End stats:
Rogue 18 / Wizard 2 Male Elf (Lawful Good)
HP: 338, SP: 315, AC: 27
SAVES: FORT: 13, REFL: 20, WILL: 13
BAB: +14/+14/+19/+24
STR: 24 (+7)
DEX: 28 (+9)
CON: 24 (+7)
INT: 20 (+5)
WIS: 18 (+4)
CHA: 16 (+3)
Balance: 47
Bluff: 3
Concentration: 7
Diplomacy: 26
Disable Device: 43
Haggle: 3
Heal: 4
Hide: 31
Intimidate: 3
Jump: 46
Listen: 6
Move Silently: 46
Open Lock: 47
Perform: n/a
Repair: 5
Search: 50
Spot: 49
Swim: 7
Tumble: n/a
UMD: n/a
I didn't add any enhancements to the builder, as its all new to me. I'm wondering about the balance of the stats. I went assassin last life, so I would like to try something new this life. Any tips, advice, or coffee appreciated.