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  1. #121
    The Hatchery Syllph's Avatar
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    Jan 2010



    Warforged. // Survivable with little gear.

    Max CHA (16) //DCs
    Max CON (20) // HP
    INT - 13 // extra skill points for concentration and jump.
    Gimp rest.

    Max concentration and put 1/2 points into jump each level. When jump is 10 put the rest of points into balance. // 10 jump + 30 jump spell = max jump.

    Maximize at level 1.

    Fire Spec'ed.

    enjoy new content. Support turbine.

  2. #122
    Community Member Stergan's Avatar
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    Cool idea, Here is what I came up with:

    Phillip SwagGrabber

    You have to be human…unless its costume day. But who goes to Gen-con for only one day?

    14 Strength: All that swag can get heavy, not to mention all the awesome WOTC stuff you are going to buy in the exhibit hall.

    15 Dexterity: Have to Dual wield that Burger and soda you bought at Steak and shake cuz all the con food is like 10k plat.

    16 Constitution: Have to have the fort saves to stay up all night and go drinking at "The Ram" or "Jillian's."

    12 Intelligence: Enough to have a good time and understand all the games, but not so much that you come across as the pretentious guy that always wins.

    8 Wisdom: Something has to be a dump stat. Besides, you can spend your life savings on games and not worry about it!

    12 Charisma: Cleanliness goes a long way at a con; you may actually make some friends if you don't smell like a troglodyte. It also gives you a one up on your UMD skill for all those new toys.


    Barb benefits:
    1. Fast movement speed. So much to do, So little time.
    2. High Fort save. As mentioned before, all nighters are common. Also lets you get that last seat next to the ogre that nobody else will take.
    3. Rage. Don't underestimate the ability to "flip the table" on command
    4. Immunity to fatigue. Need I say more?

    Rogue benefits:
    1. Open lock. Never lock yourself out of you hotel room again.
    2. Evasion. Quickly navigate the crowded halls.
    3. U.M.D. Class skill. Buy all that new shiny stuff, teach your friends.

    Two weapon Fighting: Eat or talk on the phone while you game.
    Weapon Focus: Dice
    Brutal Throw: Make that die roll count
    Quick Draw: Ready for any game
    Negotiator: Haggle FTW!
    Self Sufficient: Heal skill is like taking a shower right?
    Skill Focus: Concentration: For when you need to study the board for your only chance at victory.
    Resist Poison: To resist al the not so pleasant smells of downtown Indy

    Don't forget to build up your coinlords favor before you go. Extra carrying capacity
    Member of Giants of Winter and Old Night~~Sarlona


  3. #123
    Community Member Cauthey's Avatar
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    You need enough points in Charisma so that you are motivated to take a shower.

  4. #124
    Community Member krzyysiek098's Avatar
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    Max CON, to participate as long as possible. Rest to WIS to have open mind to new stuff.
    Skills: Max Spot, Listen and Concentration.
    Feats: Mobility, Toughness, Mental Tougness, Discipline, Alertness, Self Sufficient (Bring Your Own Beer)
    Khyber: Nimrud (main), Tadko (tank), Yayamee (monk), Healingonly (melee FvS), Almeya (trapper), Groggor (barb), Feneya (archer), Zornix (archer) and some others
    Hardcore season 1: AveDarkLord (favor leaderboards)
    Hardcore season 5: Dont Wanna Die (favor leaderboards)

  5. #125
    Community Member CaptainPurge's Avatar
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    Human, 20/bard spellsinger. Max out CHA, perform, haggle, greater enchantment focus and epic shimmering pendant. Nothing will save vs your charm, fascinate / suggestion and just for fun you can also make everyone dance.

  6. #126
    Community Manager
    Cordovan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thunir View Post
    Max Con, Max Int.

    Gear up as much SP as possible, go forth and WIN.
    Quote Originally Posted by barabel View Post
    I think the best character would be a Dwarven Bard

    STR 16
    DEX 8
    CON 20
    INT 8
    WIS 8
    CHA 12

    For Gen Con gamers it's all about staying up late and eating tons of junk food and carrying all your gaming gear from event to event.

    You'll need a good Constitution to survive all the food and drink consumed at the event.
    You'll need a decent strength score to carry all the stuff you buy from the Vendor Hall and to carry all the gaming books from event to event
    You'll need a good Charisma score for retelling all the best gaming stories you've accumulated over the years

    Bard Class: What class fits better than Bard for a story telling RPGer?

    Race: Dwarf. Stocky, tough and resilient to Poison and Disease. Given how little showering goes on at the convention, having an extra good constitution score is almost a must.

    Feats: Endurance
    Given how little sleep will be involved, the Endurance feat would be good to have to compensate for late night gaming.

    Everything else is gravy.
    Quote Originally Posted by ThomasMink View Post
    I'd go with a high charisma to help aid those social situations and actually have somewhat of a presence when put in them.. a decent constitution so I could actually survive the convention.. and at least a few points in strength to avoid encumbrance would also be nice.

    Would probably also wear some gear to help out fortitude saves to help with conflu, or whatever it's called, that tends to go around at those things.. and perhaps also to help with the many 'stinking clouds' that may or may not be present.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mithis View Post
    Str 8 (collectables have no weight)
    Con 16 (gonna be a lot of walking )
    Dex 10
    Int 12 (just enough to not get lost)
    Wis 8
    Chr 18 (best way to bluff your way through the crowds and get swag)

    I think I would go Bard for Haste, Heroism etc.

