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  1. #1
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Arrow List of bugs and and issues affecting the Barbarian class

    Since the Barbarian class has had so many unfixed bugs over the years I'm going to keep a list of bugs and issues updated here.


    1. Potions - can't be drank while raged: Neutralize Poison, Remove Curse, Remove Disease, Remove Fear, Remove Paralyses.
    Bugged and reported since: Module 2 when this poor code was added to the game.
    Known Issue: Yes (altho has been for years with no attempts to fix - in fact many patches have only added to the number of potions which can't be used unexplicably)
    U15 Status: Still bugged. However a workaround exists now, but only for players in high level guilds: Guild pots are not clickes, use those.
    Number of years bugged: Six (Since July 12th, 2006)

    2. Frenzy Berserker Raid set steals 1 of your rages if you: Lose connection, Relog, Die, or a number of other scenarios.
    Bugged and reported since: Not reported as I've lost all faith in the bug report system.
    Known Issue: No
    U15 Status: Still bugged. There was a partial fix done to prevent unlimited loss of rages, you can only lose the one now.. But it's still bugged, you should not lose up to 2 rages upon death (1 current one active, plus another charge).
    Number of years bugged: 3.

    3. Frenzy Berserker multiplier increase does not work correctly.
    It works partially - base damage is multiplied. But burst damage on weapons is not correctly increased.
    Bugged and reported since: 2 weeks into Mod 9 beta release
    Known Issue: No
    U15 Status: Still bugged.
    Number of years bugged: 3.

    4. Frenzy and Death Frenzy cause annoying flinch and scream animations on every single swing.
    Video demonstration of bug here.
    Bugged and reported since: 2 weeks into Mod 9 beta release
    Known Issue: No
    U15 Status: Still bugged.
    Number of years bugged: 3.

    5. Frenzy and Death Frenzy use the same icon as a rage potion
    This makes them very hard to distinguish and thus difficult to tell if you are currently frenzied or not, as the visual effect fades quickly, and they all share a similar duration.
    Bugged and reported since: Mod 9 beta release
    Known Issue: No
    U15 Status: Still bugged.
    Number of years bugged: 3.

    Non-Barbarian bugs that directly effect the class's commonly used features:

    Various related Fury and Dreadnaught Bugs, see the list here.

    Issues and Player concerns:

    1. Damage boost is not a worthwhile enhancement, and feels like a penalty to have to take it for Frenzy Berserker.
    Due to requirement of stopping attack and long delay of activating action boosts - damage boost is generally considered to be a DPS loss to use mid battle due to it's rather poor boost (+5 at rank IV). For a class that can deal over 90 base damage with two handed weapons, a +5 boost is trivial and not worth stopping attack to activate.
    Suggestions to improve it:
    Return it to it's module 0 value, and apply double the benefit to two handed weapons as other new enhancements.
    In module 0, the boost provided +10 damage. For lvl10 this was perhaps too high, but for lvl20 TWF it seems fine. THF should gain double the benefit, so +20 damage.
    Provide a percentage increase to base damage, so it scales fairly across all levels and provided a benefit to even the most maxed out characters. Numbers similar to the fighter haste boost enhancement would seem appropriate (+15% to +30% damage boost)
    U11 Status: Fixed. And used pretty close to my alternate suggestion =)

    2. Rage animation time varies greatly depending on race and weapon style - and if interrupted will not activate, but will start a cooldown and waste a use.
    This is really not acceptable as the PnP version doesn't have some way to interrupt it, and it doesn't seem intended.
    Things that can interrupt rage, wasting a charge and starting an unnecessary cooldown:
    • (Fixed) Pressing the movement keys after starting the animation. (This was fixed in U13/14).
    • The below three were not fixed:
    • Grabbing a ledge (often even small inclines that appear as if you could walk over on big characters)
    • Grabbing a ladder
    • Getting CC'd in any way: knockedown, held, petrified, stunned, etc.

