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  1. #1
    The Hatchery Bonulino's Avatar
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    Angry Guild renown decay

    It really stinks big time!
    Snarly Dwarf Chick With A Great Axe

  2. #2
    Community Member Thorzian's Avatar
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    yup yup.. this thread will undoubtedly get flak quoting all the other threads on the topic. ignore them!! the more this is up there the more likely the devs may actually realize the system is [flawed].
    Last edited by IWCoppercrest; 08-18-2012 at 09:58 AM. Reason: circumventing profanity filter
    Quote Originally Posted by Kinerd View Post
    We should make our feedback as honest as possible so that when it is absolutely ignored by Turbine we will get bonus points on the scoreboard of life.

  3. #3
    The Hatchery Habreno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Habreno View Post
    DDO Forums don't get trolled.

    Trolls get DDO Forum'd.

    It's fine. If you want the best you gotta work for it. No easy stuff in life, just the same here.
    Quote Originally Posted by TheLegendOfAra View Post
    Welcome to Argo, where our end game players are constantly striving for new and exciting ways to make themselves more gimp, and continually working towards progressively more pointless goals.
    BYOH. Know it, abide by it, or don't mess with those who do.

  4. #4
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    I think you just need to wait a couple weeks. Even the hard core for renown people might change their tune when several accounts stop activity for a bit.

  5. #5
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    I agree with it stinking big time. Unless i have missed a way to check, as a guild leader and not being able to view how much others have earnt easily while the amount earnt being a large factor in guild progression, it ends up very frustrating and annoying to make decisions on how to manage the decay.

    Maybe a person earns a few million, maybe they have earnt a few thousand, if they aren't social in the guild to chat about it to find out then it is too much of a pain to track the numbers while they are online. And in the case they are social enough to discuss it, they could lie but most importantly keeping social members can be much more beneficial to a guild then the reducing the loss by removing them.

    Each time i join a guild, i am very aware how much of a pain they can be to run. The buffs on board are nice and helpfull, so where i can, i top them up when i drop in and always take renown in rewards unless it is a gain of over 10k platinum for me to select a different reward (though impressive trophies i usually take uinless the reward is over 100k and very little can tempt me away from taking the legend victory).

    And in guilds i lead in, i always need to tame down my response when people want higher tier buffs and their contributions in renown to the guild do very little to even counter renown loss.

    It is just one of those systems, maybe the frustration enhances the feel of accomplishment for overcoming it, maybe the frustration adds toward that final straw that makes my camel break its back. Either way, i definately share the sentiment, it stinks, big time!

  6. #6
    Community Member arkonas's Avatar
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    yeah but if you could view the numbers. I think that would be bad. It has pros and cons written all over it. Sure it will show who is not contributing to the guild while using the airship for their own greed. Also it can be a very bad factor as saying hey your not getting enough favor step it up because our epeen is really huge.

    there is nothing wrong with compromises to the system to make it fair for most.

  7. #7
    Community Member Talonaise's Avatar
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    As the renown system stands, it encourages you to kick the casual players from your guild. Hard core players will earn you the renown. You have to decide as a guild what is more important, renown or friends? We picked friends. We ran like crazy to get 85, then have just said, hell with it, and had fun. Do I think the system is totally borked? yes. It should encourage you to work together, and not punish you for keeping the weekend warriors around. But we have been screaming about this since it came out, I think they have no desire to change it.
    Kitraine ~ Degenerate Matter
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  8. #8
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    As I played much DDO in the past two months since I got it, the idea of guilds was very exciting. As a former galaxies player, I know the feeling of sccomplishment when you form a guild and do great things with it. Unfortunately the guild system in this game does not bring about those same feelings. It is difficult to recruit active players, there are so many guilds since ANYONE can start one with zero prerequisites, and as you are stating, the loss of renown stinks.

    I know it is probably a far stretch, but it would be nice to see the DVs do more with guilds. LIke an addition to the market that would take a guild member to his or hers guild hall, as opposed to an airship. Also as stated before, anyone can start a guild. Though I know many will find problem with this, why not make it so you can't start a guild unltil you are level 10. Then you know the guild leader has at least played the game for more than a couple days, and it will cut the obnoxious amount of guilds running around.