    Buy an extra bag from the DDO store for sure.
    I recommend light "armor" as it will likely be hot.
    Comfortable boots are probably Madstone here.
    Pick up a good charisma + ring
    Probably need a heavy fort belt...those queue lines can get rough
    Various rations from the tavern are a must
    Probably need a good haggle
    Everything else is personal preference

    Max bluff
    Max haggle
    Max concentration
    Max UMD

    Toughness (of course)
    Skill focus bluff and haggle
    Extend Spell so you dont have to stop to buff so often
    Congrats to our winners! I'll send you the Turbine Point codes through PMs shortly.

    It was cool to meet folks at Gen Con today, hope you had fun too if you were there.
    Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
    Follow DDO on: Facebook Twitter YouTube
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  7. #127
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    Oh, and I know I said three winners earlier, then gave four people Turbine Point codes. That's what a busy day at Gen Con'll do to ya. The win is so strong in this thread is created an extra win!
    Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
    Follow DDO on: Facebook Twitter YouTube
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    Hello from Standing Stone Games! Facebook Twitter
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  8. #128
    Community Member Wildseed's Avatar
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    Default hmm Gen Con build

    If I were going I'd want a completionist druid, with dex, dodge and jump, the wolf form would be easier to weave in and out of the crowds and really would only have to growl a little to get through otherwise. Would need strength for all the swag
    Current TR project -- Anshel life 8 of 20 ending up FVS
    Side TR project -- Daciana (life 8 of 14 maybe)(Will be completionist druid)
    Khyber main server

    Originally Posted by MeliCat:
    I don't like strawberry ice cream. You can offer all the strawberry ice cream that you like and I won't eat it. Offer me chocolate and I'll ask for second helpings.

  9. #129
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    Wow, all stats are important at Gencon!

    Str - to carry all your gaming stuff and all your junk around
    Dex - to help in maneuvering through the crowds and quickly sorting through piles and boxes of cool stuff
    Con - to survive on little sleep, missed meals and fast food
    Int - to figure out the best booths to go to, and the most fun events and panels to attend
    Wis - to know when to eat, sleep, stop spending, and take a break
    Cha - to acquire freebies and discounts and generally charm all you meet

    Spot and Disable Traps are the most important skills because many booths are booby trapped!
    (Spot may also help in spotting interesting people and cool items)
    Haggle is of course highly important to get freebies or discounts.
    Search is always useful to find the right room (I'm sure they use hidden doors on some of them) and to find the stuff you want to buy and/or haggle for.

    Two-Handed Sword (proficiency and gear), because sometimes those crowds are just too thick and high to get past any other way.
    Heavy Armor (proficiency and gear) because it protects against people with two-handed swords.

    Dimension Door is one of the handiest spells because getting back to the entrance saves a lot of wear and tear on the old two-handed sword.

    And Half-Orc Barbarian is the overall best race and class because nobody in their right mind would deny you entrance or begrudge you a freebie.

  10. #130
    2016, 2018 Player Council Member Ziindarax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Hello, everyone! If you are at Gen Con this year, make sure to visit us in the Wizards of the Coast area (#1401 of the Exhibit Hall) and say hello! If you can't make it, follow us on one of our social sites (Twitter, Facebook, or Google+) and we'll do our best to bring you the fun!

    BUT - We also want to have some fun on the forums! Here's how this will work: Each day we'll be asking a question, and getting your comments. We'll be randomly picking comments to win Turbine Points! This giveaway is open to anyone who is able to post in this thread. No need to post multiple times; one entry per person, please.

    Today we'll be "building a character" to tackle Gen Con! What stats are needed to best handle the convention? What feats will best suit a gamer in the coming days. Skills? Enhancements? Gear? Comment below before 10pm Eastern tonight (Thursday, August 16th) and we'll randomly pick three winners to receive 500 Turbine Point codes later tonight! Have fun!
    Drat! I missed it! If only I had thought to check yesterday.
    Ziind Stargazer - Level 12 fighter/6 Barbarian/2 rogue Half-Orc (Neutral Good) - Formerly a level 20 Paladin Human - Orien

    Fernian Summer Carnival

  11. #131
    Community Member
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    I guess high CHA scor would be nice to haggle, dodge feat can help, also high jump score, and madstone boots just in case xD

  12. #132


    You need a little INT and WIS to plan your days, CHR for the folks you meet, STR to carry your swag, but what you really need to put your points into is CON--sleep is for the weak!
    Last edited by rfachini; 08-19-2012 at 09:26 AM. Reason: corrected "play" to "plan"
    Ghallanda (38): Vilas, Alphon, Whelm, Thaylan, Tyclmi, Amgine, Talc, Dedlee, Payle, Darell, Talenta, Zhen, Thrane, Arrith, Durdyn, Magefyre, Necrophil, Tulgey, Borogove, Hasugi, Shawal, Hailestorm, Branthan, Lightningbug, Bettercall, Elecktric, Zardu, Zergworthy, BrotherOf, Missadventer, Bytemy, Demogeorgia, Tizen, Warrcore, Permadeaf, Fullmettle, etc...

  13. #133
    Community Member Serapis's Avatar
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    Default My vote is...

    Dwarven monk! Drunken master all the way! Definitely Shintao... smite "tainted" to keep the weirdos at bay. Move fast, strike hard... all while toasted! : )

  14. #134
    Community Member
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    Default Wings

    I am thinking magical wings to fly over the crowds and make up for any lack of dex. Charisma would help sweet talk your way into a game or two. Intelligence to win some of those games which would allow you to take home some neat prizes

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