    Also how likely you are to get interrupted depends on your race and weapon style.. Doesn't make much sense that a sturdy dwarf is more likely to be interupted by a trip then any other race.

    Examples of greatly varying rage animation times: (Race and weapon style effect it)
    1handed, no shield - Dwarf is ultra slow, 2+ seconds. (weird style but run into this issue often as I use a dwarven war axe haste clicky - and clickies cannot be used if inside weapon sets, so I swap from THF to 1hand no shield to use, then rage)
    2handed Dwarf is rather slow - ~1 second
    S&B Dwarf is rather slow ~1 second
    TWF Dwarf is very fast 0.5 seconds
    THF WF very fast 0.5 seconds
    Halforc anims are fairly fast
    Quick fix: Remove the cooldown
    Best fix: Remove the cooldown + Tweak all the animations to be fast, and uninterruptible. Ultra fast ala paladin lay on hands would be nice.
    U15 Status: Still bugged. though cooldown was at least reduced to 6 seconds. It should be zero seconds, not 6.
    Number of years bugged: Over 6: Since DDO Closed Beta.

    Please contribute any bugs or issues I might of missed.
    Last edited by Shade; 08-19-2012 at 11:01 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Wraith_Sarevok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    3. Frenzy Berserker multiplier increase does not work correctly.
    It works partially - base damage is multiplied. But burst damage on weapons is not correctly increased.
    Bugged and reported since: 2 weeks into Mod 9 beta release
    Known Issue: No
    U15 Status: Still bugged.
    Number of years bugged: 3.
    I have a question.

    Is Frenzy Berserker supposed to work this way? It's not clear in the descriptions whether weapon effects are based on the weapon's critical multiplier or your total critical multiplier. I don't think it says that anywhere in the entire game. I started playing after Mod 9 came out, so did it work this way before the F2P days?
    Khyber: Iqus Tres (Half-Orc Barbarian 20 / Epic 5 / Legendary Dreadnought 5), Ixupi (Drow Sorcerer 20), Outlake (Warforged 7 Monk-in-progress), Petroglyph (Warforged Artificer 16)

  3. #3
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wraith_Sarevok View Post
    I have a question.

    Is Frenzy Berserker supposed to work this way? It's not clear in the descriptions whether weapon effects are based on the weapon's critical multiplier or your total critical multiplier. I don't think it says that anywhere in the entire game. I started playing after Mod 9 came out, so did it work this way before the F2P days?

    It's 100% clear.

    Berserker I descript:
    While raging, increases the critical multiplier of all weapons you use by 1 when you roll a natural 19 or 20 that is a confirmed critical hit. Your two handed weapon glancing blows have an additional 2% chance of applying magical weapon effects. You also gain the ability to expend 10 hp to Supreme Cleave.
    FlameBurst descrpt:
    This weapon is sheathed in fire. A flaming weapon deals an extra 1d6 of fire damage on a successful hit. In addition, critical hits deal an additional 1d10 fire damage per critical multiplier above x1. Example: A weapon with a x4 critical multiplier deals an additional 3d10 fire damage on a critical hit.
    It increases your critical multiplier. Burst work off of your critical multiplier. There is no such thing as "critical multiplier but only for the purposes of X, y, z" not in pen and paper, and not in DDO.

    It's very simple and straightforward logic to me. I don't understand what you trying to get at.

    Additionaly, Yes it does work for monks, I've had one confirm it and post a screenshot his does indeed get increased in earth satance.

    Seems like your infering that you WANT it to not work, which is very odd considering your main is a berserker barbarian. not sure why your fighting this.

  4. #4
    The Hatchery MRMechMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    This weapon is sheathed in fire. A flaming weapon deals an extra 1d6 of fire damage on a successful hit. In addition, critical hits deal an additional 1d10 fire damage per critical multiplier above x1. Example: A weapon with a x4 critical multiplier deals an additional 3d10 fire damage on a critical hit.
    Weapons do not say that. ie,, etc etc

    Actually, the description is very clear. It clearly states the damage for x2, x3 and x4 crits but says nothing for higher crits.

