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  1. #1
    Community Member Mark2422's Avatar
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    Default Healer Druid Review

    For anyone that does not know me or my play style, I am mainly a healer that will lay down good dps when appropriate and if the party wipes I just kill everything myself, raise everyone and then move on. This even happened on pt 4 of an elite shroud once. Pots were used. Needless to say I build for my own personal survivability first and for most. My view is, if I’m alive then the party is alive. My toon dying is just not acceptable and I won’t put up with it. Next is my healing ability. My fvS which I have played almost exclusively since FvS was released, can easily solo heal hard/elite shroud and most other raids. Third comes the dps. I don’t expect to be able to top kill charts. If I’m on a raid as a healer I don’t even concern myself with kills. BUT, if the S*** hits the fan, I have to be able to survive and kill mobs quickly. FvS has divine punishment, blade barrier and unlimited searing light and avenging light. With these spells I can do nice dps when called for.

    Now I haven’t said all this to blow my own trumpet. I just want to be clear on what I expect from a toon, what I build it for and give you an idea of my play style. So now I am free to unleash my opinion on the much slated druid.

    Four or so weeks ago I tr'ed my FvS. The toon that I had used to achieve almost everything there was to achieve as a healer. I wanted to see if a druid could cut it as a healer. Their HoT's sounded interesting and since DDO has never really had decent HoT's before now (don’t say RS because having to stand next to the fight in order to heal for 50 a tick is just wrong. Putting myself in danger and at risk of dying for low healing is just crazy and something I would never do.) I wanted to see how powerful they could become. HoT's are a funny thing in mmo's. Getting the balance right is hard. In most games they either end up being under powered and useless, or they become to powerful and pretty much make you unbeatable. Its hard to get the balance right.

    So despite all the doom on the forums about how much druids sucked, I went for it! And after being capped for 3 weeks all I can say is, I will NEVER go back to a FvS, and I will explain why.

    Survivability: I don’t understand people saying their caster druids suck for survivability. We have heal just like a FvS. We can reach the same ac as a FvS. We can reach the same hp and a FvS. If you go exalted angel you can even have leap of faith like a FvS. The only thing we don’t have is natural dr 10. Sorry but if you think that dr 10 is what is keeping your FvS alive in epics then you need to wake up. Useful against a barrage of arrows but that’s about it. What the druid does have however, is a stacking 100% fortification when in elemental form and earthquake. IMO the best crowed control spell in game. Evocation dc, length of 30 seconds and mobs have to make a reflex save every 2 seconds or fall over. I have used this on mobs with some of the highest reflex saves in game and even they spend a fair amount of time eating the floor. And it has virtually NO cooldown! Instant win anyone?

    My final verdict on survivability - FvS suck for cc. Comet fall is a one shot, costly cc if your spaming. And soundburst and greater command are ok, but once the mob saves, thats it. Recast is needed. For me this is one area that the druid kills the FvS and imo puts it ahead in survivability.

    Healing: I’m still in the testing stage with this as it is going to take a lot of time before I can give a fair comparison. However, so far my druid has passed every test that has been thrown at it. I’ve healed every epic quest in game with no problem what so ever. I have healed an elite shroud with no problem. I have healed through demon web hard with no problem. So far my healing power does not feel less than a FvS. It’s just different and I feel like maybe it is even more efficient. For example, if a group all take 300 points of damage. I have to throw a mass heal. Can’t risk everyone been 300 life down all at the same time. So on my FvS I cast mass heal and heal everyone for 500+ hp. Great everyone back up to full. But 200 of that were wasted on every single person as I was over healing. Not an issue since this is the reason I never put points into crit healing on FvS as it is a total waste of time. Just causes more over healing. Same situation on a druid however, I cast mass regenerate. Heals everyone for at least 150 straight off the bat. Some people even taking 300hp. And then everyone getting another 4 ticks of that over the next 8 seconds. During which time the party is likely to have taken more damage and those ticks heal that to.

