Dwarf Paladin 14/Fighter 4/Monk2, US6 - Dwarven Sentinel
This is a concept build at the moment. Started off as an idea mixing Paladin with Dwarven Defender (racial PrE), but since this was pushed back I've reworked it for "just" U14.
I've still got a few holes to work out - particularly the dps numbers in tank mode and a dps gear/ED mode.
Borrowed lot of ED details from the Feithlin's Immortal build, and the double strike ideas firmed up in my head by looked at Wowo's Swashbuckler build.
I'd be keen for some comments.
Dwarf 36pt - Paladin/Barb PL
44 Str 14 +3tome +2ship +6item +1enh. +1excp +2insight +4stance +3prof +2yugo +6lvl
32 Dex 16 +3tome +2ship +8item +1excp +2yugo
34 Con 15 +3tome +2ship +7item +1excp +2insight +4stance
14 Int 10 +3tome +2ship -1brawn
20 Wis 8 +3tome +2ship +6item -1brawn
30 Cha 15 +3tome +2ship +7item +2enh. +1excp +2yugo
Human Option - Extra Heal Amp, Skill Points and Feat. 16/14/15/10/8/16
CHA 16 +3tome +2ship +7item +3enh. +1excp +2yugo =34 +2insight = 36
+2 CHA: -4 Fortitude save
+2 STR: -4 Will save
+2 CON: +20HP, -5% melee speed
+2 DEX: +6 sneak to hit, -2 to hit
Feats: 7 base, 3 fighter, 2 monk, 2 epic
Defensive (7): Shield Mastery, Improved Shield Mastery, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, PL: Barb
Offensive (5): PA, IC:Slash, THF, ITHF, GTHF
Other (2): SF: Intimidate, Stunning Blow
- THF/ITHF/GTHF is better than Cleave/GC/OC
- Switch Stunning Blow, Spring Attack or SF: Intimidate for Cleave - in order to get LD abilities?
- eToughness - Not possible: requires Toughness/CON21 and not with PL: Barb
- Improved Sunder - No room.
- Improved Shield Bash - broken at the moment.
Dwarf - 19AP and maybe 21AP
- Dwarven Axe Damage II (6AP): +2 OH axe dmg, +4 greataxe
- Dwarven Spell Defense III (6AP): +5 (total) saves vs spells
- Improved Intimidate IV (4AP): +4 Intimidate
- Racial Toughness II (3AP): +20HP
- ?? Racial Toughness IV (+7AP): +20HP - better to get CON II (10AP) for +25 HP/+1fort?
- ?? Dwarven Tactics II (6AP): +2 tactics
- ?? Dwarven Shield Mastery III (6AP): +DR/3 for shields - expensive
- ?? Dwarven Armor Mastery I (2AP) - +1MDB - depends on MDB/Dodge
Other - 7AP + maybe 5AP
- Way of the Tenacious Badger I (1AP): +1 intimidate (uncentered?)
- Fighter Strength I (2AP)
- Fighter Toughness II (3AP) - +20HP
- Fighter Haste Boost I (1AP) - +15% dps speed for 20 sec
- ?? Fighter Armor Mastery I (2AP): Potential, depends on dodge numbers
- ?? Fighter Strategy (Stunning Blow) II (3AP): +2 stunning blow
Paladin DOS - 16AP
- Paladin Defender of Siberys II (6AP)
- Paladin Divine Righteousness I: (1AP) +threat
- Paladin Bulwark of Good II (3AP)
- Paladin Resistance of Good II (3AP)
- Paladin Armor Class Boost I (1AP): +2 AC for 20sec
- Paladin Courage of Good I (1AP): +2 saves/fear
- Paladin Focus of Good I (1AP): +3 Concentration
Other Paladin - 15AP
- Paladin Bulwark of Good III: (+3AP) +3 AC - IV is at lvl15
- Paladin Resistance of Good III: (+3AP) +3 saves
- Paladin Charisma II (6AP): Expensive
- Paladin Divine Might II: (3AP) +4 dmg
- Extra LOH! Smites! - TODO
Total: 57AP + ?? 26AP ?? + LOH/Smites
- Paladin Divine Sacrifice I (1AP) <= Paladin Extra Smite Evil II (3AP) = 4AP
- Paladin Divine Sacrifice II (3AP) <= Paladin Extra Smite Evil III (6AP) = 9AP
- Paladin Divine Sacrifice III (6AP) <= Paladin Extra Smite Evil IV (10AP) = 16AP
- Paladin Exalted Smite I (1AP) <= Paladin Extra Smite Evil II (3AP) = 4AP
- ...
- Paladin Extra Lay on Hands - 1AP/2AP/3AP
Probably go with Divine Sacrifice I and Paladin Exalted Smite I and ELOH+2 for 8AP.
