DDO Gamerame is Geoff Hanna and I've been writing a blog on myDDO for a few years now. I am well over the minimum age of 18.
I'd like to branch off of that experience and try a standalone blog called DDO Gamer (www.ddogamer.com) where I will continue to write about DDO.
Description: DDO Gamer is your go-to source for the latest or funniest DDO information... assuming I know about it... and feel like writing about it. Updated most weekdays.
The DDO Gamer site is up right now and ready for your review. Just head over to www.ddogamer.com and see what you think. You may find links to my other blog Gamer Geoff (www.gamergeoff.com), the two sites are kind of linked, but I am maintaining the two sites with separate look, feel, content, and url. DDOGamer will always have 100% DDO-related content..
DDOGamer content is posted most weekdays. It is generally upbeat, though not uncritical, and rarely stretches the boundary of PG13 sensibilities. Those who want to post comments must login or provide name & email, but all content can be viewed anomymously
The site includes conspicuous links to ddo com as well as the forum & myddo subdomains.
Thanks for your time, please feel encouraged to contact me if you have any questions or comments.
geoffhanna Email: [redacted]