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  1. #1
    Community Member soloist12's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Thumbs down Lack of Divine Raid Drops

    This has been repeated before, but I would like to shed a new light on this.

    It's depressing really, to see the new update 15 shield, and realize if we choose to use it, we bail out on planar conflux bonus because the raid only has a half arcane/half divine staff. Despite that, both divine classes can and probably should use shields.

    I'm not sure how this lack of a 1h divine caster item was overlooked for the shield using classes. It's the same as putting a 2h tanking item in the raid with a planar conflux bonus and no 1h alternative for them to use a shield with.

    Not only that, but the new content included 1h fire/lightning items (both terrible as far as named loot is mind you, loot gen items have similar/better stats), and yet still no 1h to compliment the divine shield. I've never played a paladin, does it have appealing stats for a paladin tank?

    It really makes me shake my head sometimes what goes on. How hard is it to give us Divine Augmentation xx? Arcane Augmentation is now on several items, in some form of level. How hard is it to give divines a lore that benefits blade barrier stronger than arcane lore? Maybe Major/Superior Arcane Lore? Something new, anything??

    If the devs frown at all the blade barrier use, it might be time to look at the other 80% of the divine dmg spells that see experimental use and then are removed from quick bars immediately after they fail to deliver....

    Seriously, a shield right after the raid drops just a 2h staff? Boggles my mind, it really does.

  2. #2
    Community Member Vormaerin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by soloist12 View Post
    Boggles my mind, it really does.
    I know, seriously, how could the devs drop items for entirely different builds when they could drop items for a single build...

    The staff is for a pure caster focused character. The shield is for sword and board style types (druids and battle clerics). Neither is for the 2h melee FVS.

    The shield isn't bad for DOS paladins, but not super amazing. Most have Natural Armor, Heal Amp 20% in their build already but this could allow for some gear swapping. The bashing, DR, and devotion are nice. Its the best shield that's been included in a while, at any rate.

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