Stances: Fire (heal amp), Earth (5% AC, 3PPR, 25% threat), Air (2.5% doublestrike)
For Ref Wil
09 04 04 Paladin@14
04 01 01 Fighter@4
03 03 03 Monk@2
02 02 02 Epic levels
02 02 02 DOS II Stance
12 11 05 Abilities - CON@34, DEX@32, WIS@20
05 05 05 Resistance item (cloak)
04 04 04 GH
01 Haste
02 02 02 Luck
10 10 10 CHA@30
01 01 01 Aura
03 03 03 Paladin Resistance of Good III
57 49 42
04 00 04 Yugo
53 49 38
06 Lithe (SD 2)
06 Unearthly reactions (Mag 1): +6 Ref, +3% Dodge
01 01 01 US5 (Inate)
02 02 02 Brace for Impact (US1): +2 saves, +40% Fort
56 64 41
05 05 05 Dwarf vs spells
61 69 46
04 04 04 Sup. parrying (insight) - need to find slot
01 01 01 DOS3 or DS3
010 Barb PL
020 Base
010 Draconic
140 Paladin@14
040 Fighter@4
016 Monk@2
050 Epic
300 CON@34
020 Past Life: Berserker's Fury
030 GFL
025 Toughness Item
045 GS
020 Racial Toughness (can go higher if AP)
020 Class Toughness
050 US1
050 US3
020 Yugo
025 Yugo CON
+15% DOSII (+20% for DSIII and +2 CON => 916 + 20% = 1099)
4% Ring of Dun'Robar
3% Bracers of Wind
1% Bracers of Wind
3% Dodge
2% Mobility
2% Spring Attack
3% Unearthly Reaction (Mag 1)
3% Perfect Balance (GMOF 1)
3% Epic Grim's Bracelet
2% Head of Good Fortune (upgraded)
14 Hide of the Goristro
02 Mobility
06 Lithe (SD 2)
10% Zeal
06% Alchemical Air Tier 2
08% Improved Shield Mastery (feat)
07% Legendary shield mastery (US2)
05% Inspire Recklessness (bard - seems it does stack with ISM)
03% Epic Spare Hand Tier 3
03% GMoF2: Hail of Blows (may work if uncentered)
05% Cannith Combat Infusion
100% Base
50% DOS II (untyped?)
50% DOS II w/ shield (Sacred)
10% Brawn
15% Stalwart Necklace/Set
100% Divine Righteous (Competence)
325% w/o Intimidate
Note to self: Need to check Threat bonus types. Divine Righteous is supposedly Competence [2], but may actually be Sacred [1]. If DoSII 50% Sacred and DR 100% Sacred - do the differing amounts stack?
PPR - 0.65*(1–(0.99^PRR))
13 Half BAB (19+3)/2 + 2
15 SD II
15 Defensive stance
20 iCE (LD2 twist)
15 Legendary SM
10 Heed no pain
20 Unbreakable stance
15 Large Shield/ISM
123 (~46.12%)
10 Base
14 Hide of the Goristro
03 DOS2 Armour Bonus (20%)
13 Large Alchemical
03 DOS2 Shield Bonus (20%)
11 Dex@32
03 Natural (ship)
03 Natural (armor)
05 Natural (spell/item)
05 Natural (sacred) US1/Unbreakable
05 Deflection/Protection
04 Insight/Heightened Awareness 4
06 Lithe
03 Sigil of warding
02 Alchemical
01 Haste
01 Aura of Good
03 Paladin Bulwark of Good III
=98 Total
08 Shield prowess (US1)
10 Hardened
12 CE
03 DOS/DS3 Armour Bonus
02 DOS/DS3 Shield Bonus
03 Shield Prowess
00 CE
116 Base
027 Embrace of the Spider Queen
011 DOS/DS3 Armour Bonus
-17 Hide of the Goristro
-05 Base MDB+ Fighter Armor Mastery I (2AP)+03 Dwarven Armor Mastery III (12AP)
13 CE
128AC vs 136AC vs 146AC against 100/150/200 to hit
Monster's to-hit vs Player: (AB + 10.5)/ AC / 2
Player's to-hit vs Monster: (AB + 10.5)/ AC / 2 + 25% nearest 5%
23 Heroic
05 Epic
05 Unyielding Sentinel V
20 Epic Brawn's Spirits
05 Epic Gloves of the Claw
06 GS Air II
04 Greater Heroism
02 Good Luck
04 Improved Intimidate
10 CHA@30
02 Coin Lord Finishing School
01 Epic Spider Mask
02 Past Life: Berserker's Fury
03 Skill Focus: Intimidate
01 Badger I
04 Large guild slot shield
06 Draconic Incarnation (Tier 1 twist of fate)
02 Inspire competence (untyped)
02 Monk (Fire - Light - Fire) (untyped 60sec)
02 Bullheaded
06 Stalwart Defender III
11 Base
10 CHA@30
06 GS
04 GH
02 Luck
03 Item
01 Spider Mask
Unyielding Sentinel
4 Brace for Impact +40% Fort, +2 saves
3 Shield Prowess +50% shield AC
3 Legendary Shield Mastery +15 PPR with Shield
3 Hardened +10AC
2 Intolerant blow (aoe taunt)
3 Block energy - block 30% energy damage
3 Endless lay on hands - +3 LOH/+20%regen
2 Light the dark - AOE heal for LOH
1 Endless smiting - +1 smites/10% reneg
24 Total
2 Undying Vanguard Epic Moment
2 Anoint weapon - Stand Against the Tide gives Holy
2 Purify weapon - Stand Against the Tide gives Pure Good (DR breaking)
2 Healing hands - 25 Positive Power (optional)
Head: Epic Helm of Frost - CHA+7, Greater Cold Resist, YELLOW (GFL?)
