So, I haven't played in awhile, and someone was nice enough to use their stone to bump my human cleric to level 16. Can anyone clue me in as to what non-raid equipment he should have to Max healing? Also, what armor should he be wearing?
So, I haven't played in awhile, and someone was nice enough to use their stone to bump my human cleric to level 16. Can anyone clue me in as to what non-raid equipment he should have to Max healing? Also, what armor should he be wearing?
Get yourself an item with devotion spell power on it for heals. Pref a helm or ring that you do not have to take off or swap that way you can melee if you run out of sp. Ardor Clickies below <20 are not worth it anymore. Same for brilliance. They are just a small percentage now. They use to free up your hands for weapons and a substitute for devotion and potency which was worth a click to free your hands. But now spell power is more common on martial weapons.
Get radiance spell power for divine punishment. Radiance lore too, but I hope u have smiting lines for enhancements. That can be upto 21% criticals for DP.
For armor just wear heavy fortification and if u can find one a heavy fort with death block robe. I also have deathblock shields to equip quickly if surprised by Beholder. Now that helms have decent spell power I find it hard to keep Minos equipped. You can get the toughness trait now on other items now.
Impulse spell power for Bladebarrier.
Divine power items to melee.
greater false life.