    There is a logical progression of crit multiplier-1 (1d10) damage, but the items themselves say nothing about x5/6 crits. I'd rather trust the in-game item descriptions over what you copied over from the wiki .

    Even with bows x3 multiplier, earthstance monks are only getting x4 total, so it is within the description of the item. If you send me a screenie with any other crit multiplier increasing effect giving a x5/x6 burst damage effect, sure, I'll agree that it should be changed for barb, too.

    Is the +critmult effect giving, for example, x4 burst damage on an axe that has a base x3 multiplier, and not the x6 it should? Because that suggests that critburst damage is capping at x4, like items say. If it is not doing x4 burst damage and only x3, then it is not working at all.

    And no matter what you say, frenzy sharing an icon with a rage pot is not a bug. It is a minor inconvenience. I play barbs as well and have never had issues with wasting rages by grabbing ledges, or getting CCed. I lost a couple rages when I first started but then realized that you don't move 1/2way through the quite short rage animation. I won't say it isn't a waste of time for devs to look into some of these, but there are so many other things that are much, much more broken.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by MRMechMan View Post
    I'd rather trust the in-game item descriptions over what you copied over from the wiki .
    Considering that it is HIS wiki edit, yeah, I'd say you might have a teeny bit of justification there. :P

    Carry on.
    Brenna, Tzanna, and Tzinna Wavekin
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  6. #6
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRMechMan View Post
    Weapons do not say that. ie,, etc etc

    Actually, the description is very clear. It clearly states the damage for x2, x3 and x4 crits but says nothing for higher crits.
    You can trust whatever you want, but my edits to the wiki always accurate and based on facts and developer verified information.

    This one in particular is based on a release note:
    Quote Originally Posted by Module 7 release notes
    Bursting weapons now continue to increase their damage if they "burst" on an attack that has greater than a x4 damage multiplier.
    If you trust item descriptions more then release notes, you are rather confused. The amount of outdated/wrong item descriptions in this game is appalling. The game descriptions are almost NEVER "very clear".

    Release notes also occasionally contain errors. But I've verified the burst damage does scale past x4, at least for paladins.

  7. 08-16-2012, 01:21 PM


  8. 08-16-2012, 02:51 PM


  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    Since the Barbarian class has had so many unfixed bugs over the years I'm going to keep a list of bugs and issues updated here.


    1. Potions - can't be drank while raged: Neutralize Poison, Remove Curse, Remove Disease, Remove Fear, Remove Paralyses.
    Bugged and reported since: Module 2 when this poor code was added to the game.
    Known Issue: Yes (altho has been for years with no attempts to fix - in fact many patches have only added to the number of potions which can't be used unexplicably)
    U15 Status: Still bugged. However a workaround exists now, but only for players in high level guilds: Guild pots are not clickes, use those.
    Number of years bugged: Six (Since July 12th, 2006)
    Same problem with Madstone Rage, sadly.

    Left my boots in the bank this life because I'm not in a guild and I can't use all these potions if it procs.

    They're not even made as potions, that's the problem. When you use them they are clearly using a spellcasting animation instead of a potion one.

    Would really love to see this fixed.

  10. #10
    Community Member grayham's Avatar
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    My bad.
    Last edited by grayham; 08-16-2012 at 05:54 PM.

  11. #11
    Community Member Diyon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grayham View Post
    OK, so even if you do what I do, which is to hotkey it to say, 8, then immediately hit the cleave hotkey, say 7, and continuing to attack as normal:

    You still lose more DPS then you would gain over a 20 second period?

    Even if you're right Shade, and I don't necessarily doubt it, shallow fools like me will always enjoy seeing the big numbers even if somewhere a mathematician is telling me that I lost 600 damage faffing around with hotkeys.

