With the new stats and effects from the lvl 21-25 game what "makes sense" to make in terms of GS items for a caster FvS? I havent made any GS yet so consider me ignorant but looking for advice. TR isnt an issue just yet.
I am thinking that a single accessory either with +10HP+150 SP or +45 HP and ConOpp would be an excellent idea. Maybe a second to have both a +45hp and a +150 SP. Unless I read it incorrectly a ConOpp item will get +10 diplo, +10 haggle, +6 wis from its 2nd aspect - unfortunately now +6 wis is surpassed. For a second accessory I am undecided which aspects to go for - maybe just +5 prot and heavy fort - so feel free to give advice.
I am also thinking that one or more weapons with displacement clickies and maybe one with ConOpp would be very nice if I ever get that much time to play.
Any comments or advice is most welcome.