    I am not going to sit here and say druid is a better healer than a FvS. Just different and IMO in a lot of situations more efficient. But on the flip side there are situations where a FvS will be able to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat with a single mass heal. Taking a hole party from 10% health to 100%. In that situation I’m not sure the druid will be able to keep the hole party up. But I’ve not been in that situation yet and no party should get in that situation in the first place without something being wrong.

    My verdict on healing - Different but equal so far.

    DPS - FvS are widely considered to be good to great caster dps, when they want to be. There are very few mobs that a FvS can do nothing to. Most are not immune to light damage and when that fails you always have bb. The only occasions I can think of right now, where I was a bit stuck on a FvS is Cratos in epic snitch. He is immune to light damage and does not kite very well. Also any situation where you have a lot of mobs in a hole you want to kill. Epic ADQ. Caster FvS cannot kill a lot of mobs that cannot be kited, without it costing a lot of sp. But these situations are very limited and rare. The druid has a lot more variety than a FvS. Instead of having 1 aoe that you have to kite to use effectively. They have 3 aoe's that last for a length of time (firewall - fire damage, SoV - acid and electic, Ice Storm - ice and budgeon), aoe crowed control in earthquake which apart from being IMO the best cc in game, also does damage and an aoe dot which does poison damage to all mobs affected. They also have an aoe aura which I haven’t personally used but my friend says he is doing a lot of damage with (I tend to play water ele and not fire). Next comes the dot comparison. Greater Creeping Cold can equal Divine punishment in terms of damage. It lasts for 12 seconds. For the first 2 seconds mine is doing around 200 damage on a non crit. Next 2 ticks are for around 400 non crit, and the last 2 are around 600 non crit. My divine punishment, when stacked 3 times was doing around 600 per tick on a non crit. But for that you needed to keep the stack going and if you miss one, you start from the beginning having to stack them. It can deplete sp quite quickly when your trying to keep it going, and doing that while healing a group is a skill in its self. But with GCC you get the same sort of output without the need for stacks. And our cold spells reduce mobs speed by 25%, attack speed by 10% and reflex save by 4. AND we can make mobs vulnerable by 25% for 30 seconds. Also DP is only good when fighting 1 mob. GCC has a very low cooldown so it is very easy to dot 2 or 3 mobs where that is just not possible on a FvS. Arcane’s can do 2 if they use both there dots on different mobs.

    My verdict on DPS - Druids are the kings of Aoe. More variety and dps that can more than equal a FvS BB. I won’t say beat it because it will upset to many people. I know the power of BB better than most and in the right situation and used in the right way, BB wins. Every other situation, it loses and there are more loses than wins believe me. As for DoT's, you get a lot more bang for your buck on a druid compared to both FvS and Arcane. But DP has an edge by having a lot less mobs being immune to it and Arcane’s can say we have more variety as we have 2 of different elements. But as DPS comes second to healing for me, sp saving is important so Greater Creeping Cold is a lot better for me as no need for stacking and hardly any cooldown.

    The Negatives - Three fairly big ones I am finding so far.

    Number one, mass buffs. What I wouldn’t give for Mass Protection from Elements, Magic Circle and Mass Death Ward. It is true, you don’t realise what you had until it is gone lol.

    Number two, raise dead. Or should I say reincarnate. Please tell me the cast time on this is a bug and not working as intended. The only words that spring to mind while thinking about it is ***!!!!! If you don’t know what I am talking about, think of mass heal un-quickened. How long that takes. Well reincarnate takes that long and quicken does not affect it at all. To work around this I have had to work my gear and spend points in Cha just to push UMD to the magic 36, so I can use raise dead scrolls. This is the biggest issue I am facing as a heal spec druid.

    Number three, being taken seriously as a healer. I have already had groups where people think I am joking when I say I am a healer and we don’t need a divine. And nobody lists druid when they have 1 spot for a healer. But hopefully in time people will put up lfm stating "Cleric, FvS or Markeyx".

