If I seem rude, I'm sorry, I just have strong feelings about this game, since I've only played two games in the last few years., and this is my only multiplayer game. I'm much nicer in game.
- Sinicala, leader of Griffons Nest - Sarlona
Maybe the reason why so many power-gamers are taking offence to these posts is because I am doing everything in my power to avoid turning our guild into a powergamer guild?
Just because I don't want to be like you, doesn't invalidate you in any way. It doesn't make you a bad person. I'm not looking down on you.
I just want to play my game. My Social Game. With my friends.
I'm sorry, I probably could be grinding... something right now, but I'm just not.
I'm chatting with my friends.
If I seem rude, I'm sorry, I just have strong feelings about this game, since I've only played two games in the last few years., and this is my only multiplayer game. I'm much nicer in game.
- Sinicala, leader of Griffons Nest - Sarlona
Sorry this is my first post so i hope it doesn't look too amateurish.
I remember back in my college days there was an option to take classes as a 'monitor' i.e. sit in on the classes but receive no grade and no credit.
How about an option for guild members to select whether or not to factor into guild renown? They could simply choose to be admitted as a social member, the result being that they would not factor into renown in any way.
They would not cause decay, nor would they gain renown for anything they did. They would still have access to all the guild perks, and why not as i can invite anybody i group with onto my guild ship to use the buffs.
To avoid potential abuse this could be a status which would be able to be toggled, say once every 30 days?
Just throwin' it out there
There's actually been at least 3-4 fairly good ideas I've seen to change renown decay formulas and make it less unfriendly to new players and casuals.
My own are at the bottom of the post... but there's lots of suggestions for the devs to go through...
We can only hope they are seeing the amount of renown threads lately, and thinking that perhaps ... maybe... some change could go in.
If I seem rude, I'm sorry, I just have strong feelings about this game, since I've only played two games in the last few years., and this is my only multiplayer game. I'm much nicer in game.
- Sinicala, leader of Griffons Nest - Sarlona
With the gentleman having 13,000 forum posts, and seems to be online every day...
Well, Okay - you go ahead and think Thrudhs a casual player.
I'm going to think differently.
I guess we could ask him... how often do you play, thrudh? How many hours a day? A week?
He's certainly active in the forums, that's for sure!
If I seem rude, I'm sorry, I just have strong feelings about this game, since I've only played two games in the last few years., and this is my only multiplayer game. I'm much nicer in game.
- Sinicala, leader of Griffons Nest - Sarlona
If I seem rude, I'm sorry, I just have strong feelings about this game, since I've only played two games in the last few years., and this is my only multiplayer game. I'm much nicer in game.
- Sinicala, leader of Griffons Nest - Sarlona
Posts on the forums are hardly a meter of playstyle. It'd be silly to think it is.
If you give him the benefit of doubt and consider what he is saying his comment is quite reasonable. To dismiss his opinion about casual guilds off hand by just saying 'your guild isn't a casual guild because you are in it' isn't really fair either.
Community Member
Community Member
Your problem is not with guild renown decay. Your problem is with the fact that you think you should be gaining guild levels when you have no reason to do so other than your own desire for guild levels.
You're putting words into my mouth.
If you WANT to gain levels, then you're only doing it for e-peen.
And here you're telling me what my motives are. And you're also being insulting about it.
That was this page alone. Do you want me to go back through all your posts and prove you wrong?
If I seem rude, I'm sorry, I just have strong feelings about this game, since I've only played two games in the last few years., and this is my only multiplayer game. I'm much nicer in game.
- Sinicala, leader of Griffons Nest - Sarlona
Community Member
When the words that I put in your mouth are accurate, what's the problem?
You want to gain guild levels. You've said repeatedly that you want to gain guild levels. You've said repeatedly that you have a major problem with the idea of your guild stalling in guild levels. Should I go back and find quotes?
There is no meaningful game-benefit for gaining any more guild levels than you have now. The only real reason for you to want more guild levels is just for the sake of having more guild levels.
If I seem rude, I'm sorry, I just have strong feelings about this game, since I've only played two games in the last few years., and this is my only multiplayer game. I'm much nicer in game.
- Sinicala, leader of Griffons Nest - Sarlona
Here, I'll even make it easier for you.
I am the leader of a large guild.
It is a democratic guild - we vote on things.
The majority of our players do want to gain levels.
Therefore, we will have to remove casual players.
It is not my personal choice.
I do not feel this is a fair choice; guild levels vs guilds with a casual component.
I am suggesting changes, elsewhere in the forums.
If I seem rude, I'm sorry, I just have strong feelings about this game, since I've only played two games in the last few years., and this is my only multiplayer game. I'm much nicer in game.
- Sinicala, leader of Griffons Nest - Sarlona
Community Member
Community Member
Community Member
Community Member
I don't think anyone is confused with your position. Their response is, who cares...guild levels don't really matter.
Get over it.
If I seem rude, I'm sorry, I just have strong feelings about this game, since I've only played two games in the last few years., and this is my only multiplayer game. I'm much nicer in game.
- Sinicala, leader of Griffons Nest - Sarlona
Community Member