I recently tried to get in touch with Customer Support (my lvl 18 has 12,5k total xp since Update 15), and I noticed
the "new ticket" was missing. Apparently this is now reserved for VIP players. Trying to use the web ticket service I
got the following reply:

If you would like to request assistance of the In-Game "GM's", we are only able to review and investigate with specific gameplay questions or issues when tickets are submitted through the ticket system within the game.
Please note that if there is no “New Ticket” button on the Help Menu then your account is not currently eligible for In-Game support. You may obtain eligibility by becoming a VIP member or purchasing Turbine Points

I don't mind supporting a game I like, but I bought every single adventure pack/race/class so why should I have to
buy a VIP account too? And I recently stocked up 10.000 Turbine points, so I have no need to buy new points right
now. Bugs happen, and we all know DDO is full of them, but why should we the customer pay for them? Why do you
want real world money to fix a problem you created?

How do I know that if I send you some cash to fix this issue, there won't be another strange problem with my
toons/account whenever you need/want more money?