    Final thoughts: Caster druids DONT suck. I think it’s down to play style. I get the feeling Arcane players are trying it and saying "Uh this sucks. My sorc can do more damage than this". Why yes it can, because a druid is not a sorc so don’t play it like it is one. Then you have the evoker FvS saying "Uh this sucks. My FvS can kite through bb and cast mass heal". Again yes it can, but a druid is not a FvS so stop playing it like one. I can only guess about the melee side, but if its like the caster, then I would say people in general need to stop playing a druid like other classes and start learning how to play a druid, like a druid.
    Last edited by Mark2422; 08-20-2012 at 06:51 AM.
    Toons: Markeyx Markeyi, MarkeyKoS, MarkeyKoS-1
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  2. #2
    Community Member AtomicMew's Avatar
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    A FvS survivability is higher due to having wings and +6 reflex saves. A druid CAN take exalted angel for wings, you're right, but at the high cost of losing caster levels. So that option is definitely not worth it.

    You're also right that a druid CAN output more AoE DPS than a FvS, but at the cost of decimating your already small mana pool. And that's simply due to the fact that the druid has more spells to fling around. Unfortunately, all these spells do the same thing: AoE DPS. Furthermore, a druid has no implosion equivalent, no energy drain, no symbol of death and fewer insta-kills. From this perspective, a druid simply isn't a complete caster. A druid is more like an arti, who similarly can provide heals and good martial DPS and spell DPS, but like the arti, lacks the utility and spell variety required to make him a complete caster in the same league as a arcane or a true divine.

  3. #3
    Community Member Lufia's Avatar
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    When sleet storm + earthquake completely shuts down all trash mobs in all of the epic elites near instantaneously, how can you beat that?

    Sure you can consume every 60 seconds and play in a death symbol for a few seconds every min or so...but a druid can shut down everything every 6 seconds with sleetquake and not need to invest in spell penetration or evocation heavily or at all.

    Water Elemental's Icy Soul (-4 reflex/fort)+ Autumnal Susurrus (Shaken -2 to everything)
    = Never getting back up
    = Easy win button make it worse
    Magisters Evocation line gives -10 to reflex debuff each tick nonstacking with itself...and have a guess at how many times earthquake will tick with just one cast.

    A total of -16 to reflex...

    I steam rolled all the epic elites as the healer and CC with sleetquake, no joke and my druid has 3000sp on average. The druid class has it way too easy with a "two spell win the game" combo imo.
    Last edited by Lufia; 08-20-2012 at 08:21 AM.

  4. #4
    Community Member Diyon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark2422 View Post
    then I would say people in general need to stop playing a druid like other classes and start learning how to play a druid, like a druid.
    This. While I'll say that druids as a class could use some polish still, I think this is the main issue (or just building them completely off). At least from the melee side, you have to augment your melee with spells a lot of the time. My wolf druid can melee, CC, and heal some.

    Something that definitely needs to be fixed though: Creeping cold overwrites Niac's Biting Cold.
    Khyber: Runforr 13/6/1 Rog/Ftr/Mnk, Bakup 3/3/1 Mnk/Pal/Rog (TR Pal), Faylah 14 Mnk (TR Mnk), Janthyra 12/7/1 Brb/Rog/Ftr, Ainbthech 20 Sor, Fliethas 18/2 Fvs/Mnk, Unfilled 12/6/2 Mnk/Rgr/Ftr, Arcanemark 10 Wiz "Don't eat us dragon! We're like you, but smaller. And fly worse." - Kobold Crewman on the Heart of Wind

  5. #5
    Community Member Mark2422's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AtomicMew View Post
    A FvS survivability is higher due to having wings and +6 reflex saves. A druid CAN take exalted angel for wings, you're right, but at the high cost of losing caster levels. So that option is definitely not worth it.

