Grab your pitchforks and torches...
Grab your pitchforks and torches...
Last edited by Dicey; 08-23-2012 at 06:04 AM.
Proud member of the ICKs-Argonnessen
Necromaimed // Hyyperion
Is that a norm for eVon4? what diff?
Must farm eVon4, NOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooOOOOoo oooOOOOowwwww!
PS: This better not be the reason why servers are going down for a hotfix today. Geez, let it be other bug fixes, please!
Last edited by KomradKillMachine; 08-23-2012 at 05:09 AM. Reason: add
might need to censor the bottom chat window. lol
Not that nasty words would EVER leave sweet necro's lips.
And Alk... I'll be with you in a moment... gotta find my pitchfork.
DJ's Bravery Streak to 20 - DJ's Bravery Streak to 20 w/ Gr Tome of Learning
Divinejourny(Artificer Completionist- 21/21lives) - Dreamjourny(Sorc 4/13lives) - Deadlyjourny(Paladin T3) - Dancinjourny(Moncher T3) - Darkjourny(12Monk/7Fighter/1Arti T3) -a few other alts
Saw this exact same thing happen in a EH VoN5 on Sarlona a few weeks ago. Entire group was in a mixture of shock and laughing our behinds off.
Happened several more times during that run, no less. Just not with the SoS.
(Combat): ********** was healed by you for 5,033 points.
Yes, that was an eHard von4 run. That was the third SoS scroll that night. Earlier a friend got one from ehVoN2
Something is pretty fishy with von scrolls atm. Had an occasion where 3 bracers scrolls dropped back to back to three people in a von5 run a while ago.
As for my guildy Alk's case, I think he has been getting private lessons from Varjag![]()
Proud member of the ICKs-Argonnessen
Necromaimed // Hyyperion
I knew I should have joined that run...dammmed wife agro!
Dravun , Yocoba, Daivik, and so many more.
Proud to serve the Imperial Assassins!
Do not drink the awesome-sauce......One must BE the awesome-sauce.
DJ's Bravery Streak to 20 - DJ's Bravery Streak to 20 w/ Gr Tome of Learning
Divinejourny(Artificer Completionist- 21/21lives) - Dreamjourny(Sorc 4/13lives) - Deadlyjourny(Paladin T3) - Dancinjourny(Moncher T3) - Darkjourny(12Monk/7Fighter/1Arti T3) -a few other alts
So you did get the screeny... haven't seen this till now. Thanks for putting the pitchfork away long enough to post it.
BOW TO SERVERGOD ALK!...........that is all.
Alkkarn Alkkine Alkine Roubot Alkot Alkky
On argo cuz its better than you!
Araphina Skycrow - 15Paladin/3Ranger/2Fighter (Life10/25) 5xRanger, 3xPaladin, 2xMonk
Araphell - Arasin - Arathaes - Arawyn - Aravein
Guild: Fors Fortis;Guild of Won, & VENOM @ Argo"And we learn, as we age; We've learned nothing! And my body still aches."
Don't encourage him!Teach me your ways, or great Hax Master.