  9. #9
    Community Member Sindarin8's Avatar
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    Default Proposed solution to Guild Decay: End Guild De-Leveling

    It's not the decay we mind so much -- it's the Guild De-leveling! Keep - or even increase - decay, but remove the de-leveling and the same effect occurs - but without all the butthurt. Guilds will still maintain whatever level they can before the decay overcomes them and you don't suffer as much from weekend warriors - in fact, this is a great reason to build guild bonding by having *Guild Events* to push to the next Guild Level.

    Taking away from the player base - however small - just for the sake of taking it away only hurts your game, Turbine. Please, consider removing the De-Leveling. This game is not only enjoyed by kids in school. Us adults have to work during the week. We play when we can, but it's not nearly enough to combat the Epic Decay Beast.

    Most folks have 4 toons. Hardcore players have 10/account - and I'm sure quite a few have more than one account but let's focus on the casual player. 4 toons in a level 60 guild costs the guild nearly 2,000 GR *PER DAY*! This is not reasonable to recover from in one weekend.

    Another, possibility: suffer the Guild Decay when you log in - and only on Days you log in! This would put the onus of compensating your Decay each time you log in.

    Thanks, for considering my proposals, Turbine. :-)


  10. #10
    Community Member Shmuel's Avatar
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    Decay is by account, not by toon.
    Shmuel Xadin Xadins Errand Mohnster Yitzhak

  11. #11
    Community Member ArloOne's Avatar
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    I have to agree, I would like to see : Once a guild reaches a certain level, you can not go back beyond it. For instance: At level 10,20,50,70,80,90,100~
    Dravun , Yocoba, Daivik, and so many more.
    Proud to serve the Imperial Assassins!
    Do not drink the awesome-sauce......One must BE the awesome-sauce.

  12. #12
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    Quick question - suppose I have two toons on the same account that are in two different guilds, but I only log into one for a while (say three months). Will the Guild of the toon that I am NOT logging into get decay from that toon after the first month or not?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArloOne View Post
    I have to agree, I would like to see : Once a guild reaches a certain level, you can not go back beyond it. For instance: At level 10,20,50,70,80,90,100~
    This is a a great idea in my opinion.

  14. #14
    The Hatchery Bonulino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jsbeer View Post
    Quick question - suppose I have two toons on the same account that are in two different guilds, but I only log into one for a while (say three months). Will the Guild of the toon that I am NOT logging into get decay from that toon after the first month or not?
    After not logging on for a month, a toon goes inactive. If that toon is the only one from the account in the guild, the account goes inactive (as far as the guild is concerned), as well. At that point, the account no longer adds to the guild renown decay.
    Snarly Dwarf Chick With A Great Axe

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonulino View Post
    After not logging on for a month, a toon goes inactive. If that toon is the only one from the account in the guild, the account goes inactive (as far as the guild is concerned), as well. At that point, the account no longer adds to the guild renown decay.
    Thanks for the confirmation. I hoped that it worked this way, but nice to have a definite answer!

  16. #16
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    Default Nothing Wrong with the Guild Renown System

    There is nothing wrong with the guild renown system. Guild leaders just need to manage their guilds more effectively and they will soar through the levels. Follow these steps:

    1. Only recruit active players
    2. Remove dead weight (if a player has been inactive for 6 months or more you can boot them with no renown penalty)
    3. Don't allow guild members to be members of other guilds.
    4. Always take renown unless there is uber loot on the reward list. Named loot and tomes are good examples.
    5. Farm renown as a guild. (Schedule it on a weekly basis) Mining Ancient Secrets can be done in 2 mins and drops Impressive Trophies and Legendary Victories at a good rate.