    You're also right that a druid CAN output more AoE DPS than a FvS, but at the cost of decimating your already small mana pool. And that's simply due to the fact that the druid has more spells to fling around. Unfortunately, all these spells do the same thing: AoE DPS. Furthermore, a druid has no implosion equivalent, no energy drain, no symbol of death and fewer insta-kills. From this perspective, a druid simply isn't a complete caster. A druid is more like an arti, who similarly can provide heals and good martial DPS and spell DPS, but like the arti, lacks the utility and spell variety required to make him a complete caster in the same league as a arcane or a true divine.
    I am failing to see how increased caster levels do anything for a druid. Most of our dps spells are either have a max caster level cap or like storm of vengance, dont even take caster levels into account for damage. With the most notable exception being creeping doom. Correct me if I am wrong but shiradi does not increase spells maximum caster level cap. I even tested the draconic ability that says it increases the max caster level of spells, but even this did nothing to improve the dps on GCC. So if i am right about all that, what reason do I really have for going shiradi? Im better of as an exalted angel as i get a SLB in avenging light, leap of faith and increased pos and light spell power.

    And even without wings, Alot of the situations I would use them on a FvS, now i just use earthquake to cc the mobs. But i have both ;-)

    FvS can gain about 1000 more sp than a druid. On my druid i currently have 3100sp. I think what people are overlooking here is, on a FvS your manapool and your spell dc's are determined by two different stats. So you carnt max them both. Your either going to have an insane amount of sp and **** dc. Or good dc with good amount of sp. Most people go for the latter and rightly so IMO.

    As for death spells and instant kills. Your right. Druids only have FoD and the dc is about as good as a FvS destruct. No implosion or a spell that comes even close to being like it. But I would gladly give up implosion for the spells and the much improved cc.

    Lacks the spell variety to be classed as a complete caster? You could say the same about fvs since they lack good CC. But then that would mean your deffinition of a complete caster is an arcane who cannot heal a party. Looks to me like each of the three have one notable weak area then.
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  6. #6
    Community Member Mark2422's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lufia View Post
    When sleet storm + earthquake completely shuts down all trash mobs in all of the epic elites near instantaneously, how can you beat that?

    Sure you can consume every 60 seconds and play in a death symbol for a few seconds every min or so...but a druid can shut down everything every 6 seconds with sleetquake and not need to invest in spell penetration or evocation heavily or at all.

    Water Elemental's Icy Soul (-4 reflex/fort)+ Autumnal Susurrus (Shaken -2 to everything)
    = Never getting back up
    = Easy win button make it worse
    Magisters Evocation line gives -10 to reflex debuff each tick nonstacking with itself...and have a guess at how many times earthquake will tick with just one cast.

    A total of -16 to reflex...

    I steam rolled all the epic elites as the healer and CC with sleetquake, no joke and my druid has 3000sp on average. The druid class has it way too easy with a "two spell win the game" combo imo.
    I feel exactly the same. It almost feels to easy to me sometimes. And yet most people are calling them weak and underpowered?
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  7. #7
    Community Member ProdigalGuru's Avatar
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    If your druid seems like easy mode, it likely has much more to do with your play skill and gear than your chosen class.
    Tip# 203: Death is a traumatic experience.

  8. #8
    Community Member Myrrae's Avatar
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    So what's the build on your druid? You've got me curious now

  9. #9
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    I have not capp'd the Druid I have yet as I am still working on my favorite right now. But, I have to say I have not seen the doom and gloom of Druids yet.

    It does play differently than my cleric, pally, bard, barb and other classes I have tried. But, it is fun and oftentimes I am leading the kill count or at least number 3 if I have a TR'd barb or Sorc in the party that knows how to play.

    What I am enjoying most is that even as I am building it as a caster, I can more easily switch to wolf form to melee and do decent damage. The speed of the wolf attacks, coupled with sneak attack damage and gear is pretty decent. Almost as fast as my monk I think, but cannot be certain of that.

    The problem I am having is what feats to take as a Caster with melee back up. I think the Druid can heal ok as a backup and probably could heal as primary, I have not built it for the healing aspect though and I am not about to change right now with the build plan I have, although I think it would be easy to switch without changing feats much.

    With only 10 feats (7 + bonus + 2 epic) as I took human I am having to decide what to take.