Necklace: Stalwart Necklace - CON+6, +2 Boosts, +2 AC, Incite +15%
or Epic Golden Guile - Ghostly, Dip+20, Bluff+20, Improved Deception, CHASk+1, YELLOW
or Epic Grim's Bracelet - Strength +7, Dodge 3%, GREEN
Goggles: GS Air III +6 CHA Skills, Wiz VI, +150 SP? Or HP
Gloves: Epic Gloves of the Claw - STR+6, +5 Intimidate, 30% Heal Amp
Cloak: Epic Envenomed Cloak - CON+7, +5 Resistances, Greater Poison Guard, GREEN
Boots: Epic Boots of Corrosion, Greater Acid Resist, Disintegration Guard, GREEN, COLOURLESS
Trinket: Epic Brawn's Spirit - +20 Intim, +2CON, Incite +10%, WIS/INT -1, GREEN (Slot +2 Luck)
Bracers: Bracers of Wind - Dodge 3% Craft: Dodge 1%, Blurry, Air Guard
Belt: GS Min. II (+45 HP, Heavy Fort) or Epic Spare Hand w/Heavy Fort
Armour: Hide of the Goristro - AC14, MDB:14, DEX+8, Toughness,Rough Hide (+3AC), Alacrity 10%, Vertigo +10
Ring1: Cinder's Band - STR+6, +1CON, +20% Heal Amp
Tier 3 Epic Ring of the Stalker - ESneak +3, Seeker +6, Manslayer, Ghostly,COLOURLESS, YELLOW (Slot +1 CON, +6STR?)
Ring2: Seal of House Dun'Robar - Dodge 4%, +2STR, +5 Combat mastery
Set Bonus: Abishai +3 STR, +3 Profane NA
TO SLOT: WIS (for casting), INT (for SF pots), GFL, Heavy Fort? +1 DEX, +1 CHA
Oathblade - Longsword: 2[1d10]+6, 15-20/x2 (Keen), Superior Parrying, Absolute Law, Vorpal, Maiming, Bleed
2[W] Crafted Metal Dwarven Axes with Holy Greater Banes, etc.
Large Alchemical Air/Air/Air - AC13, DR12, Stunning +10, Heightened Awareness 4, 6% Doublestrike, Alchemical Dexterity +2, Lightning Strike, Electric Storm (main)
Vengeful Protector - AC10, DR11, 10% Heal Amp, Incite +10% (heal amp mode)
Epic Kundarak Warding Shield - AC14, DR13, +6 Resists, SR25, BLUE, VIOLET(+7)
+5 Heavy Celestial Shield - AC14, DR12, Craft what?
+5 Deathblock Large Shield of Incite +20% Large Guild Slot
Epic Bracers of the Claw : +2CON, Heavy Fort, +4 damage
Purple Dragon helm - +CON7, +2STR, +15 Intimidate
Symbol of the Shining Sun - Necklace: Wisdom +7, Insightful Charisma +2, Concentration +15, Amaunator's Blessing Set Bonus
Signet of the Shining Sun - Ring: Charisma +7, Insightful Wisdom +2, Superior Healing Lore, Amaunator's Blessing Set Bonus [ML:20]
Epic Ring of the Silver Concord - CHA+7, Protection +6, Command, YELLOW
Epic Cloak of the Silver Concord - CHA+7, Haggle +15, Diplomacy +15, Persuasion, YELLOW
Cormyrian Red Dragonscale Armors - AC?, MDB?, Toughness, Superior Fire Resistance, Fire Absorption 20%, Protection +6, Heavy Fortification, Seeker +10
Cloak: Shetlering +9 PPR, Protection +7, ExCombat Mastery +6, Incite +20%
http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=385330 - Fighter The Immortal -- U14 Light tank
http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=387351 - Rogue Wowo's Swashbuckler
http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php...03#post4249203 - Racial PrE changes
http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php...06#post4634406 - Enhancement changes delayed
http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php...62#post4622962 - Hitpoints versus PRR: Which helps your character more?
http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=308252 - Paladin Latest gear projections for AC tank
http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p...8&postcount=33 - US/Intolerant Blow bugged at the moment?
Threat Links
[1] http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p...5&postcount=14
[2] http://compendium.ddo.com/wiki/Enhan...ighteousness_I
Edits: 20120823 Fixed error with PRR and Doublestrike. 20120827 Added link, hogf and crafted shield option. 20120905 Note about threat.