    If you want to seriously increase in guild levels, then you have to get serious about renown. The one thing I do hope the developers implement is transparency in renown earned. I think guild leaders and officers should be able to see renown earned by toon and by account. That would allow the leadership of the guild see who is pulling their weight and who is not contributing.
    Kaezon; Loganoftroy;Ludix;Kollossus; Homisidal; Warkord
    Death n Taxes

  17. #17
    Community Member Llewndyn's Avatar
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    Default No.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chronic_1 View Post
    There is nothing wrong with the guild renown system. Guild leaders just need to manage their guilds more effectively and they will soar through the levels. Follow these steps:

    1. Only recruit active players
    2. Remove dead weight (if a player has been inactive for 6 months or more you can boot them with no renown penalty)
    3. Don't allow guild members to be members of other guilds.
    4. Always take renown unless there is uber loot on the reward list. Named loot and tomes are good examples.
    5. Farm renown as a guild. (Schedule it on a weekly basis) Mining Ancient Secrets can be done in 2 mins and drops Impressive Trophies and Legendary Victories at a good rate.

    If you want to seriously increase in guild levels, then you have to get serious about renown. The one thing I do hope the developers implement is transparency in renown earned. I think guild leaders and officers should be able to see renown earned by toon and by account. That would allow the leadership of the guild see who is pulling their weight and who is not contributing.
    Most people like their guild, and the people in said guild, I know I do. But the instant I am required to farm reknown or follow a schedule or am told I am not allowed in another guild, I will start Llewndyns Angels and go it alone. Also people may have good reasons for being gone that long, i.e. service members and people who leave in order to live amongst the South Borneo Silver backed gorillas for 2 years in order to learn their ways and move up in the complex yet rewarding hierarchy to achieve the coveted position as Chief Gorilla-Man and then write an award winning story detailing your experiences then have Anthony Hopkins play Mtumbu, the crazy village elder who would always insult you for making such silly life choices but then gets all the glory because when the people making the movie came by to interview you both he spoke with an eloquence usually reserved for royalty while you di what you had done for 2 years and threw your offal at them (hey that's how you worked your way up the ladder, you can't unlearn some behavior) and the movie is OK but they get that lame Cuba Gooding Jr. to play in it and he does like he does in every movie and ends up crying? Disgusting.

    Where was I? Ah yes, guild reknown.

    Anyway, guilds should (for the most part) be for like minded individuals to play together and work toward a common goal, not a second workplace where you have to meet a bunch of lame benchmarks by pimply nerds who have 20 hours a day to play and demand you do the same. This is a game and everyone's circumstances are different. The good guilds realize and work with this. The others... well....

    And technically since the player has to be active (read: logged in) to join your guild how do you recruit inactive players? Please explain.
    Ghallanda - LLEWNDYN 27 Necro Wiz (completionist) + other random uncared for players - Blackmoor Defenders
    Thelanis - Llewndyn (FVS), Brickadoom Jenkins (barb/ ftr)
    Quote Originally Posted by jandhaer View Post
    Nerf Happiness

  18. #18
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    I agree you have to be like minded as a guild. If the guild chooses to be a casual guild fine, no problem but don't come on the forums and complain the system is broken. Nothing wrong with the renown system.
    Kaezon; Loganoftroy;Ludix;Kollossus; Homisidal; Warkord
    Death n Taxes

  19. #19
    Hatchery Founder Ganak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Talonaise View Post
    As the renown system stands, it encourages you to kick the casual players from your guild. Hard core players will earn you the renown. You have to decide as a guild what is more important, renown or friends? We picked friends. We ran like crazy to get 85, then have just said, hell with it, and had fun. Do I think the system is totally borked? yes. It should encourage you to work together, and not punish you for keeping the weekend warriors around. But we have been screaming about this since it came out, I think they have no desire to change it.
    Yep, same here with Ascent.

    We have many long term "occasionals," who in their time were amongst the best the server has seen, but become active every few months or so. We will take the friendship, system is borked.
    The Nak Abides - Argo - Ascent
    Ganak Goblinjuicer ~ Xanak the Irregular

  20. #20
    Founder Angelz_Fire's Avatar
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    If I take a day or two off from game we usually decay. We don't gain fast enough to keep up. Life commitments come first! I expect my guild mates to log on when they can, which for some is less and less. The part that suxs the most is that we get penalized for these players to stop by and say hello and keep in touch during times they can't play.

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