    3x natural fighting
    Augment summon (will replace with TWF soon at 18)

    Are the ones I have slotted in my planner. What did you take on your caster? I did not see much need for heighten from what I can see in the spell list, nor mental toughness or those. I guess the extra couple hundred SP could come in handy. What about the epic stats? Would it be good to take the wisdom one? I do have a LR waiting just in case I need to make changes.

    Yes I have a 17 dex base with tome that I had in bank from the cleric.

  10. #10
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    OP - care to post your build? I'm a longtime cleric player and I'm looking to roll a healing spec'ed druid pretty soon and would love to see your ideas. Very interesting post, good read! You've motivated me to roll a druid.

  11. #11
    Community Member Mark2422's Avatar
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    I will post it later as currently at work.
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  12. #12
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    Watching this and looking forward to a look at how you ran it.

  13. #13
    Community Member ~Susie1262's Avatar
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    Default I was a cleric player primarily. I LOVE mdruid.

    I went caster druid build early on. I later LR'd into healer build once I started healing for 1200 points. I now raid heal with no problems whatsoever. I am often the only healer in epic quests. Only three things hold me back from solo healing PUG raids: no mass deathward, reincarnate, no harm spell for necros. For exactly the reasons the OP mentioned. I am seriously thinking about going helf druid next time to take cleric dili. for scroll raise dead.

    My base build CURRENTLY is:


    Int- 8
    Wis-18(all increases here)

    Mental Toughness
    Empower Heal
    Sorc Active PL
    Imp. Mental Toughness
    SF Evo
    Gr SF Evo

    I took all enhancements needed for Season's Herald I and II. All Life line. One Waxing Life. Then pretty much wisdom, toughnesses, as many AP as I could afford in force, fire, ice, etc.

    Future plans on building a better druid- do 3 lives each of cleric, fvs, wiz, sorc. That way I can max out DC's and spell pen.

    As was stated above: this is not a nuker. This does not compare to a sorc. But, for a healer, there is absolutely nothing wrong with Druid as a very viable healer in 99% of content.(I have yet to find that 1% that it is not viable for, but I am giving myself an out.)

    As a caster(bear in mind I am not a good caster): I can do Earthquake + Firewall(shake and bake) or Earthquake + Ice Storm + Storm of Vengeance(shake, rattle, and roll) and keep right on moving or healing. I no longer have to worry about those mobs that think I look tasty. They sit there and die. This far outweighs anything my cleric can come up with to defend herself. This keeps the mobs where they are to take the damage which leads to MUCH less fussing from the melee. Kiting drives them crazy. Yet it is really the only thing a cleric has that is effective to damage mobs. And a cleric kiting a mob is not paying attention to healing as much as staying alive. It just is what it is.

    I really find playing a druid healer so much less stressful than a cleric or FVS healer. REALLY! Those HoT spells take away so much of the time management stress. You throw a regen on the tank, then turn and throw a mass regen on the melee, and you have ample time to keep an eye out on everything else going on. No more having to keep both eyes on red bars every second.

    I am not saying all clerics and FVS need to become druids. I am just pointing out that druids make very viable healers. More so than SS bard, IMHO.

    Orien: Zizie, Zeelee, Zeeny, Zeety, Zemuze
    Last edited by Susie1262; 08-21-2012 at 10:35 AM.

  14. #14
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    What was the difference between your caster and healer stat/feat/enhancement and play wise? I could see cleric dili working out pretty well for that side, but I'm also curious if they're going to be doing some adjustments soon enough to buff up a few things that people have the biggest issues with(Mass ward, mass prot, and reincarnate cast mostly, would love the mass heals in there too for more of a solid pop).

  15. #15
    Community Member ~Susie1262's Avatar
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    Default Play-style not different.

    You see, I think like a healer. I watch red bars too much to be an effective caster at endgame. I am working on it, but really not good at it yet.

    Stats-same build as before- con, wis, str. Str to deal with enfeeblement and carrying loot. This was a 5th lifer, so I had 36 points to play with.