    Also it seems to stack nicely with adrenaline overload and momentum swing.
    If you finish reading that entry, it says it's been fixed, it's a +% damage similar one of the alternatives he suggested.
    Khyber: Runforr 13/6/1 Rog/Ftr/Mnk, Bakup 3/3/1 Mnk/Pal/Rog (TR Pal), Faylah 14 Mnk (TR Mnk), Janthyra 12/7/1 Brb/Rog/Ftr, Ainbthech 20 Sor, Fliethas 18/2 Fvs/Mnk, Unfilled 12/6/2 Mnk/Rgr/Ftr, Arcanemark 10 Wiz "Don't eat us dragon! We're like you, but smaller. And fly worse." - Kobold Crewman on the Heart of Wind

  12. #12
    Community Member grayham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diyon View Post
    If you finish reading that entry, it says it's been fixed, it's a +% damage similar one of the alternatives he suggested.
    Yes, quite right. Original post edited. I think I assumed ( dum dum DUM) that a post about bugs wouldn't include ones that have been fixed.

    Thanks for pointing it out.

  13. #13
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grayham View Post
    Yes, quite right. Original post edited. I think I assumed ( dum dum DUM) that a post about bugs wouldn't include ones that have been fixed.

    Thanks for pointing it out.
    It's a continuation of a previous thread. To make it clear to those who follow it, when I update, I mark it as fixed, rather then deleting it. My next update it will be removed.

  14. #14



    I've always somehow enjoying reading your posts. They are either very good or very amusing. But I have 1 complaint here.

    You are saying that the bugs aren't fixed in update 15 yet. There is no way in the world you can say that for 1 good reason. Update 15 is not live yet, yes i know it is on Lamannia, but as we all know, Live is never the same as Lamannia - lol. Maybe change that status to Lam-Update 15.

    just a thought and remember to have fun
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  15. #15
    Community Member grayham's Avatar
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    Last edited by grayham; 08-16-2012 at 05:53 PM. Reason: wrong quote

  16. #16
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragon.Star View Post

    I've always somehow enjoying reading your posts. They are either very good or very amusing. But I have 1 complaint here.

    You are saying that the bugs aren't fixed in update 15 yet. There is no way in the world you can say that for 1 good reason. Update 15 is not live yet, yes i know it is on Lamannia, but as we all know, Live is never the same as Lamannia - lol. Maybe change that status to Lam-Update 15.

    just a thought and remember to have fun

    This is the lammania bug forum.
    These bugs are on lammannia, I've verified them as such.

    So no, I do not need to clarify that. One needs to only read the forum header.

    Also: 99.9999% of final lamannia builds such as this one went live as is. So its ultra unlikely to change.
    Last edited by Shade; 08-16-2012 at 06:36 PM.

  17. #17
    Community Member Ivan_Milic's Avatar
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    There seems to be some problem with lag or something but sometimes I click on my dmg or sprint boost and it doesnt activate,I just get the cool down on them(30 sec cooldown).

  18. #18
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ivan_Milic View Post
    There seems to be some problem with lag or something but sometimes I click on my dmg or sprint boost and it doesnt activate,I just get the cool down on them(30 sec cooldown).
    Yea i get that lots too.

    Believe it's just lag and thus probably hard to fix.

    Workaround: spam the button some more, it will activate even tho it appears to be on cooldown. (and cd will then reset)

    Same deal for clickies, ed abilities, and other class stuff, not a barbarian specific bug.

  19. #19
    Community Member xxScoobyDooxx's Avatar
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    Barbarian Capstone feat grants you toughness but it does not allow you to take epic toughness as a feat.

    Not sure if this is WAI
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  20. #20
    Community Member Hydro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxScoobyDooxx View Post
    Barbarian Capstone feat grants you toughness but it does not allow you to take epic toughness as a feat.

    Not sure if this is WAI
    Think your talking about past life feat and the devs already said this is WAI.

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