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  1. #1
    Community Member Nargroth's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Default Druid and pet control

    I just recently got the subscription thing for the VIP content, and it gave me the druid class as well.. which is awesome since I play a Spirit Shaman in our PnP sessions (Spirit Shaman basically being a sorcerer version with druid spells).

    Anyways, the class is great and at least as fun as playing my Rogue (so far at least).

    But, is there any way to control the pets? I don't mean the Wolf Companion (which absolutely rocks) since she has her own pet-bar. But the summoned pets, like the Lioness, Winterwolf and so on? I don't see any petbar for those and they seem to always be aggressive?

    Are they affected by same pet-bar options you set for the wolf companion?

    Or are there any commands you can use to set them to defensive or even stay/passive stance?

    Sometimes I have to climb areas and then go back down and I don't want the pets to follow me since they are usually slow to catch up or teleport to you, and I prefer to have them around when the fighting starts and not stuck on some ledge or ladder.

    Just can't seem to find any way to control summoned pets (using Summon Natures Ally I, II, III et.c.).

  2. #2
    Community Member GlassJaw's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    Nope. Anything that is summoned will act on its own - nothing you can do. The only ones you can "control" are those that have a hireling bar.

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    No, there is currently no way to control summoned creatures. In situations where it is critical to have such control (say, making sure the creature doesn't aggro a mob), your best bet is to make sure you have no summoned creatures at the time.

    For pets, as you say, just set them to "passive" mode and they won't do anything until you tell them to.

  4. #4
    Community Member Nargroth's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2012


    Is it intended that they act on their own while just following you around?

    I like the pets, even if they aren't as effective as the companion (at least not at low levels). But they provide a nice way to distribute incomming damage instead of taking everything to the face yourself and being "alpha'd" to death.

    Just wish they had some limited form of control, such as aggressive/defensive/passive modes.

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