    Feats-dumped Augment Summoning. Good thing at low levels when the pup does more damage than you, but useless at higher levels. I rarely even summon mine unless I need a lever pulled, or think I may need my soulstone carried. Then I park it at the start. Added empower heal. HUGE difference there. Got rid of spell pen. Took improved mental toughness. I LOVE sorc past life. Spell points and SLA that makes a huge difference at low levels. The spell points available on a druid are lackluster to say the least. I took everything I could to get spell points.

    Enhancements- Dumped some of my less used enhancements and really just concentrated on the priorities: hp, sp, healing, damage. Dead druids, like dead clerics, heal no one. You must keep yourself alive first and foremost. I am underwhelmed to say the least by the PrE. I am hanging in there with it, but unless they do some kind of major revamp in the enhancement pass, I can see a day when I think I will be better off without it.

    I do not miss mass heal. Not one little bit. I thought it would be the most difficult thing to lose. I was wrong. Mass regenerate truly works as well as mass heal with less casting time and shorter cooldown. You must not wait until people are as low hp as you can with a cleric, but with a little adjustment there, it works fine. The other benefit to mass regen is that it keeps on healing through incoming damage. This means you throw one mass regen where you would have thrown 2 mass heals. Less time management stress. AND it takes care of neg levels and all the other ills heal takes care of. Win-win in my book. (this was originally a cleric spell)

    The necros I run with are kind of missing those emergency harm spells, but they will learn to live without them. I do run with awesome necros, though, so they don't need them often.

    Mass deathward and reincarnate are by far the biggest drawbacks to druids as primary healers. I can live without the other mass buffs. I think I can work around the reincarnate issue with the cleric dili.(thanks to Shalera for the idea)

    Please remember that I do not play melee toons. I do not like standing there and whacking something with a stick, whether pointy or otherwise. I do it at low levels on all toons, but it is by far my least favorite thing to do. I do know some druid/monk melee players that absolutely love their toons. So this just may be the answer if someone is interested in doing some melee. I am just not the person to speak on this. I play healer toons.

    Orien: Zizie, Zeelee, Zeeny, Zeety, Zemuze
    Last edited by Susie1262; 08-21-2012 at 10:49 AM.

  16. #16
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    Figured you went pretty much the same setup as a healer as you did with caster, just without empower heal and picked up empower or augment instead instead. I'm more of the swing player like the WoW shamans and druids(I really hate using WoW as a point maker, but it's true), partially why I always liked PnP druids was because of the versatility.

    Augment is always good at low levels, but sort of falls flat later, I suppose it could continue to be good if you use pet + summon + hireling and solo more content. On my main art the dog ended up turning into a lever pulling stone slave.

    Mental toughness/imp mental toughness are a fairly large bonus from what I've seen to that low sp pool. I don't think spell pen applies to many of the druid spells in the end, not completely sure on that. Don't have a char with sorc past life, but that might be one I need to think up on.

    I can see a revamp on a few sides of druid coming if the community keeps the attitude up towards them. There's just several things glaring at you that could use some vital revisions and the like. The lack of spell power, the PrE that seems to try to promote game play changes, etc. I'd really hate to have to see an epic raid at some point have to wait for a druid to change from cold to fire for that effectiveness.

    Glad to hear that you don't think mass heal is a big loss, what about the lower masses though? I ran a bard ages ago that healed around well with mass cure mod.

    I was going to say art dili, but that would turn up completely pointless probably due to the int, cleric would really work off a lot better. Sure, the melee players can get monk, rogue or fighter dili, but monk hampers forms and doesn't offer as much to casters/healers, rogue is really a wolf build, and fighter is for proficiencies that aren't really important(At least to me).

    And even with the caster or healer build, you have Flame Blade for an actually useful backup tool for clearing trash mobs or dancing around in your AoE/CC. Not like you need much more than the sword/board in that case. I know most all of the builds have been wolf form or bear intitanks, not so much an emphasis on casters, even less on healers, but next to no information from those who are going to the extreme of the limited feat pool and doing TWF elemental forms. Someone will crack one of those threads out for those people.

    I just tend to play the jack of all trades. I like my melee, I like my casting, and I like my healing. I just play the styles as I need them when I need them. It also helps when I remember which accounts I sign in on the forums on.
    Last edited by Cesious; 08-21-2012 at 10:57 AM.

