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  1. #1
    Hero FZTopaz's Avatar
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    Feb 2010

    Default Bearbarian 28-pt build (Druid 13/Barb 6/Ftr 1)

    Hello! I posted this originally on the multi-class forums, but didn't have a build and was just asking questions.

    My goals were simple...make a viable rage-tank all the way through end game content, that hits for a decent amount, can take a beating, and can heal himself. I can even make a decent backup healer (not healing epic raids, but can easily target someone in trouble and maybe save the day...) and can rez.

    I wasn't going to take any spells aside from buffing, but after slotting all my buffing spells, I seem to still have room. So, while in the middle of a mob, I can cast Greater Creeping Cold on the red name, throw a few splinter bolts here and there, toss some fire seeds and splinterbolt, and throw down a wall of fire. Then, enter rage and pummel everyone to smithereens!

    I chose barbarian because a) it fits! b) cool name choice! c) RAGE!!!!! I originally was going to go fury, but decided a tank shouldn't be hitting himself. That allowed me to also take a level of fighter, allowing me a haste boost and an extra feat, as well as tower shield and heavy armor proficiency.

    In the build listed below, I took toughness three times. I only did that because i was not able to take Natural Fighting in the character generator, so I will have slightly less HP than listed. I will probably be taking toughness again in epic levels though. Taking 6 levels of barbarian allow me to get my extra rage along with hardy, power and extend. I took 2 levels of fighter for the extra feat, but am probably going to end up taking just the one so I can get my lvl 7 spells with my 13th level of druid.

    Went with Half-Orc for the size, extra action boosts, str and con bonuses, and just overall awesomeness.

    Currently at lvl 13 in this build, just took my first fighter level. I'm hitting things hard, reaving roar procs all the time killing EVERYTHING around me, and at lvl 13, in rage mode, I have 537hp with the items I have on.

    Gear wise, I just got the Parasitic Breastplate (can't wear it quite yet) but I imagine that is going to last me awhile. I will be making a greensteel weapon, wall of wood shield, PDK bracers and helm, not sure on the rest yet as I am still learning some of the higher end stuff. Will probably end up with the Leaves of the Forest armor though.

    Well, that's it. Let me know what you think! A lot of time and energy in this build!

