternative feats for people who dont have access to the past lives that I personally took.
Pros about the build:
- Very self sufficient (self healing / self buffing)
- Super fast attack speed possible
- Super High dps if everything stays up, otherwise just high dps
- Incredible saves
- High healing amp
- Acceptable AC (not super, but selfbuffed, I can bring myself to around a 55% mischance)
- Very high tactical DCs
Cons about this build
- Lacks a bit in the HP department
- Lacks a bit in the defense department, glass cannon comes to mind in certain occasions if ya dont watch out
- Needs killing blows to fully be at max potential
The build itself:
(36point build) - Lawfull Neutral - Human
Level 1 - Rogue
Feat: Cleave + Power Attack
Level 2 - Monk
Feat: Stunning Fist
Level 3 - Monk
+1 tome all stats
Feat: Completionist (alternative Toughness or skill focus UMD) + 2weapon fighting
Level 4 - Monk
+1 Wisdom
Feat: Fist of Darkness
Level 5 - Monk
Level 6 - Monk
Feat: Past life Monk (alternative improved sunder)
Level 7 - Monk
+2 tome all stats
Feat: Dodge
Level 8 - Druid
+1 Wisdom
Level 9 - Monk
Feat: Past life Barbarian (Toughness)
Level 10 - Monk
Level 11 - Monk
+3 tome (if possible, WIS and DEX are a must in this build!)
Level 12 - Druid
+1 Wisdom
Feat: Improved 2weapon fighting
Level 13 - Druid
Level 14 - Druid
Level 15 - Druid
+4 tome (if possible)
Feat: Improved Critical (Blungeon)
Level 16 - Druid
+1 Strenght
Level 17 - Druid
Level 18 - Monk
Feat: Greater 2weapon fighting
Level 19 - Monk
Level 20 - Monk
+1 Strenght
Level 21 - Epic
Feat: Vorpal Strikes
Level 22 - Epic
Level 23 - Epic
Level 24 - Epic
+1 Strenght
Feat: Improved Martial Arts
Level 25 - Epic
Not going to give all enhancements out onto how I distributed them, as this normally is variable for every other person according to gear and tomes, but the enhancements that are a MUST HAVE in this build are:
- Druid Fatal Harrier + Nature´s warrior
- Druid Vengefull Hunter
- Human versitility
- Some Healing amp enhancements
- Touch of Death (and all pre reqs lol)
- Ninja Spy II (and all its pre reqs)
- Enough STR and WIS enhancements to equal yourself out and bring those 2 stats as high as possible
Must have Spells:
Level 1:
- Jump
- Pass without Trace
- Rams Might
Level 2:
- Fog Cloud
- Resist energy
- Lesser restoration
Level 3:
- Quench
- Spiderskin
- Protect from energy
Level 4:
- Freedom of Movement
Epic Destiny:
Some people dont really understand why, and actually call me stupid, but this is really a build to be in Legendairy Dreadnought with. Almost everybody claims it should be in Grandmaster, till they really see it in action. Then they somehow understand why. This is a pure Dreadnough build. Dont be tempted to go any other destiny, as youa re giving up too much potential by doing so.
As Twists I really recommand getting Sense weakness (Fury) and Dance of Flowers (Grandmaster)
As Third one, I personally like having Running with Wind (Grandmaster), but there are other options in that slot available. You basically have a t2 twist open for what ever.
My current stats at level 25 unbuffed:
STR: 42
DEX: 32
CON: 30
INT: 16
WIS: 40
CHA: 22
Other notes about this build:
- I do NOT fight in animal form, its a monk unarmed build, not a wolfy or beary cuddly hugger thing lol
- It is a wind stance build. Due to the increadible high attack speed (monk base attack speed + 15% haste + 30% dreadnought haste boost + 25% Fatal Harrier enhancement) you really benefit the most from having as much as possible double strike chance extra.
- The key about this build is to stun a mob, get it down with an action boost, get your extra attack speed buff and directely move on to the next build. The faster you personally play, the better this build will work in the end. If youa re a player who likes to wait around, always be full health, sniff a flower left and right, ... Then this build will never come to its full potential with you. It is an increadible powerfull build but ya have to play it at a superiorly fast speed, the faster, the better.
- Saves on my personal build are +39 fort, +44 refl, +43 will, and that is not buffed at all. No shipbuffs even. So obviously the saves are rather off the charts when ya consider fully raidbuffed with this thing. Highest I have personally seen as of this moment was a +75 fort save, +69 refl (vs traps), +66will (vs enchant)
- HP is rather lowish, but the healing amp possibilities and the UMD make rather will up for that. I cap out around a +58UMD, and my healing amp caps around the 330% mark
- Stunning DC around 68 fully geared, I aint always walking around with that as I have encounted that a +58 is more then enough in most occasions.
- Name of the build was choosen by Ziind so any remarks about that, adress him
If people have more questions about this build, feel free to eather mail me on the forums or post them here.