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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Aug 2006

    Default Quest outbreak cant be completed

    Outbreak cat be completed without a rogue or bells of opening to get to the patients

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Apr 2012


    I found all the locked sick rooms to be empty.
    So not sure what issue you are having.

  3. #3
    Community Member t0r012's Avatar
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    Jul 2009


    just did it last night on a pure monk and used no bells. with no prior knowledge of the quest.

    try this , when you get in to the head guys room , break the vase next to him. that is where the key is , not in the chest
    Move along , Nothing to see here

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by t0r012 View Post
    just did it last night on a pure monk and used no bells. with no prior knowledge of the quest.

    try this , when you get in to the head guys room , break the vase next to him. that is where the key is , not in the chest
    Wrong Quest you are talking about this is the U-15 OutBreak quest not Murder by Night.

  5. #5


    The quest just doesn't complete.

    You kill the end boss. You loot the chest. You scratch your head. You check for any other exits or way to go back to the first part incase you missed anything. You double check that you've completed all the objectives. You've done everything that it says is to be done, but you're stuck there. You logout of Lamannia and hope that it's fixed before it goes live in 1.5 hrs.

    As first impressions of the new pack go, it's not the most inspiring, but lets hope it's just a Lama issue.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deadlock View Post
    The quest just doesn't complete.

    You kill the end boss. You loot the chest. You scratch your head. You check for any other exits or way to go back to the first part incase you missed anything. You double check that you've completed all the objectives. You've done everything that it says is to be done, but you're stuck there. You logout of Lamannia and hope that it's fixed before it goes live in 1.5 hrs.

    As first impressions of the new pack go, it's not the most inspiring, but lets hope it's just a Lama issue.
    Known issues say that if you do the Quest epic Casual it will bug out.

  7. #7
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    I've tried the quest now on all epic diffs (except casual) and the samething happens to me it will not complete no matter how many attempts sure you can kill end boss loot chests but thats it all objectives and optionals are met the head priest has no chat options and there is nothing else in the quest yet no completoin the supposed epic casual bug seems to affect all diffs as i have never run casual and can not complete the quest

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by glendel View Post
    I've tried the quest now on all epic diffs (except casual) and the samething happens to me it will not complete no matter how many attempts sure you can kill end boss loot chests but thats it all objectives and optionals are met the head priest has no chat options and there is nothing else in the quest yet no completoin the supposed epic casual bug seems to affect all diffs as i have never run casual and can not complete the quest

    same for me - this is live on Ghallanda. cannot complete on epic hard.
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