    Character Generated Using: DDO Character Generator
    Direct Link to Build:
    Druid 12 / Barbarian 6 / Fighter 2
    Male Half-Orc - Chaotic Neutral
    LEVEL 1:
    Race Selected: Male Half-Orc
    Alignment Selected: Chaotic Neutral
    Class Selected: Druid (Druid 1)
    Abilities Raised: STR: 16, DEX: 12, CON: 18, WIS: 10
    Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +1 (1), Intimidate +4 (4), 
    Jump +1 (1)
    Feats Selected: Power Attack
    Enhancements Selected: Druid Aggravate I, Druid Blood Moon Frenzy I
    LEVEL 2:
    Class Selected: Druid (Druid 2)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Intimidate +1 (5), Jump +0.5 (1.5)
    Enhancements Selected: Orcish Fury I
    LEVEL 3:
    Class Selected: Druid (Druid 3)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Intimidate +1 (6), Jump +0.5 (2)
    Feats Selected: Toughness
    Enhancements Selected: Druid Toughness I
    LEVEL 4:
    Class Selected: Druid (Druid 4)
    Abilities Raised: CON: 19
    Skills Ranks Raised: Intimidate +1 (7), Jump +0.5 (2.5)
    Enhancements Selected: Druid Shifting Rake I, 
    Druid Natures Warden I, Druid Bestial Nature I, Racial Toughness I
    LEVEL 5:
    Class Selected: Barbarian (Druid 4 / Barbarian 1)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Intimidate +1 (8), Jump +1 (3.5)
    Enhancements Selected: Barbarian Sprint Boost I, 
    Barbarian Damage Boost I
    LEVEL 6:
    Class Selected: Barbarian (Druid 4 / Barbarian 2)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Intimidate +1 (9), Jump +1 (4.5)
    Feats Selected: Cleave
    Enhancements Selected: Barbarian Extend Rage I, 
    Barbarian Extra Rage I, Barbarian Constitution I, Druid Toughness II, 
    Barbarian Power Attack I, Racial Toughness II, Orcish Power Rage I, 
    Druid Aggravate II
    LEVEL 7:
    Class Selected: Druid (Druid 5 / Barbarian 2)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Intimidate +1 (10), Jump +0.5 (5)
    Enhancements Selected: Druid Vengeful Hunter I
    LEVEL 8:
    Class Selected: Druid (Druid 6 / Barbarian 2)
    Abilities Raised: CON: 21
    Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (1.5), Intimidate +1 (11)
    Tomes Applied: INT: +2
    Enhancements Selected: Druid Natures Warrior I, 
    Orcish Extra Action Boost I, Orcish Strength I
    LEVEL 9:
    Class Selected: Druid (Druid 7 / Barbarian 2)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (2), Intimidate +1 (12), 
    Jump +0.5 (5.5)
    Feats Selected: Weapon Focus (Bludgeoning)
    Tomes Applied: STR: +2, CON: +1
    Enhancements Selected: Druid Reaving Roar, Druid Toughness III
    LEVEL 10:
    Class Selected: Druid (Druid 8 / Barbarian 2)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (2.5), Intimidate +1 (13), 
    Jump +0.5 (6)
    Enhancements Selected: Druid Blood Moon Frenzy II
    LEVEL 11:
    Class Selected: Druid (Druid 9 / Barbarian 2)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (3), Intimidate +1 (14), 
    Jump +0.5 (6.5)
    Enhancements Selected: Druid Aggravate III, Druid Strength I
    LEVEL 12:
    Class Selected: Druid (Druid 10 / Barbarian 2)
    Abilities Raised: CON: 23
    Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (3.5), Intimidate +1 (15), 
    Jump +0.5 (7)
    Feats Selected: Toughness
    LEVEL 13:
    Class Selected: Fighter (Druid 10 / Barbarian 2 / Fighter 1)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Intimidate +1 (16)
    Feats Selected: Improved Critical (Bludgeoning)
    Enhancements Selected: Fighter Haste Boost I, 
    Orcish Extra Action Boost II, Druid Vengeful Hunter II
    LEVEL 14:
    Class Selected: Barbarian (Druid 10 / Barbarian 3 / Fighter 1)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (4), Intimidate +1 (17), 
    Jump +1 (8)
    Enhancements Selected: Barbarian Hardy Rage I, 
    Barbarian Power Rage I, Druid Toughness IV
    LEVEL 15:
    Class Selected: Barbarian (Druid 10 / Barbarian 4 / Fighter 1)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Intimidate +1 (18), Jump +2 (10)
    Feats Selected: Shield Mastery
    Enhancements Selected: Barbarian Sprint Boost II, 
    Orcish Extra Action Boost III
    LEVEL 16:
    Class Selected: Fighter (Druid 10 / Barbarian 4 / Fighter 2)
    Abilities Raised: CON: 24
    Skills Ranks Raised: Intimidate +1 (19)
    Feats Selected: Improved Shield Mastery
    Tomes Applied: WIS: +2
    Enhancements Selected: Druid Bestial Nature II
    LEVEL 17:
    Class Selected: Druid (Druid 11 / Barbarian 4 / Fighter 2)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +1 (5), Intimidate +1 (20)
    Enhancements Selected: Druid Aggravate IV
    LEVEL 18:
    Class Selected: Barbarian (Druid 11 / Barbarian 5 / Fighter 2)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +1 (6), Intimidate +1 (21)
    Feats Selected: Toughness
    Enhancements Selected: Barbarian Extend Rage II
    LEVEL 19:
    Class Selected: Barbarian (Druid 11 / Barbarian 6 / Fighter 2)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +1 (7), Intimidate +1 (22)
    Enhancements Selected: Orcish Power Rage II, 
    Barbarian Hardy Rage II, Barbarian Extra Rage II
    LEVEL 20:
    Class Selected: Druid (Druid 12 / Barbarian 6 / Fighter 2)
    Abilities Raised: CON: 25
    Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +1 (8), Intimidate +1 (23)
    Tomes Applied: CON: +2
    Enhancements Selected: Barbarian Power Rage II, 
    Druid Strength II
    Stats at End of Level 20:
    HP:494 SP:566 AC:11 FORT:24 REFL:7 WILL:11 BAB:+17/+17/+22/+27
    STR:21(+5) DEX:12(+1) CON:26(+8) INT:8(-1) WIS:12(+1) CHA:6(-2)
    Balance:9, Bluff:-2, Concentration:8, Diplomacy:-2, 
    Disable Device: n/a, Haggle:-2, Heal:1, Hide:1, Intimidate:21, 
    Jump:15, Listen:1, Move Silently:1, Open Lock: n/a, 
    Perform: n/a, Repair:-1, Search:-1, Spot:1, Swim:5, 
    Tumble: n/a, UMD: n/a
    Last edited by FZTopaz; 08-23-2012 at 01:49 AM. Reason: changed title
    Cevon - Nature's Arrow (17 Dru/2 Mnk/1 Wiz HE AA), Shorlong - Pale Master (18 Wiz/2 Monk)
    Gorgnak - Frenzied Barbarian, Krazig - Dark Knight Paladin
    Xanapheia - Fighting Soul (18 FvS/2 Ftr), Addanc - Bearbarian Tank (12 Dru/6 Ftr/2 Brb)
    Thelanis - Leader of The Dark Creed

  2. #2
    Hero FZTopaz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Also wanted to note:

    Cleave as a bear with a paralyzing weapon...amazing.

    As to the build itself, none of the animal form attacks (spells?) work while in barb rage mode. I haven't gotten my madstone boots yet, so I don't know how that will work. So, right now, my rages are saved for large groups and tanking bosses (Sinvala, I'm looking at you...heck of a fight!). Generally, my attack motions in normal mobs are cleave to paralyze as much as possible, maul for aggravate, shred, then cleave again, throwing some spells at random if need be. By this time, most everything is paralyzed and more than one is half dead...focus attack on one and wait for reaving roar to proc...everything around me dies.

    I seriously have not killed this much or had this much fun on any of my toons, and this one is quickly becoming my second favorite!
    Cevon - Nature's Arrow (17 Dru/2 Mnk/1 Wiz HE AA), Shorlong - Pale Master (18 Wiz/2 Monk)
    Gorgnak - Frenzied Barbarian, Krazig - Dark Knight Paladin
    Xanapheia - Fighting Soul (18 FvS/2 Ftr), Addanc - Bearbarian Tank (12 Dru/6 Ftr/2 Brb)
    Thelanis - Leader of The Dark Creed

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