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A better solution might be to drop the inactivity timer down to a day--the game only counts you for renown decay if you're logged on. Then it becomes an issue of whether you are contributing to renown growth or decay while you're playing, instead of being punished for not playing.
The further define the change, keep the inactivity tracker, and assess a periodic decay for long-time inactive players, say, once a month, charge a renown value of X for players who have been inactive for 2 weeks, Y for a month, and Z for 2 months or more.
Players who are casual, and play for only a few hours a week no longer act as a drain on their guild's renown, while guilds bloated with tons of inactive members have to pay a bit for that baggage. It means that taking a long break from the game is undesirable, but probably not crippling, whereas players are ENCOURAGED to make those periodic pop-ins just to say "Hi" to everyone, which the game should be doing.
There are few things as demoralizing as taking a break from the game and returning only to find that your characters are no longer in a guild. I'm sure that there have been plenty of people who have taken a break and returned to this situation, and simply turned around and left again immediately, rather than trying to get back into their old guild or into a new one.