Our guild, Golden knights truth defenders, has been on ghallanda for about 2 years now (My father formed it Soon after My Brothers and I joined DDO), and our membership is still rather small (only 2-3 accounts besides family). I've Realized that as the guild leader it's my responsibility to put our guild out there for the server to see. I've advertised our guild by word of mouth and we've even been featured in the ebberon chronicle! (I'd be hard pressed to find the link to the exact one though, lol). So without further delay here is our guild! Here on the this thread and also on the twin blog located at (http://my.ddo.com/bronzelyre/2012/08...e-of-the-GKTD/) I will Put information about guild sponsered events, recruitment drives, etc and I will accept join requests through PM and through this thread.
Guild stats/info at present:
Level: 35
Modified account size: 4 (7 active-3 inactive)
Current events: none
I will keep this at the bottom of this thread at all times:
What we are about:
We are about: teamwork, fairness, mutual enjoyment of the game, FUN!
We are not about: min/maxxing, having the most uber gear, playing the game for the pixelated wealth rather than enjoyment.