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  1. #1
    Community Member etelan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default The Great Wall [U15]

    Keywords - Pure Paladin, AC tank, Intimi tank, Hate/HP tank, Epic DPS

    Class: 20 Paladin, Defender of Siberys
    Race: Any (written for Human, but viable with many)
    Alignment: Lawful Good

    AC : 150 self buffed (before the 20ac human boost)
    PRR : 100+
    HP : 1000+ without Vigor of Battle stance
    Saves : Over 9000!!!
    Intimidate : 80+
    Threat : Hard to tell exactly, but it's very high
    Healing Amp : ~200% normal --- ~400% glorious stand

    DPS : Epic Ready
    There are builds out there with higher dps. Many of those builds can use very easy to get weapons. Personally, when I really need dps in most epic quests I have another character to play. However, this build will keep up on epic. You will be able to stay on top of kills now and then. You will be able to smite for well over 1k damage. A fully equipped DoS can still out dps a poorly equipped pure dps build. Just don't forget to keep an abundant supply of zeal, prayer, divine favor, and divine might. Extend is great for this if you can fit it.

    Ability Scores (32 Point)
    STR: 16 MIN + 2 Level (2CHA is worth 4STR w/ divine might)
    DEX: 10 MIN
    CON: 14 MIN + 4 Level (Need 21 for E.Toughness)
    INT: 10 (Need 13 for CE)
    WIS: 10
    CHA: 16 (Need 18/20 for Divine Might)

    Variant: MIN/MAX'er
    STR:16+4, DEX:8, CON:16+2, INT:10, WIS:8, CHA:16

    Variant: 36 Points
    STR:16+4, DEX:10, CON:16+2, INT:10, WIS:10, CHA:16

    1(human) - Shield Mastery
    1 - Power Attack or Precision
    3 - Toughness
    6 - Improved Shield Bash
    9 - Extend or Empower Healing
    12 - Improved Shield Mastery
    15 - Combat Expertise
    18 - Dragonmark of the sentinel 1
    Epic: Choose any (Dragonmarks, Metamagics, Tower Shield, Bulwark, IC:S, Cleave, etc...)

    On IC:S
    - When both the fang and the Balizarde are keen and the Balizarde will out dps a 2H... there is very little sense in keeping it around.

    On Dragonmark
    - Still keep one for fang and intim bonus. Hoping for the proposed enhancement change to level up to sentinel 3 without feats.

    Twist of Fate
    Dirge --- nice passive defensive bonus
    Energy Sheath --- good compliment to PRR
    Cacoon + Empower Healing --- Self sufficient healing for nearly every quest and raid
    Cleave + Momentum Swing --- AoE aggro managment and extra dps

    Intimidate MAX
    Balance MAX
    Concentration MAX
    Tumble 1
    UMD 1

    DoS - Lots of lots of AP here
    Human Versatility IV
    Exalted Smite I - Need to save some AP for damage boost if human
    Divine Sacrifice I
    Divine Might III
    Max AC and Intimidate
    Divine Righteousness - Swap out when your dps/hate is good enough

    The few remaining points can be used as desired depending on race. Healing amp and toughness should be high on the list.

    Epic Chimera's Fang w/ addy (DR breaker, Incite)
    Balizarde (epic dps)

    Yes, my eSoS gets shelved. RIP TH dps mode

    Armor: Lootgen +7 planeforged FP
    Shield: Wall of Wood
    Bracer: Epic Bracers of the Claw
    Gloves: Epic Gloves of the Claw
    Helmet: Epic Chimera's Crown w/ +6 DEX +6 CHA slotted
    Necklace: Epic Grim's Bracelet
    Trinket: Epic Brawn's Spirits
    Belt: ToD Defender
    Ring1: ToD Defender w/ healing amp slotted
    Ring2: Crafted guild slot (swappable)
    Boots: Striding 30% (swappable)
    Goggles: Lenses of the Woodsman
    Cloak: Greensteel hitpoints, WIS +6, conc. opp.

    TrinketDPS: Planar Focus of Prowess

    Some pre-MotU achievements...
    (Combat): You were healed by Keely's heal for 7,847 points.
    (Combat): You hit Fiend-Blood Troll for 1,222 points of slash damage.
    Last edited by etelan; 12-16-2012 at 09:54 AM.

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