  17. #17
    Community Member Mark2422's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Susie1262 View Post
    I am seriously thinking about going helf druid next time to take cleric dili. for scroll raise dead.
    I had the exact same thoughts. But since I had already gone human before i realised the extent of the problem with reincarnate, I held off doing another quick tr and decided to see how high i could get my umd first. Im around 36 as is, without spending a feat (spending a feat on +3 umd will defeat the hole point of being human for the extra feat. You may as well just go helf to begin with). So for now I'm going to stay human.

    Quote Originally Posted by Susie1262 View Post
    As a caster(bear in mind I am not a good caster): I can do Earthquake + Firewall(shake and bake) or Earthquake + Ice Storm + Storm of Vengeance(shake, rattle, and roll) and keep right on moving or healing. I no longer have to worry about those mobs that think I look tasty. They sit there and die. This far outweighs anything my cleric can come up with to defend herself. This keeps the mobs where they are to take the damage which leads to MUCH less fussing from the melee. Kiting drives them crazy. Yet it is really the only thing a cleric has that is effective to damage mobs. And a cleric kiting a mob is not paying attention to healing as much as staying alive. It just is what it is.

    I really find playing a druid healer so much less stressful than a cleric or FVS healer. REALLY! Those HoT spells take away so much of the time management stress. You throw a regen on the tank, then turn and throw a mass regen on the melee, and you have ample time to keep an eye out on everything else going on. No more having to keep both eyes on red bars every second.
    This is exactly why I won't go back to a FvS. I didn't really mention it in my first post, but I just feel like as a druid, I bring a lot more to a party than my FvS did. As you said, instead of bb and kiting which does nothing to help a party, a druid can just earthquake and let the melee do their job. My FvS was great. But in a party I was always felt like I either did the quest myself and blitz it, or hold my power back in order to let the melee's have a go and feel useful. And I heal them while they take twice as long to kill things. There was no middle ground except just use the odd implosion and destruct casters.
    Toons: Markeyx Markeyi, MarkeyKoS, MarkeyKoS-1
    Guild: Attrition

  18. #18
    Community Member Mark2422's Avatar
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    Sep 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Cesious View Post
    but I'm also curious if they're going to be doing some adjustments soon enough to buff up a few things that people have the biggest issues with(Mass ward, mass prot, and reincarnate cast mostly, would love the mass heals in there too for more of a solid pop).
    In all honesty, reincarnate must be bugged. It has to be. It is affected by quicken, but it does nothing to speed it up. This alone has to be a bug. And it wouldn't be half as bad if it was quickened like mass heal is. I could live with that.
    Toons: Markeyx Markeyi, MarkeyKoS, MarkeyKoS-1
    Guild: Attrition

  19. #19
    Community Member ~Susie1262's Avatar
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    Mar 2010

    Default Glad you brought up spellpower

    I have geared my druid pretty much like my cleric: devotion, radiance, impulse being primary. While levelling up, and secondary concern at endgame: combustion, glaciation. At endgame I use the Holy Symbol of Lolth with thaumaturgy q-staff with devotion, combustion, etc.

    Gear plays as large a role in druids as clerics. And for the same reasons. You just can't cope otherwise.
    Orien: Zizie, Zeelee, Zeeny, Zeety, Zemuze, Zeeby

  20. #20
    Community Member ~Susie1262's Avatar
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    Mar 2010

    Default I completely agree Mark

    I can see the day when I no longer have FVS or cleric for healers coming. I am so much more ineffective and inefficient at it. Are they good past lives for druid? Absolutely. But only as past lives do I see them viable long term. I predicted at U14 that the end of clerics was coming(I was a wee bit upset about the healing nerf). I had not levelled up my druid yet. I was accused of being a doomsayer. Now, I am completely calm and totally convinced I was correct. This is a much easier class to play and still be good at party politics. (all healers know what I mean)
    Orien: Zizie, Zeelee, Zeeny, Zeety, Zemuze, Zeeby

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