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  1. #61
    Community Member Dysmetria's Avatar
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    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by BOgre View Post
    I have Alts in such a guild. We have a mod guild size of 150ish. We care more about grouping with friends than with Ship Amenities, BUT we do also like our ship amenities. Every coupla months we hear grumbling among the member about decay and why we're stalled at our current level. A couple of times a year we are forced to kick complete inactives and prod the infrequents. It sucks. We're in a grey zone between casual-friendly and hardcore.

    The point of this thread is that large guilds have trouble fighting decay, and SHOULD NOT HAVE TO make the decision between remaining a place to group socially, versus kicking members in order to maintain amenities.

    Statements like your above minimize the issue, instead of addressing the problem.
    Your alts are not in such a guild as the one I described. The casual guild my alts are in doesn't have any amenities, it has the cheap basic airship for easier transportation, and that is about it. No one has to farm renown ever, much less choose it as an end reward, and anyone who wants more can leave and join a hardcore guild anytime they want.

    The only people who seem to be having a problem with the system are those that want to invite lots of casuals and yet still get the benefits of a non-casual guild. Either you want a laid back, casual guild, or you want one with good amenities. I don't understand why people should not have to choose between the two, few have had a problem with doing so for the last two years or so that the system has been out.

    I'm also confused by what you mean by having a guild "remaining a place to group socially," as both hardcore and casual guilds can do that. Finally, I'm not sure what guild size has to do with anything, there are large hardcore guilds out there that are high up in the guild rankings, and small casual guilds that are low.
    Last edited by Dysmetria; 08-26-2012 at 06:04 PM.

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